French Foreing Legion

Ok Jow Forums, time for the N° 99999 thread about enlisting in the FFL.
Thing is, most of those threads are made by relatively priviledged american men, with plenty of opportunities.

I'm venezuelan, I'm sure you know how shitty is our situation. I have no future here, well no future at all. I'm currently waiting for approval for a visa for Chile, but things are not looking good there. If that fails, I think the FFL is a good option.

I'm 1.67 cm (>lol manlet) and weight 60 Kg or so. I'm not a skeleton, slightly fit, but I need to gain some weight. I'm under dental treatment, and I'm shorsighted.

Those are my "conditions" if you want to call it like that. Other than that, I think I'm fine.

I have my papers in order, but I need to gather some good money for the plane ticket and shelter. I have no idea what should I say in an interview. That I am desperate and I have no other place to go? That desertion is improbable because I literally have nothing to lose?

Please help anons. Stories are appreciated.

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Honestly, you should just eat the family cat and wait for this thing to blow over.
ok jokes aside, they have a website, check it out

i don't have any personal stories but i know three guys who were in. one almost ancient, one middle aged, one young, around 24 when he was in. Italian, Spanish, Romanian. Italian loved it and had tons of cool stories and tattoos, spaniard thought it was allright but left after 7 (iirc) years, Romanian deserted. He said it's pretty shitty, and there's not much action anymore anyways. The other two would have been in before some reforms were made, and since then he says it's basically just military service with harsher conditions and shitty pay.

but you won't be the only latino in, iirc there's tons of south americans. third largest group after eastern europeans and asians.

aside from that, aren't you eligible to join the spanish foreign legion as a southern american?

Thanks man, I did my research and, well, that's were I got my info from.
>aren't you eligible to join the spanish foreign legion as a southern american?
Yes, I am. Though I need a temporary visa for that.

what made you choose french over spanish legion?

I mean, E-mail a recruiter, can't hurt. Worst thing they can do is say no.
That being said, if you are looking just to live somewhere that isn't Venezuela, consider this shithole
Arctic norway, so remote and despite for residents that normal immigration rules don't even apply.
If you can support yourself, have at it.
Additionally, Paraguay says that as long as you can continually deposit $800 a month into your bank account, you can live there as a "pensioner"

I can enter into the FFL without a visa, if I undertand correctly. And after the 5 years contract I can apply for french citizenship.
>I mean, E-mail a recruiter, can't hurt.
I think I'll do that, user.


Look up "mewing the upper pallet" this'll help your dental situation ON YOUR OWN if you have a year before anything, odds are you had soft food or not enough (you said manlet, lack of food does that)

FFL wants people of warm countries that wont complain like a bitch

get your eyes checked and find the numbers and memorize them, you can probably find something online for cheap thats close to your dominant eye

dominant eye, make a V where you look through the V shape at a clock roughly 20 feet away, then close one eye and then the other WITHOUT MOVING AT ALL, the eye that sees it better inside the V shape (with hands/paper etc) is your dominant eye

get your blood type sorted out, and allergies

FFL is so people can die in place of French millennials. Enough people from real countries have died for the failure that is France. Have some self respect and ignore the FFL for the shirfest it is

good luck with that shit breh, just don't come to Argentina since we're already fucked up beyond belief and chocking full of your countrymen as well

Kek I'm sorry for that m8. Colombia is getting the worst part of it though

Fuck the frenchie scum, attempt to move to Scandinavia or Switzerland without joining the cuck ranks

i have some bad news

I made it through selection and got my kepi after the shitty fucking conditions on the farm. When I was doing interviews (really interrogations) I told them about how I had been shot. I was then called "
arrêt de balle" or "bullet stop." I believe this helped me get selected because they want tough people. The farm is fucking bullshit though. You don't really learn anything related to being in a military. You learn 6'th grade french and do chores for half a year. Then you get selected for your regiment and get sent off for specialty training.

Don't be a bitch. Keep your stories straight. Don't ask questions and sit quietly. Don't talk to the other people there for selection. Really drill home that the FFL is your last option in life and that you want to make a career out of it.

How much french do you know? My understand is that if you speak at least passable french they beat you during the night

*if you don't

>I made it through selection and got my kepi after the shitty fucking conditions on the farm.
Congrats user. Can I ask you, what kind of petty sit will get you booted out of there?
>Really drill home that the FFL is your last option in life and that you want to make a career out of it.
I just want military instruction, the pay, the european citizenship, and then work as an electrician (I'm studying a trade).
Very little. My goal is to be fairly decent once I'm there.

>1.67 cm

>Congrats user. Can I ask you, what kind of petty sit will get you booted out of there?
Pretty much nothing. Expect people getting frostbite and then going to the only doctor on the farm and getting called a pussy, them giving you some food and gloves and sending you back out into the cold. People fought and stole from each other and just had to do more chores for it.
>I just want military instruction, the pay, the european citizenship, and then work as an electrician (I'm studying a trade).
Don't tell them that. Do you time and then leave

u know it doesn't make any difference how tall you are user, right? ur still sitting down there in mum's basement while this spic manlet is preparing himself for a nice military life

SS + GOMAD and do the couch to 5k program.

