How would the railgun in Metro 2033 function?

How would the railgun in Metro 2033 function?

As it makes me wonder if such a thing would be possible and since i'm electrical engineer and not a gunsmith, I'd like to know how it would load pallets into the rail.

Any Jow Forums gunsmiths like to take a guess to it's functionality?

Attached: metro_exodus_hand_made_guns.jpg (850x478, 61K)

The loading mechanism is very easy and can be done in a variety of ways. The hard part is the railgun, with current tech we are not able to make a railgun that small and portable, we can only make them very large due to thr massive power requerments.

Railguns exist, it's simply an application of magnetic fields to accelerate objects. The issue is that portable railguns are difficult to make because of huge power needs.

What I've seen on YouTube seems to suggest other wise such as a piece of foil wrapped around cardboard with the rail being broken up into a possible and negative terminal.

That can move a nail off it and that wouldn't be too hard to scale.

Well, Here's a diagram, how would your loading system fit into it?

Attached: function.png (1080x1920, 59K)

>That can move a nail off it and that wouldn't be too hard to scale.
Moving objects with a magnetic field is trivial. Accelerating them to very high speeds, which is the entire point of the railgun system in the first place, is a serious problem.

True me i'm an electrical engineer, it shouldn't be that hard to work out power requirements.

Yeah, it should be easy to work out, but it would be incredibly heavy.

There are videos of decent coil guns out there but portable rail guns are a nightmare to make. Have fun calculating the logic for an FPGA that will control the current feed into the EM generating elements to achieve consistent acceleration through the barrel. There's no fucking way a slav could make a rail gun capable of actually killing things in a train car.

You’re right, one goober from Jow Forums should have no issue with this problem that entire research labs and teams of government scientists with immense budgets haven’t even come close to solving. Good luck.

4 u

I've yet to see a loading system from you, only excuses.

Are you even a gunsmith?

Those aren’t all the same person you mong

You quoted different people you dumb shit.

Holy shit nigger, the loading system is the easiest thing to do, you have thousands of examples. Make the rail gun system and we will be impressed to no end, we won't care if you use an elaborate magazine loading system or if you shit anal beads down the barrel.

>you have thousands of examples
I do? Where. When. What?

>shit anal beads down the barrel

You are either a troll or very retarded

>You are either a troll or very retarded
Remember when i said, I don't have experience as a gunsmith? I work with electronics and most electronics have as few moving pieces as possible.

what about like, every manually operated firearm ever. There is probably one that would fit just right. I'm saying volcanic pistol for shits and giggles

I get your saying a bolt action, problem is that the bolt may be magnetize and pulled forward then jamming in the closed position.

In most firearms the bolt is made out of steel because it has to face a lot of pressur. In a setup run purely on magnets the bolt can be made out of anything including but not limited to: aluminium, brass, titanium, unobtanium, plastic, etc. But again, i would not worry about the feed mechanism, it is literaly the easiest part of the railgun, focus on making it shoot.

Okay. Then again why not magnetically seal the bolt if that be how it do

You'd have to shut the power off each time making it harder to make it automatic if you so desire.