Hello k, I recently turned 18 and have made my first gun purchase.
Its a Chinese SKS but im not totally sure if its a type 56 or not.
Im just asking if i did good or not.
Pls no mean
Hello k, I recently turned 18 and have made my first gun purchase.
Its a Chinese SKS but im not totally sure if its a type 56 or not.
Im just asking if i did good or not.
Pls no mean
Yes it's a type 56. Don't post your serial #s on a public forum
Good first gun. May you ping many a steel targets with it.
Good advice, feel like a retard now.
Good shit, looks like a mid to late 60s model
Early ones would have a blade bayonet, so it's most likely late or post 1960s. Sks is a fine choice for a first gun. How much was It?
See this is where i was getting scared of bully but i paid a flat 450 with tax
That's about right.
not a bad price, could have done worse
About normal for an sks now in most stores.
a bit higher end, but milsurp is starting to run up in price these days. Might as well get them now
If you get stripped clips, make sure they're waxed or you will never be able to use them. Pushing bullets out of a unwaxed stripped clip is like rubbing sticky sandpaper together. It sucks. All my stripped clips are waxed and it takes very little force to chamber
*STRIPPER. Fuck phone posting
sweet thanks guys
Wheres a good place to find a cleaning rod for it (its missing) also bulk ammo?
Cleaning rod's not that useful. Just get a standard cleaning kit. If it's just to complete the rifle, ebay
Dunham's always has $5 20 round boxes on sale every other week
Ebay, or maybe liberty tree collectors, for a cleaning rod, and SGammo for bulk ammo
ive never heard of waxing a stripper clip, is it as simple as smashing a crayon in there or?
There's absolutely nothing anyone can do with your serial numbers. Unless you bought it via private sale, the government already knows you own it. No one can falsely report it as being stolen without also providing their own information (name/address/etc) thereby incriminating themselves for lying to the police.
Hiding serial numbers if fud-tier nonsense.
Thank you for the re-assurance
Kind of. just something so there's a really thin, permanent layer on it so the bullets never really contact the metal. A layer of car wax then wiping it off with a towel might work. I had mine given to me already I think with candle wax
t. ATF
don't do it anyway. Never do it
thanks again i feel overwhelmed with how helpful yall are
i saw a chink for 600 the other day.
i was shocked,
Yes sir.
Heh. Same here first one was a russian. Please be patient with it and understand its not an ak and never will be. They are excellent rifles as they dont cost you any more than ammo and stripper clips so you'll save moneyon logistics for it. If you take care of it, you'll make every shekel back if you decide to sell.
Now, git innawoods
Odds are, nothing bad will happen if you do, but I always avoid posting serial numbers unless I have something to gain from it and can prove I purchased the gun legally.
Tbh you could probably buy a rickshaw to match it for another couple hundred and make the cost back is gas savings by having it pull you around
About the only good thing about Canada is that I can grab a Chinese SKS for about 210-220 leafbucks and a Russian one for about 270-280. Gonna pick up a Russian one for myself as soon as my PAL comes in.