Actually, a gallon of milk a day may be difficult to get your hands on, just try to get at least one gram of protein a day for every pound of body weight. Slow moving or weak family members will suffice in a pinch.

>la légion étrangère
>nice military life

>it doesn't make any difference how tall you are
cope harder, manlet
>ur still sitting down there in mum's basement
>said the basement-dweller to the man at work
>nice military life
YEET faggot come back to reality. FFL is better than dying of starvation in some soon-to-be-third-world shithole, but don't delude yourself that it's some fantastic comfy job.

>military life
Chose one. Especially in the FFL lmao

go for it, just learn french. you will need it.
also, you're gonna need at least 5-7 kg of muscle more than what you got

I preffer the term "slow grower".
Well, thank you for that tip, but I was more curious about the recruitment process. I understand that once I'm there it's gonna be shit and hell and I'll have to shut the fuck up and go with it.
>Don't tell them that
Sure, what should I say?
>Slow moving or weak family members will suffice in a pinch.

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I'm It's actually not bad when you get deployed after specialty training. I was stationed alongside Brits and Us military in Afghanistan. We used to trade food and other shit alongside grope each other's weapons.

Be as honest as you can in the interrogations and don't lie about shit unless you have to. You better remember all the lies if you do. Start doing physical fitness yesterday. Do a lot of sprinting and pull ups. Go for 10 mile hikes with at least 50 pounds of gear on.

Venezuela-bro, I should warn you that you have to remain in the FFL while they process that citizenship request (which is not guaranteed) so you will have to do another 5 year contract, essentially paying 10 years for that French citizenship. I'm not discouraging you, your country really is falling apart and this is a better choice, but you should know you won't be a Frenchman in 5 years unless you get shot in combat AND SURVIVE.

Spanish Legion is preferable, they take better care of their guys, have better equipment, and you actually speak the language.

Can't you just join the US military? Why in god's cock would you want to fight for France

>Today, acceptance to the Spanish Legion is based on the following criteria:[5]

>Be a Spanish citizen; although citizens from former Spanish colonies also can join (foreign recruits are required to have a valid Spanish residence permit).[6]
> (foreign recruits are required to have a valid Spanish residence permit).[6]

>you have to remain in the FFL while they process that citizenship request (which is not guaranteed) so you will have to do another 5 year contract, essentially paying 10 years for that French citizenship
Hmm, holy shit. Didn't expect that from France. Sounds like shitty third-world burocracy from here.
You need a Green Card if I'm not wrong. I'd love to serve in the US military but that's improbable.
>Spanish Legion is preferable, they take better care of their guys, have better equipment, and you actually speak the language.
I guess I'll take a look at it. Btw, already emailed the FFL, let's see what comes out of this. Thank you for your advice.

I found the thread interesting. But for my country the rules for entering the legion are a bit different. I do not know how to help in this case.

>You need a Green Card if I'm not wrong
You do, but those are pretty easy to get if you can contribute. Honestly, if things aren't THAT bad for you I'd just wait. Elliot Abrams is meeting with the Vodka vermin soon, and they just sold their stake in PVDSA

I like to read anything I can about the FFL. Read a book about a Brit who was in during the Algerian War. He said they sang a bunch of old SS songs because a bunch joined up after WW2. Also read an article by an American who quit his job and went to Marseilles to join. They didn't accept him because he couldn't speak French. This was pre-Bataclan though. The drill instructors say some hardcore shit like "You have come here to die."
Seems like you could be redeployed back to South America in French Guiana. They have issues with Brazilians smuggling shit across the border. Of course, the Middle East and Africa are forever a mess as well.

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Brazilian thugs like to sneak across the border into French Guiana and set up illegal gold mines out in the jungle.

The French then send the FFL to break up these mining camps, because gold mining results in large amounts of cyanide being dumped into the water, which, it turns out, is bad for local ecosystems.

So if you want to go full on MAC-V-SOG against a bunch of HUEs in a shithole jungle not far from Venezuela, the FFL is the right place to be.


Honestly mate, your chances aren't good. The FFL is over-saturated with applications and they can afford to be highly selective.

Do you speak French?



Ah yes, Jow Forums's greatest troll. I'm surprised there are still morons that think that it's a viable routine

Are there woodlands in Venuzula???? Here is what you do, go to YouTube and watch fuck loads of Bushcraft videos, go torrent Bushcraft books and PDFs and print them or something, buy a nice axe, buy some nice gear, get in your car and drive back to mother nature baby, Bushcraft it out for the next 5 years, fuck the cities, fuck other people, fuck the French, just go live off the motherfucking land and never go hungry again. You have to learn a lot though. Get creative.

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