Are yall stocking up on ammo in case the fat man doesn't win?

Are yall stocking up on ammo in case the fat man doesn't win?

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of course not. he's a shoe-in now. which dem do you think can beat him? cumalla harris? nope. feelin'i the bern? nota fucking chance. fauxcahontas? surely you jest. yang? go back to your containment board.
I will admit to panic buying whenever a leftist off his anti-psychotic meds shoots up a school. I buy a stripped AR lower every time legislation for assault weapons ban is introduce. only because i cant afford to buy TWO every time.

Yeah I'm sure DRUMPGHFH is going to be losing to:
1) an Indian quadroon with Hillary's sensibilities and cackle, and a massive sex scandal 2 inches below the surface
2) Pocahontas
3) an old "white" socialist jew who the catladies still want to murder for challenging Her
4) a Hispanic homo who looks like he'd be a Dick Tracy villain named "Gay Face"
5) a closeted vegan black sissy
6) an ancient white gaffe-prone groper
7) a fake Hispanic mick with no experience and DUI / burglary convictions
8) the most hated person in America, who he already beat last time
9) a billionaire clueless coffeejew who the Dems already hate

I stock up on ammo and buy the gun I want a year before any election. No matter who’s going to win gun stores and everyone else will jack up prices for stupid panic buyers.


You should always be stocking up on ammo.
>I've added to this

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>5) a closeted vegan black sissy
got n00dz?

are y'all still posting on that pedo website?

>the most hated person in America,
he got fewer votes than Hillary though. ironic

Trump's got a real problem with Bill Weld declaring that he'll run against him in the Republican primary.

Having to defend himself in multiple one-on-one debates against a centrist libertarian is going to put Trump at a huge disadvantage relative to his position in 2016 when he just had to go up against a bunch of mainstream Republican cucks like Bush and Cruz. Instead of going into the general election as an outsider breaking with the political establishment, he's going to have spent months defending the stodgy mainstream policies of his party. He runs a real risk of losing the independent voters who put him in office.

Now is a good time because when Trump wins his 2nd (which I think is likely) the left will go even more apeshit. Late 2020 and 2021 are going to be wild.

They haven't even debated yet. The debates are going to be the biggest shitshow ever.

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>not voting for the Yang Technocracy

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The way I stock up even a poor fag could do it.
I get the big Plano plastic dryboxes that are double the size of a 50cal ammo can when they go on sale for $10
Then, when I go shooting, I buy what I can afford, then shoot half and put the other half in the box.
I have been doing this for a few years and I am up to 8 full boxes.
Then I started reloading and keep lotsa components on hand, along with some condiments (picrelated)
That’s an older pic, I’ve added a few lbs since then.

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Fuck off. He supports "common sense gun control" like all the Dems.

I'm glad you're having fun user but he has less of a chance than Lawrence Lessig did last time. Remember him? No?

Will he make anime real tho? Cuz imma single issue voter and Bernie lied

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Pro immigration, anti wall, and anti gun.
>Wants to require registration for firearms
>Cant own a semi automatic rifle until youve been licensed on a pistol for 1 year
>No high capacity magazines
>Requires submission of fingerprints/DNA to the fbi
>Wants smart guns that require finger print lock
>Will implement federal buyback on guns he will ban

Ask me how I know youre a noguns that isnt from Jow Forums. Do you ever get tired of being eternally BTFO?

>ever trusting a chink
>a god damned commie chink
>a motherfucking gun grabbing commie chink
The yang meme has gone far enough

>act superior and smug
>can't even reluably string together a coherent sentence

>centrist libertarian
I'm intrigued. May be worth voting this time around.

Good analysis.

nice meme gungrabber shill

>welfare leeches vote to get others money over virtues and freedom
Wow who could have guessed

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If I remember correctly Bill Weld was anti-gun and pro-mass migration. He'd be worse for us than Trump.

>mfw the Chink ends the ban on Chink milsurp weapon imports

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Do you want an 8-1 scotus conservative / originalist majority? Then get the fuck out and vote.

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I doubt a libertarian will have enough support to be worth a vote if the other choices are either Trump or a democrat, but as long as he isn't some dudeweed and muh gays brain damaged retard like Gary Johnson at least he'll be useful for making libertarianism as a concept less foreign to normalfags.

Gary Johnson picked Bill Weld as his VP in 2016,so he is a dude weed brain dead retard.


