i heard my dogs barking so i got my 9mm and went outside i found a possum i shot at it 4 times i missed. one bullet ricocheted and hit my bathroom window and hit the wall. i cleaned it up. my dad is going to be mad. what do? (i should have used the 357) how fucked am i?
I heard my dogs barking so i got my 9mm and went outside i found a possum i shot at it 4 times i missed...
Maybe you should practice more. You could have had fried possum tonight.
yea you are right but i can shoot my 357 revolver good (last time i used the 9mm i missed)
im the best fuck up
You do realize the police are going to come and take your dad's guns and maybe arrest him for child endangerment because he let you use them, right?
shoot him
Why would you even waste a bullet on a possum
Shovel and shut up. Tell him you don't know what happened to the window, you cleaned it y.
Dont change simple story
im not a child
yea i will pay him back for the window
Should leave possums alone, they eat a ton of ticks. I’d rather have a barking dog than lyme disease.
>this is acceptable
yes taking away weapons beacue a 19 year old retard shot his own window
pussom laughs at OP
he probably lives out in the country
Why didn't you let your dog do the work? Pic related was my dog, unfortunately she got parvo and passed away in December.
>im not a child
are you special in a special way?
>unfortunately she got parvo and passed away in December.
Learn to aim better
>what do?
Learn to shoot fag
Yes, unfortunately it was too late for her.
short snout possum is peak possum phenotype
and i thought a medicine ball through the wall or my brother through the window was bad
Jesus Christ possums are ugly. My dog rips them apart after i shoot em with my Ruger plinker pellet rifle. You dont need anything bigger.
But I don't want my dag to get Pawtism
Oh, that fucking disease they have a vaccine for?
Are you the type who only practices mag dumping? As great as that is for large human sized targets inside of 20 yards it's not good enough for taking animals that run away after the first shot.
If you cant hit a 10" at 50 yards on your first shot your form isnt right
I found her in the middle of a forest as a puppy, she wasn't even a full year when she passed. She must have gotten it at birth and it started having effects later. Also the vaccine isn't a surefire cure. You can blame me, heck I do, but there wasn't much I could have done.
Or show some initiative and take it to the hardware store and get it done yourself. And buy a box of ammo to replace what you shot up.
Windows get broken, son. We get a little pissed about it when you don't take responsibility for it and when we need to take time to clean up after you. Clean up your own messes. We'll help, but come to me with solutions, not just problems.
>t. a father and a boss.
>found her as a puppy
That’s when you start the shots you fucking idiot. Take some responsibility.
you should have used a .22
Parvo has an incubation period of 3 to 14 days. You killed your dog with your negligence. Congratulations.
>killing animals without reason
would be an accident
>the government is going to come trespass in your home and seize your private property because your child is a retard and the government knows everything and knows your kid took pot shots at a fucking opossum one day
>She must have gotten it at birth and it started having effects later
Dumber than OP. You killed your dog.
Fucking leafs, fuck off
Yeah cause I'm just made of money huh. I can't afford to take myself to the hospital you think I can get a stray dog vaccinated?
>that pic
>38 replies
Why is Jow Forums like this?
You're a piece of shit.
They also eat a bunch of poultry, though, so fuck possums.
A mob of guinea fowl is the answer for ticks.
Fuck off city boy
perhaps he should have left the puppy alone in the woods, not given it love or food or shelter, that way he wouldnt be a piece of shit, just someone minding his own business.
Still died due to it's owner's gross negligence.
She would have died no matter what I did. You will die too and nobody can change that. You fuckin city fucks think all problems can be solved.
why would you shoot an opossum, they're good for your yard and totally harmless to you and your dog.
>all problems
No, mostly just this one.
>She would have died no matter what I did
Says the moron who effectively killed his dog within the same year he got it by not getting it vaccinated.
If you don't have birds then youre a little bitch for shooting at the possum. You can literally just put on gloves, pick it up, and move it. Possums wont do shit.
If I had the money to do so then I would have. I did what I could do once she got sick, and she has a proper grave. You can't make me feel bad about this.
>You can't make me feel bad about this