Shooting Holland

New shooting in Holland. Suspect on the run... goddammit they gonna take all my guns ik the next couple of years aren’t they :/

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Maybe start a 2gun club with range, you might get an exemption if they do start banning them.

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Oh shit niggers, Holland of all places? Any word on body counts, shooter identity?

actually not holland, in the Utrecht province, in the City of Utrecht, in The Netherlands.

That location also warrants some holy shit.

Jeans are best aesthetic.

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Yeh, not everyone's talking about increased security in and around mosques only, no churches, synagogues or other high-value buildings.

Totally not siding....

*now everyone's talking

How about instead of armed guards we start fucking letting people carry? Let's say only 10% of all people exercise that god-given right. That's still six fucking guns in the tiny congregation of the synagogue in my town. How many guns did it take to stop that other attack in New Zealand, again?

Not even worth starting this, every gun owner in the netherlands that i know is seen as some mass shooter by people already, same goes for some airshit players.

forgot to add that the 'right to carry' debate literally doesn't exist here right now. only joos are allowed for some reason, which is as stupid as it sounds.

Holland dus... autistisch kanker mongool

>skinny jeans
until you have to start moving your legs

>only Jews can carry
Please tell me this some kind of weird joke.

Depends on the fabric type.


What happened?

I dead 7 injured so far at the time of this post, wonder what was used. Shooter still loose.

60% of this country's surface area is reclaimed sea in some way, I wish it was one.

Looks like we're in for a string of habbenings. The world is waking up. Some are handling it better than others.

Is it already too late to prep for boogaloo?

Better late than never, brother.

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>goys aren't allowed to carry
>only jews are
No way.

I hope this isn't some NZ copycat shit.

There's quite a few technicalities, you can technically carry as a goy, but the process to get permission to do so is a lot more complicated than for a joo

For what fucking purpose ? I don't even live there and I'm getting mad.

I hope it is. ACCELERATE!

In the most basic way, you can't get a gun permit on the grounds of self defense as a goy here. joos can.

Add that to the fact dutch law sees pistols as defense tools, and it's A) difficult to get a carry permit as a goy (unless you're some private security person). and B) more difficult to get permission to even buy a handgun.



The media would literally ban being white.


ever thought of the possibility that things like this might actually bring people closer together, instead of dividing them? it happened in Norway, after Breivik. And it's happening right now, in NZ. That's what's being accelerated. Jow Forumstards face more hate, that's about it. No race war, nothing.

No, NOS has been in a literal circlejerk with the same info for about 30 minutes now.

That's what you get for electing traitors

And it's not even like these arabs actually put in more money to keep the welfare state going

I assume this is justified by the alleged need for the Chosen to defend themselves against anti-Semitism at all times.

Are their other groups with the same privilege or is it literally just the Jews? Is there a source anywhere.

Yeah, people are being brough closer together, that's why people are willing to go out and shoot dozens of muslims. Totally. It's because theyre just so close.

i'm talking about society, normal people. not the Jow Forumstards. don't act like you're too fucking retarded to understand what i posted.

No, they're just the group victimizing themselves the most.

It's just part and parcel of living in a big city

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I see, thanks. The identity will be interesting to see.

If it's a kebab -> probably revenge for CHCH.
If it's a native -> probably a copycat who got encouraged by CHCH.

Fucking retards can't even spell Police

The fact that all mosks have been closed after consulting the authorties seems to indicate a copycat... but we’ll see

If you all are actually thinking this, then it seems like. Rip firearms

Yeah, I guess

Some guy told it's a white guy, other guy said the shooter was shooting white guys. First one's source: "his relative saw the shooter"

Normal people are turning to hate, my dude.

hate towards Jow Forumstards, rightfully so.

What was the shooter aiming for? Because we don't have any info which leads me to believe it was some kebabs going after honkies but the Dutch aren't really as PC as New Zealand and Britanistan so its hard to say.

Not the guy you're responding to but check the polls for crying out loud. Maybe not in the US, but in Europe every poll that isn't done by either a pro immigraton Gov. or pro immigration NGO about Islam or the like shows Europeans to be sick and tired of immigrants and muslims in particular. Sick. And. Tired.

No leads towards his motive, probably just some attempted murder with a REALLY fucking overkill police response.

cant run very well in those wooden shoes.

That doesn't mean shit. Schools and such get closed when there's terrorism about in general. I guarantee all the churches were closed too because they didn't want a retaliatory strike.

Okay, sure, dude.

This whole anti-gun bullshit is all so pic related.

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>christchurch shooting makes people hate muslims
are you serious?

That's really really stupid cover for that police sniper. Got a big ass car and still hoping that flimsy thing could cover his ass. Idiot.

Even fucking Canada is getting racist, now that we actually have to deal with fucking migrants.