The problem is them siphoning off just enough votes to tip the scales in favor of a dem

>mfw anons keep posting delusional bullshit with reaction images
I sure loved it when the Russian import ban got lifted, some knuckle dragger riding off the election hype told me this so it must be true.

>millions of illegal spics vote for a candidate
>party of illegal spics openly calling for illegal spics to be allowed to vote
>Drumpf lost the popular vote!
You don't say

He was completely normal during the CNN interviews in 2016 and was visibly cringing at Gary's stoner rambling.

Yeah, I mean I desperately wish for a libertarian candidate who I could both vote for in good conscience and who actually had at least a 50-50 chance of winning, but the only candidates the modern party puts out only care about repulsive fags and weed and barely even give a shit about the one tool which guarantees human liberty, a fucking gun.

>eternally BTFO
Is it 2015?

>t. poorfag trying to get $1000 so he can finally not be a poorfag anymore

I don't like Yang either, but unironically his gun positions are better than most of the other democratic field, who would definitely ask for a full ban if they could. With a few modifications, Yang's position would basically be like Swiss licensing, not that I want that.
Doesn't matter because Yang has no chance anyway. I predict it'll be Bernie or Gabbard.

this guy knows how to do it. I'm starting up a reloading bench here in a second. Propellant, brass, primers, mould, press, scale, dies, etc... it's a fucking lot. But it's the best way to prepare for a dry spell.

You should ALWAYS stock pile ammo. I make it my goal to spend a hundred or more every month. Sometimes I'll even just buy a box at the range shoot then save a mag or two, specially 22LR , 5.56/.223 9mm and 38SPL. Either way, this is what's going to happen, Bernie will win the nomination but because the elites already chose Trump he will get reelected , come next four years well have another Democrat with a Senate, Congress controlled house. Just like 2012, it's a fucking cycle, it's always been and it always has...if anything right now is the time to start panic buying until 2030, which means most of all the boomer Vietnam era politicians will die out and the degenerate faggos of gen X will start coming into power and taking more rights away, it will not be until millenials are a majority that the houses and parties will completely split and cause the second American civil war. Also, while were at it.

Fuck Donald Trump.

Do you think domestic conflict is avoidable, even if he wins.
Stock up.
You are going to need it.

Haha, no way Trump can win.
>Trump wins
Haha, no way Trump can't win.
>Trump doesn't win.

>T. Gun store owner
Civil war two wont happen.

Can you show any proof of illegals voting?

Reloading components were also affected by the panic

eternally is eternally, even 4 years later.

That’s why you buy 2 lbs and only use 1.
Buy 2000 primers, only use 1K

No because I'm not a stupid goiym whose going to spend 20x the price of something I can reload for almost nothing (intellectual stuff, redneck smurf-tards wouldn't understand). I'd rather fabricate my own ammo when it happens.

>mfw it actually does happen

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Can't keep track of who's voting, so no.

>Buy X and only use half
You could call it the "this is for fighting, and this is for fun" policy.

Kek the saigas and the VEPRs rusaboo got BTFO'd

Don't worry, gucchifag. They'll be targeting ARs next. I mean, it's not like NPCs can come up with a legitimate argument anyway.

this. i dont know if its shills on Jow Forums or actually fat basement dweller that sincerely believe they're going to get neetbux. you will NEVER see the 1000 dollars just like all the retards who voted for obama never saw weed like all the people who voted from trump will never see a wall. the only reason to keep voting for trump is the conservative justices. otherwise fuck every politician.

The “Fight/Fun Method” of ammo accumulation is christened

Regardless of who wins, pre election hysteria is going to dry up ammo shelves

>all the retards who voted for obama never saw
>end to the wars
>closing of CIA black sites
>closing of Guantanamo
>free healthcare (it was implemented as a protectionist giveaway to pharma)
That fucker got a nobel peace prize right after entering the office, then proceeding to drone strike civilians (including expat americans) AND violate the 4th amendment with warrantless mass surveillance.

yang is a joke, but so is all of the democratic party.

How the fuck is Bill Weld a "centrist libertarian?" He's just a typical gun-hating Massachusetts Republican.

It'll end the AR surplus as well. Get your cheap black rifles while you can.

I know what you mean. I'm the physical world, there's no such thing as heaven, salvation (at least not until passing), or a bailout. You make it yourself out of whatever garbage you're given.

If life gives you lemons, hook it up to a clock and say, "Fuck you, life."

