How do you get a Jow Forums gf?

How do you get a Jow Forums gf?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>go to church
>ask out pretty girl that isn't obviously riding the cock carousel
>don't be a sperg
>slowly introduce her to you hobby
>put a baby in her

>get normal gf
>take her shooting with your parents
>let other people teach her to shoot
>don’t be a fucking autist about it
>let her buy her own gun
>invite her to matches
basically let other people do the work. when she realizes guntards will treat her like a unicorn everywhere she goes she’ll love it

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Get a gf, redpill her. I wouldn’t say my fiance is Jow Forums but she just doesn’t care which is better. I have my own hobby I do, she doesn’t know what any of the shit I buy costs, she has her office with her cloths, books, and girly shit and I have a room for all my funs and Jow Forums related things. I reeee’d a bit last night though when I asked her if she liked an xm177 or a 727 for my retro build and she said they looked the same.

This is just good advice period

She wasn't wrong. AR platforms are hideous lmao

you can start with any center, center right woman. even some liberals can be converted. My GF was center and libertarian type. Then we got interested in guns together at the same time 8 years ago we got ARs.

>Implying church girls are good
Are you retarded?

>How do you get a Jow Forums gf?

Thai brothel, just ask for the one who ha a gun


>implying they won't bring out the ladyboy with the biggest dick if you ask that

I want that Polish javelin-tossing grill.

sounds pretty Jow Forums to me

ain't no such thing as a non semen demon church girl.

also not every lib girl is anti-gun, not for a suave motherfucker like me that is

He specifically said find one that is NOT riding the cock carousel.

>get gf into shooting
>gun autists treat her like a goddess
>she starts fucking the entire gun range
Calling it now, senpai.

It's literally as simple as not living in a massively urban area and not being a sperg.

>be me
>actually started attending a church to meet people
>meet cute girl that looked innocent enough
>very quiet type
>get to know her for a few weeks
>she's friendly enough towards me
>first time we're alone at her house
>she initiates sex
>was totally okay with doing it with me
>during post-sex cuddling "Out of my five exes you're the nicest. You actually listen..."
Stopped attending because I felt uncomfortable after that.
She never texted me, but like a month later I saw that she was with a new guy based off of her facebook account picture.

Yeah... I don't think Church is the most guaranteed method of finding wife material.

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what hat is that

>gf is injun
>supports second amendment cuz ebil pale face
>ends up hating mexicans for encroaching on native lands
>hates blacks for being niggers
>is starting to like paleface more and more after we start dating

Being good looking, white, and steadfast in your beliefs.

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>all church girls are whores
>there exist pro-gun Democrats

Your world is a strange one

What will you do during the race war?

Move to Israel

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Just chill, I guess. Form an alliance with her tribe, maybe?
They all hate mexicans and niggers.
Going hunting for elk with her dad this summer, just hope he doesn't frag me.

Make sure you do the peace pipe thing before you head out innawoods.

You make one

>nice girl
>not riding the cock carousel
You dumb bastard...

>peace pipe
bit of a meme.
Last time I was over, we said grace before dinner and I out drank her old man, it was not very hard.

You're still a race mixing faggot

Find a regular GF that loves you. Train her to be a based redpilled Jow Forumsommando

Women are naturally weak willed and are easily molded to conform with the politics of their male partner.

Almost every single woman who is really into guns or politics is a attention seeking roastie.

Disregard if Catholic. Am Catholic, all qts are just turbo-sluts virtue signaling in Church pretending to be marriage material.

>You're still a race mixing faggot
would it make you feel better knowing I yell manifest destiny as a blow my load?

>get a cute bf
>give him girl hormones and dresses
>if no has guns then give guns
There, your k gf

Any chance of purity has been killed off thousands of years ago since we no longer downright fuck our sisters/cousins.

wood-stocked uzis are best

Church is for the birds desu

>Out of my five exes you're the nicest

Church is a meaningless contrivance in this day and age. The people that go regularly aren't going to be appreciably different from those that dont

By finding a really good gf and introducing her to your hobby

This, desu.

>Met some Tinder thot recently after a long dry spell
>"I'm really liberal"
>Within three weeks of dicking her down, I've already taken her shooting once, gotten her redpilled on immigration, and convinced her that leftists are destroying the country

Women don't have political leanings other than that of the guy who's giving them the dick.