Hatred causes division which causes violence which causes more hatred which causes more division which causes more violence etc
Fuck muzzies, fuck jews, and fuck you. ACCELERATE!

even in the US. When actual numbers are given it's a blowout, but even across the board people are not happy. Even US-hispanics are polling more anti- than pro-

Police just confirmed the identity of the shooter as Gökman Tanis, still on the run tho

>Gökman Tanis

both turkish and greek name, the eternal anatolian

You're proving his point, I'm sick of all your bullshit too. Normal people, aka not fringe lunatics, just see a madman who went on a shooting spree.

The world is getting awful bummery lately. And i refuse to let it get me down.

No, they're really not. Normal people are "outraged" and "appalled" but they'll be back to normal soon after this dies down. Jow Forumstards and Jow Forumsucks are the only ones stirred by all this.

You guys are going to be in for a real surprise in the next 10 years.

Pic for those interested :

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Okay, you've only been alive for 16 prior, so I'll trust my own experience over some balkanized internet wierdo.

quintessentially Dutch

>vaguely middle eastern
Watch the media either excuse this with MUH RACISMS or memory hole it.

Yep. Filthy brown skin, filthy black hair and long nose. It's a fucking Muslim. Again.

He just demonstrated to whites that it's possible to fight back and win, the reason they're suppressing the video so hard is to make it seem like he had a harder time than he did attacking the mosque and the reason they're suppressing the manifesto is because 95% of the shit he said in it everyone agrees with on some level.

Even if nobody knows what he actually did or why, they're still going to take out of this the fact that it's possible to fight back. He has done something that can't be undone, Breivik had obscure and retarded notions while this cunt ran on the populist platform of "fuck muslims". Everyone is going to think of him, or at least the possibility of coming out shooting, whenever some Arab cuts them off in traffic.

And at that point, why bother shooting when you can just yell at your representatives to get them the fuck out or else?

nobody died. into the memory hole it goes

Lol this doesn't happen in China.

Will we finally get the global jihad we deserve??

If you want to choose to believe that then go ahead, sure.

Down the memory hole it goes.

>I fight back for muh race by killing randos
>They're only suppressing a video of slaughter because any other reason than it's graphic content of wanton mass murder
I think you overdosed on red pills

This will be blamed on Blumpf/the NRA in 3...2...1...

That's literally what they're doing.

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Depends whether or not it was actually a terror attack or a failed liquidation. We had a few of those recently and not alot of "thoughts and prayers" for those. Either way, gun owners lose.

Wow, they banned a snuff film and have draconian laws. Stop the fucking presses!

Seriously, how stupid are you?

>self awareness level: 0.0%

No shit. Just compare the reaction between Utoya and Christchurch.

>sole subject in the medias and everyday life for weeks, general shock

>nobody gives a fuck 2 days after the attack and some people are more or less openly supportive of it, the video becomes a literal blockbuster online

Huge difference in only 7.5 years.

Do you think anyone really gives a shit about muslims dying at this point? America learnt it's lesson in 2001 and every other western country has gotten a taste at one point or another. The one thing most people would find objectionable would be the woman being shot and run over, everything else is tolerable.

They are suppressing it because the video itself breaks the mental barrier in whites between frustration and action. Everyone has gotten angry at some point, and now we have a single example of a man snapping and just fucking doing it. You could have a similar mosque shooting every day for a couple of months and the damage done would still be less than a public awakening of the sort Tarrant was trying to unleash.

Kettle meet pot.

To my knowledge, it's the only gopro'd mass murder. Apples and oranges. And nobody in meatspace is supportive of it. Jow Forums isn't real life, and that dumb nigger apparently didn't get the memo.

>New Zealanders need to secure a race war victory in 2019

Are you retarded? You fucking must be.

>god given right
it’s only god given if you were born in the usa

They banned a snuff film. Any political ramifications are tertiary to blowing the brains out of people. They don't release shit that only juries see in courtroom either, dipshit. It's literally the modus operandi.

Between cars, elevators/escalators, and the government, there's plenty of things killing Chinese citizens en masse. Also mass stabbings.

>it's the only gopro'd mass murder

>And nobody in meatspace is supportive of it

>it's the only gopro'd mass murder
There are others?

Yeah, because New Zealand is such a hellhole, and it's all caused by muslims, right? Jesus, it's like autistic children and everything must fit in a tidy little box instead of understanding things how they actually are in actual life.

Wrong. Great argument.

Failed liquidation?
Drug gang hit that missed the target?
News would use anything to push the gun grab.

>n-no u!

Exploding sewers in China are some cool videos.
Not always fatal thankfully.

I meant to reply to

I wouldn't be surprised really, drug related killings in Amsterdam and Rotterdam are getting more frequent, and in both cities it's run by turks and morrocans. It would follow that this is something similar

>one line greentext not refuting any point
What's your endgame here? That I should engage in higher thought? That it's different from banning any other snuff film and has political ramifications about a white ethnostate because balkanized internet loons say so? Occam's razor, dipshit.

>Banned a snuff film
>On the fucking internet
You appear to be retarded