/meg/ - Military Enlistment General

Pee pee Edition


>Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification.
>No vague questions, like "What job is best?"

/meg/ official discord

Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)

For Ranger info, obviously.

SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum

All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.

For all Army SF info.

For Navy Corpsman info.

This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff.

For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions.

>Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well

US Army High school to Flight school

Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
tl;dr: Long hard school, long work hours, with good job prospects. It's definitely not for everyone or even most people in general.

CG info

ASVAB for Dummys


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Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that US soliders are shabbos goys who fight for greater Israel.

Daily reminder that 99% of posters like these got denied at MEPs because of their asma or because they had depression when they were 16, took medication and were dumb enough to tell the truth about it.

I’m considering trying to go inna Chemical Corps. That’s really the only job in the US Army I would want so I don’t want to enlist if there isn’t a 100% chance I could get in. How would I go about making sure I can get in there?

He is not even trying to deny it.
Would you die for Israel goy?

t. coward
If you were brave enough to stand up for this injustice, then you wouldn't be on this Malaysian basket-weaving site, coward. The people in this thread are asking for tips on how to actually do something.

What about those of us who joined to better ourselves because the military was a good option?

Still around?

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Shilling for military does not belong on Jow Forums as it is not Jow Forums related. The people making these thread are pozzed government officials looking for more dumb mutts to join their crappy ranks of mutt rapists.

Ohh! More stale b8. Yeee

When you go to the recruiting office and take the asvab you will get to choose the mos/job you want or is available and if it isnt available you can come back at a different time.

I wanna join the airforce and be an inflight refueler

I'm in my states guard (part time). I've been twiddling my thumbs working retail waiting to for the new uni year. Could I take on a full time NG job while at the same time?

Thanks man

I wish my state had a state guard

hey /meg/. I want to join the army as 15T so I can work with helicopters for big boy dollars. The only problem is I have no experience with helicopters, their parts, and I don't have any mechanical skill at all. In fact I don't have any skills. How can I make sure im qualified to get this MOS and prepare for it properly so I don't end up as laundry specalist

you're thinking about the ARG, and I don't recommend it. Suck it up and get a girlfriend or something

I just woke up

I ship in 4 weeks, and I feel ready but I feel like my endurance can use a bit of a boost. Should I simply run 20-30 minutes every other day and bike for 60 minutes on off days?

back to your containtment thread

To active duty service members and vets, I am a foreign soldier looking to improve the mental health support systems in my country's armed forces.

I am looking to better understand the healthcare you guys receive. What happens to a soldier who meets with a significant personal problem (e.g. death of family member, divorce) or struggles with addiction/mental health? What systems does the US military have in place to care for its soldiers mental well-being? Does the system ask the average grunt to voice his problems to his Platoon Commander, and does he/she actually do it? What failsafes are there in the event a service personnel is considering suicide? Does he have any avenues he can reach out to, and do people in general care/talk about the mental health issues that service members face?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little MRE? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Fort Lee, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret recipes, and I have had over 300 confirmed food poisonings. I am trained in culinary warfare and I’m the top 92G in the entire US armed commissary. You are nothing to me but just another mouth. I will feed you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me in the chow hall? Think again, and stuff it. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of GEDs across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, you honey-baked ham. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your appetite. You’re fucking full, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can feed you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my field burner. Not only am I adequately trained in fire prevention, but I have access to the entire spice rack and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your food-coma ass off the face of the continent, you little piece of pumpkin pie. If only you could have known what caloric retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your famished tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn guest at my dinner table. I will cram furiously prepared food all down your throat and you will drown in it. You’re fucking delighted, kiddo.

Maybe so. But it kept me out of the poorhouse so hey.

I'm breaking down this word chunk for readability.

I am looking to understand the US military system for soldiers getting help managing their mental health.

I wish to know what systems are in place for current service members -- what would a service member do, for example, when he struggles with an adjustment disorder/depression? Who does he talk to, and what kind of help does he receive?

Do people struggling with mental health problems talk to one another, or do they escalate it through their chain of command for help? What is the proper procedure to follow if someone mentions that he has depression? Do service members frequently follow the standard procedure?

Are you, as an active duty service member or veteran, satisfied with the mental health care you receive? What are your experiences with it?

I am an active duty soldier in a foreign military that practices conscription, and many soldiers face adjustment disorders/mental health complications. I have the ear of very senior commanders, and I am in a position to change the system to better aid them. Please share with me your experiences/knowledge on how the US military manages mental health issues. Thank you.

>Could I take on a full time NG job while at the same time?
look up Active Guard Reserve

Junior enlisted talk to their buddies or their NCO if they are smart. NCOs talk to their 1SG.

