Red pill me on this sexy man

Red pill me on this sexy man

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Antarctica service medal
I'll keep saying it until someone tells me to shut the fuck up.

Keep talking forever

Don't challenge me. I am VERY annoying.

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He's retired and writes long, in-depth book reviews on amazon for fun.

Army EOD, if i'm not mistaken

Where do you see that

Fuck, I've done that. Read my "Lord Jim" review you cunts.


Annoy me daddy owo

I've got alot of clogged pores on my nose that I can never get rid of.

Fair enough.

I-I'll unclog them

>annoy me daddy owo
It's actually a breath of fresh air to see something close to lighthearted stuff on here every now and again

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It's because this thread is probably full of people who have been here longer than a year so they remember what it was like

You seem decent. I wouldn't subject you to such gross tedium. Only Cambodian women that survived the killing fields have the mettle to make a good effort.

true that

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Shut the fuck up. I’ve looked at every pic of his rack I can find, no Antarctic service medal to be found. I made 6 motherfucking South trips, I’ve got the Antarctic service medal, I know what the sonofabitch looks like.

If he was ever there, it was for less than 30 days.

Of course. You wouldn't find it on "public records". It wasn't a "service" medal it was "combat".
But I will shut up because I think I'm slightly colorblind and probably confused it for a different medal.

It looks like a '90s anime special effect

Attached: serveimage.jpg (624x1131, 237K)

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>It looks like a '90s anime special effect

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Thats a crappy looking medal. Not talking shit on 90s anime (ninja scroll and cowboy bebop are based AF)
It does look NES mega man inspired though.

Were Delta as bad ass back in the day, more bad ass, or less bad ass than current day CAG / Seal Team 6 operators? I feel like back then they were more involved in covert intelligence and spy operations now they're all roided out brute force tier one operators. Vinning was an explosives expert, and I'm sure that's what his role was in the unit. But then again Pat Mac is one dude I would never want to fuck with.