Don't forget to leave offerings for the Wendigos before entering their territories.

>get a gf from Tinder
nigguh, you gonna regret this

>very quiet type
Always dtf, red flag.

Not her tribe.
but they do have fucking spoopy folklore.
I make her tell me stories in bed, cuz I'm a faggot.

This, happens every time

>ends up hating mexicans for encroaching on native lands
lmao They're like the same thing.

>You have to fuck your relatives to stay white
Found the retard

>*tips fedora*

Not exactly, saying Mesoamericans and Native Americans are the same is somewhat like saying Meds and Nords are the same

>be me
>3/4 year in a new job (office work)
>I found out there is a slightly chubby redhead in the production hall
>she is an machine keeper engineer
>growing interest, is always pleasant to meet her
>affection from her side as well
>during one brief talk I called her "Foxy"
>Autumn company party
>we stuck together at the bar all night
>me drunk as fuck - permanent crap about the aircrafts and history.mp3
>user I like how you behave like a British officer...
>have drunk sex in her new car
>We started dating
>One date was a visit of military museum
>every time I started to explain something she gets horny immediately
>It's... time...
>I show her my power level
>Visiting our club range - Foxy those are my autistic friends (Fudds, exmilitary, police operators and dude who attends and wants 0.25MOA groups)
>She likes them
>She likes shooting
>She prefers FAL, because 5,45 and 556 feels like for a woman
>we are together for two years now She is 23, I'm 27
>with overwhelming probability my future wife

>Her sister (liberal education) works as a clerk
>After one day on the shooting range with us is crazy to shooting

>get GF
>get her preggers
>have babby boy
>try again
>have babby girl
>teach her to shoot from a young age
>divorce waifu
>marry daughter

Congratulations, you now have a custom made GF, with none of the cuckery of letting another man fuck the daughter you raised.

>ignoring mexican apache wars and mexican commanche wars
They really aren't. Some tribals I've talk to want the walk built out of mexicans lol

That might actually be the most realistic idea in this thread


Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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>Think about it logically
Yeah, you aren't.
You raise your daughter to be a perfect wife and mother. You want her to be as perfect as possible so she can marry a respectable man (who, yes, will fuck her) so they can have kids and raise a family. You raise her right so she raises her kids right, like you taught her to.
Stop thinking sex is the end all be all.

Go get em Custer.

no they are not and for alot of times there were wars between mexiacan and apache trying to steal cows

I think more and more men are coming to these conclusions at least subconsciously - cue birthrates. We are rational beings evolved to adapt, you can march forward blindly only for so long.

BTW nice demoralization pasta

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Found the ultimate virgin

Those his daughters?

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>Doesn't have his own 450 yd range in the middle of nowhere
If you can spare the price of a few ar's, you can buy a plot of land. Fag.

t. 25 yo med student

The more effort you put into her, the higher her standards will be.

if your genes are good and you were a good parent she will choose a man of high stature who will take care of her and breed her so that your genes get passed on.

If you do a poor job raising her, low class males will breed her and pass your genes on, but the offspring will be perpetually government dependent.

Worst case scenario, you are sufficiently affectionate but don't educate her or raise her to value herself above lesser men. she will marry middle class and will be forced to work the rest of her life alongside her husband in order to be self sustaining and having children will be a financial impossibility.

Make one.

Once a woman marries a white man, she abandons her tribe.
She's not going to get money to have more Children, but she is allowed into the ethnostate.
But it works both ways. Coal burners get exiled to Africa.


Don't go to Manitoba, your children will get gatling-gunned

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Your pasta has become stale.
Make a new batch and bring it here.

Fuck your stupid story, where do I find that M1 in .458 Win Mag?

Every time I see this pasta, I give the writer an UPVOTE!

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>supporting fascism, an ideology that inherently necessitates the state to confiscate arms

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>everything I don't like is fascism
>fascism is the same as 1930s nazism
>hitler is literally the worst person and is to blame for all the world's problems
>hitler had no good ideas

Or you can just fuck her, that way she doesn't have to go to low class males who don't have a paid off mortgage

I just don't like people telling me who I can and can't bone, and what I can and can't own.

congrats, the Jow Forumsube has blessed you
