When are we going to update this?

When are we going to update this?

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Change nothing in the original text but make the following addition:

“And this is an individual right and anybody who suggests otherwise will be sodomized by Cornwallis in hell for eternity.”

I agree.
>Get some goddamn guns, boy. Shoot anybody trying to stop you.

It should be cut down to "SHALL NOT"

You're right, they forgot to mention our right to own nukes.

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when are you going back to your discord?

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“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the Individual to keep and bear any arms and armament shall not be infringed. SO HANDS OFF YOU DIRTY FUCKING LIBERALS”

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, taken away, made a privilege, or otherwise limited.

It would look better handwritten.

"I swear to God if you dumbasses seriously think that the people shouldn't be owning the latest and greatest full-auto-mega-ass-blaster Abrams then you're the reason why this law exists"

"Also fuck Nancy Pelosi and that Hughes bitch. Fucking assholes."

>taken away, made a privilege, or otherwise limited.
Thats the definition of infringement

yes but clearly you and our politicians are too retarded to understand that and need it literally spelled out like that.

>everybody can have guns, also any laws concerning guns, ammo, magazines, or other gun related things are not allowed

some need to hear it broken down to understand it.

So your solution is to dumb down the wording of the Constitution, rather than, I dunno, electing smarter politicians or simply educating the people around you?


Hopefully never.

But if it were up to me, I'd just make it "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

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when precision cuatard baby bill smashing HOOOOONK in the basedboy septum of great crushing

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>smarter politicians
Some of us are trying to be realistic here.

Where to cop that man?

Don't do it, think about the consequences on user's forearm.

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Here's my take:

"An armed public, being nessesary to the existence of free men, the right of the populace to possess and arm themselves with contemporary weapons SHALL remain immutable."

"All laws made by jews are null and void".

add the "under no pretext" bit to the end just to make it clear to everyone

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It'll get updated (removed) after the brownening is compete

The prefatory clause is a bit outdated grammatically, it should be clarified by breaking into two sentences:
"The ability of citizenry to match the military force of the state is necessary to the maintenance of their freedom. For this and other reasons, the right of the people to possess and use all tools of military force shall not be hindered under any pretext."

"All citizens of the United States have the right to purchase, own, manufacture, distribute, sell, or otherwise handle in capacity, any small arms and crew served weapons. Any member or employee of government suggesting anything to the contrary is to be guilty of sedition, and any attempt by aforementioned to infringe upon this right are lawfully opposable with lethal force."

>A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the duty of the the people to keep and bear arms, shall be enforced.

The reason our constitution exists is because the founding fathers understood that retarded politicians was an inevitability.


Should we?

>Congress has introduced a new welfare program, called Nuggets for the Needy, Mossbergs for the Masses. All households earning less than 24,000 annually shall be issued their choice of Mosin Nagant or Mossberg shotgun, and be given one hundred rounds per month."

Hundred rounds a month seems a bit excessive, what with govs being stingy and all, but imagine if everyone was required by law to learn about weapons and their (proper) use and ownership.


>too retarded

They know what they are doing. They are just pretending to be retarded so they don't get strung up by an angry mob. Also, I must add, that even if it was spelled out like that they would just reinterpret it in some way or another.

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One can dream, user.