But dumb, naive people (and dumb malingerers) talk to mental counselors (usually there's a office on each large base), who "help" by giving career-destroying meds or restrictions.

Never follow US mental SOPs for anyone you care about.

I’m gonna tell you what your father should have. Shut up. Nobody cares. You’re a man. Maaaaaybe let something slip on a drunken night out. Women will think you’re worthless. Men will think you’re a crybaby. And the military will think you should be fired.

My friend is trying to get my to join Army ROTC at our university, I'm hesitant because ive heard endless shit talked on ROTC but he is trying to sell it very hard, is it a good choice?

>adjustment disorders

That's called being a piece of shit, user. It's kinder to kick them out than messing up their lives and putting more work on the real soldiers by keeping them in.

OCS > ROTC >>>>> West Point for officer quality as seen by enlisted and low-mid level officers.
West Point >>>>>>>>>>> ROTC > OCS for officer quality as seen by high level (read: brainwashed bureaucrat) officers.
ROTC >>>>>>> OCS > West Point in terms of ease of admission.

tl;dr if you want to join the army, ROTC is for you.

How does a us state not have a guard unit? Even or has a guard unit and training school

As an is mostly math based. Score high enough (110 get) and you can get pretty much anything. Even then there are waivers

They teach you everything. Get the MOS in your contract, and get a GT score that qualifies for it.

Positions are limited. About 4 per company depending on unit usually e5 and up

You are part of the problem. How many have needlessly died because they were pressured into not seeking help? Veterans commit suicide everyday, and you continue to spread this BS line of thinking. It doesn't make you "hard", buddy.

You know what? I bet you're not military. Keep playing pretend with your airsoft games and tell people that the only reason you didn't join is because you'd flip out and punch your drill sergeant in the face.

Could I join AFROTC even if I'm in my states Air Guard?

There’s no point in seeking help. Once everyone knows you’re a sick of the herd they’re leaving you behind.

Where I'm from, the culture is such that nobody dares to talk for fear of appearing weak, especially in front of their men if they are commanders. Some find it easier to off themselves than to open up (Asian culture).

Are no provisions/waivers/discrete counseling (i.e. no official records, or at least not ones that are readily released) made available for those who need it?

I know the type, but as a conscript army we invariably conscript people who later break down from stress. The US military can probably afford to remove the malingerers, but we can't, at least not without opening the floodgates to people claiming all kinds of problems in order to escape service.

*sick member

A man’s lot in life is to suffer quietly and with stoicism until the end comes. By your own hand or otherwise.

so do di’s like mouth only or are hands ok ?

>A man’s lot in life is to suffer quietly and with stoicism until the end comes. By your own hand or otherwise.
Seriously how old are you?

31, why?

You sound like an edgy teenager that's never held a job


How do I get a Recon Marine Corps contract? Just up and ask my recruiter.... but I have a history of weed use. What do I say?

>What do I say?
be honest

I wasn’t aware that being realistic was edgy and teenage. I’m not some doom & gloom person. It is simply is what it is.

>being realistic
Depression is a real problem. And ignoring does nothing to treat that problem you retard.

I just found out my dream of joining the service is impossible as I have a lethal allergery to nuts and shellfish. Just fuck me, why did I have to be born genetically inferior

because not all of us can be winners

So MM scores based on:
- Numerical Operations (Depreciated)
- Auto/Shop (AS)
- Mechanical Comprehension (MC)
- Electronics Information (EI)

For Auto/Shop, you're going to study the fundamental principles of internal combustion engines, as well as accessory components associated with vehicles. It's mostly about cars as the name implies.

- Mechanical Comprehension is basically classical physics without the math.

- Electronics Information is the electronics section of physics. Know your basic formulas (Ohm's Law, Wattage, etc.) and know how to convert to SI and scientific notation.

Score well and you'll nail MM. They'll take care of the rest for you so you can indeed earn big boy dollars.


Been in Army just over a year after being in Navy for 4 years. I want to join Ranger Battalion but I’ve heard some sketchy things about them lately. Would I be better off going SF? Currently an 11b if that changes anything.

>Some find it easier to off themselves than to open up (Asian culture).
>but as a conscript army we invariably conscript people who later break down from stress.
South Korea?

>sketchy things
Anything specific?
The sketchiest thing that happened lately that I know of is that the last rasp class up was completely random, not based off pt score. There almost were dudes in the class who failed pushups on the pt test and there are dudes who got in with scores of 218 and 220.

Most SF were Rangers, so it's your call. Good luck either way!

>There almost were dudes in the class who failed pushups on the pt test and there are dudes who got in with scores of 218 and 220.
Did someone just completely mess up paperwork and send in the wrong people?