Bill Weld is a fucking dinosaur and a joke. He's been in politics forever and has zero ideas and zero personality. Trump will destroy Weld's campaign without effort.

I really don't think Trump is the mainstream, conventional pick for who wins 2020, so this doesn't really work

>4) a Hispanic homo who looks like he'd be a Dick Tracy villain named "Gay Face"
This right here is where I lost my sides.

>4) a Hispanic homo who looks like he'd be a Dick Tracy villain named "Gay Face"
Junot Diaz???

Regardless of the pricing. Buy everything with cash. Leave as little a trace as legally possible. Never break the law.

Also I wounder of Midway and Brownells sells customer data? That would be better than a registry.

I don't think he means sissy in the Jow Forums sense, Cory Booker is just kind of known as a kumbaya wimp

Yeah, but everybody said that Weld should've been at the top of the ticket and MAYBE they could've been taken seriously.

I love how retarded you people are.
1) If the one libertarian voted for the Republican, it would've been a tie and it still wouldn't have mattered.
2) Republicans get elected and take our guns anyway.

Vote Libertarian.

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I vote libertarian for low stakes local elections and sheriff. You have to be fucking retarded if you think a Hillary victory and a democratic house and senate back in '16 wouldn't have meant the end of our rights in the aftermath of Fast and Furious: Las Vegas Strip

Lol, kek, keka kek. Remember when there was no way Hilary could lose in 2016? You guys are either shills or retarded.

I’m voting for Yang

Yet old Tom sucked dick in every book.

Except we have an electoral college. Who draws this stuff?


Sadly a non dem/rep would never win. They arnt supposed to, and people are to stupid to break the cycle

Why do you buy so much protein powder?

>does the exact same
>misspells words after critiquing the other anons grammar
You played yourself

> aay hellaw there my fellaw septuagenarians, iss me, Berniah Sandahs here and toayh we're going to push some socialisamh on these votahs

Think about it

He was the last president to pass ANTI FIRE ARM LEGISLATION.

-t. dyel

It began as a shill spam but its one of those things thats just so fucking stupid and impossible it became a meme.


>we have an electoral college.
Which is the final nail in the Liberatarian coffin.

4) a Hispanic homo who looks like he'd be a Dick Tracy villain named "Gay Face"
You got me you fucker

I’ll be runnin boys
>k guns
>k abortion
>less gun restrictions
>less tax
>foreign policy will be based on reeeee tactics if they make me reeee they go

Switzerland does not require licenses to own guns, mandatory safes, magazine capacity ban, inspections, etc which is what yang is proposing

Every government everywhere goes through a period of revolution.
America is just young compared to many nations.
Civil War 2 will eventually happen, but probably not when everyone expects it.
And why the hell not stock up while prices are low?
If you wanna buy high and sell low, we have Jow Forums for that

America is incredibly old actually.

>UK is about 100
>Japan is about 80
>Germany is only 30
>Canada is about 60
>Russia is 30
>Poland as well
>Italy is about 70-80
>America has had the same Constitutional government for about 250 years and is considered “young”

We’re due for civil war by a huge amount, the last one was pretty much just a shut down insurrection.

of course, always stock up.

If you aren't stocked up you arent prepared.

You know the only people who actually support him are soulless NEETs that only want free money so they can sit at home playing Minecraft and Fortnite.

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That sounds a lot like what all the sjws and media were saying about Hilldawg.

Which one is Amy Klobuchar?

shit going by this list Warren is going to be the democratic nominee

Apparently he is an island chink, not a chicom. That said, even as a fellow island chink, I wouldn't vote for him based on his policies. I love my guns. I'm voting for Trump again; he has a realistic shot and hasn't betrayed me TOO much on gun issues for me to take a chance with someone else.

I do... yang will get to debate though

lmao you're not gonna get your neetbux if you're white senpai. neetbux are reserved for oppressed black queenz who slaayyy

>anti gun

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The kokesh vs nick fuentes debate literally made me give up any hope I had left for the libertarian party. You should watch that shit.

Libertarian party, lol
>What is Aleppo?

I'm not a fan of Kokesh and have never taken him seriously.

Now is investment time...remember all those 1970's-80's-early 90's gun adds with all the cheap ass weapons? We are livingin those times poor fags.....Buy now get the ammo in 8 years..Invest in the stock market too, that shits going through the roooof! Become rich so you can move next door to a demonrat and make their lives so much more enlightened

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Voting with my dick in 2020
Forgive me lads

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