I’ve heard some say Ranger batt is turning into a dog and pony show. Others say if you didn’t go to RASP fresh out of basic with an option 40 you get basically ostracized even after you get your tab. Just weird things like that. Got a few former rangers in my unit who’s brains ive been meaning to pick.

No, it doesn’t. But we don’t live in a perfect world.

>go to enlist
>flamboyant gay guy tells you he is enlisting
Oh fuck

If you go infantry and volunteer to go to recon, you can go back to infantry if you drop out. Otherwise you go open contract. Depends on how confident you are with yourself.

This isnt true
Dude we're nearly the same. Former Navy goign 18x soon. What was your rate? Whyd you get out and why go army etc?

I was an MA.
I wanted to deploy and diversify my resume for private contracting. Also wanna get into army SF because I have a buddy that almost made it through BUDS but his body is utterly destroyed so fuck that.
Best of luck in selection my guy.

Yikes man sorry to hear that. Whyd you go 11b and not 18x out the gate or opt 40 at least? Your already an 11b at your leg unit or whatever right? Thx btw.

It's primarily because of the new batt they're trying to stand up, a whole bunch of intel weenies are getting funneled there.


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I dont see anything about a new batt

But... can't do pushups? Wasn't that supposed to be addressed in basic? What the hell were milint opt. 40 kids thinking? Not very smart of them to be so poorly prepared.

It's not your buddies, it's what the counselors might do.

Want a policy suggestion? Make a option where the counselor is sealed to silence and legally can't do anything at all, including loopholes like "I thought he'd commit suicide/a crime/was unbalanced/etc". Then people might consider it.

shit nvm

>What the hell were milint opt. 40 kids thinking?
tism is a hell of a drug

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I tried for a contract but I did it a little too late to wait for something I wanted. I had no other plans so I couldn’t afford a break in service.

What army MOS has the highest probability of me getting to fast rope out of a helicopter?
Im going 19D so far but deeply DEEPLY crave sitting on the door of a blackhawk. Is that only SOF shit basically or what?

Good news is you're finally gonna lose your virginity

shit's gay t b h, just go to the school and call it a day, it's open to any mos

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What history? As long as you cut that shit out when you aren't too old they'll usually say "not a problem"

Dank, thx user


>about a potential criminal history of drug use

I already did Army infantry OSUT years ago. I'm seriously thinking about going NG so fuck around on weekends. But I'll have to do basic/OSUT again with women. Whats that like? I loved the brotherhood, do a bunch of cunts fuck that up?

>but I have a history of weed use
What kind of history? DUDE WEED, I smoked weed in high school, or I got arrested for possession?

How long were you out?

>Whats that like?
depends on the job

4 years

isn't 5 years the cutoff?

Thinking of doing Cav Scout cause I think the stetson is neat. And I'll likely be attached to an infantry unit anyway and wont have to do the extended AIT shit for stuff I already know. Plus Armor is cool

You won’t have to go back to basic, and even if they want you to do the infantry thing again, the National Guard has their own infantry course and they’d send you there

Idk, I vaguely recall a dude in my OSUT company who had been a Scout and was coming back as an infantryman. I thought he did 4 and had to redo everything. I should talk to a recruiter but i'm dragging my feet.

Oh cool. Whats infantry course with females like? An odd concept to me

I don’t know. I got out before you did. But I did the last 2 years of my contract in the Guard and I remember seeing that the Guard has its own infantry course called MOS-Q which is for people returning to the military and reclasses. Not new recruits

Well that makes me less hesitant. Thanks bro, good info.

non-infantry prior service will have to the the relevant parts of osut, and some dudes get shafted and have to do the whole thing. if you already hold the mos and are within the time frame you should be good to go straight into the guard. talk to a recruiter.

I had 7 chicks in my OSUT company. 4 were recycles and none of them made it the second time around, 3 were 18X and actually made it through to SOPC where they dropped the first few days.

I'm 27, should I join my states Air Guard?

Uh yes. It’s better than any other reserve/guard component

Yeah, sorry for the late response. Idk, as of right now, I feel like I really gotta work on my run speed and endurance.

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Thanks friend

I also got to research how exactly this whole process would go down. I know that it's a 5-stage thing and you would (if you made it this far) pick a SF specialization in the 4th section, so im looking into that

Anyone know how I can convince the rents to let me enlist? I know I don't need their permission but they are real scummy and I don't want them trying to stop me in anyway

If they think the traditional 4-year college route is more for you, there are plenty of options in the military for that. Maybe try to convince them from that angle

>the rents
Just say your parents,.

Also, why does that matter? What ability do they have to stop you?