What was their endgame, also what kind of weapons would they have adopted had they won their traitorous rebellion?

What was their endgame, also what kind of weapons would they have adopted had they won their traitorous rebellion?

Attached: 550px-Map_of_CSA_4.png (550x279, 125K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>what was their endgame

are you retarded? seriously, answer the question.

Besides slavery.

So you are retarded.

Sooner or later, they had to outlaw slavery. I just want to know what they plan for the long term.

Not having a federal form of central government, obviously dumbass.

Texas and Louisiana were able to hold their own. Deep south got btfo due to lack of supplies

>what weaponry would they have adopted?
Probably British and french firearms

Texas and Lousiana would've lost eventually because they werent as industrialized as the north, those supply problems would have inevitably hit them too.

>their traitorous rebellion
Federalists get out reeeeee

How else would you describe it?

A revolution.

>He thinks it was about slavery

Yes it was.

Governing by the consent of the governed
Probably M4s or something else compact considering they didn't allow for a standing army, only a navy.

Good goy.

>What was their endgame

>what kind of weapons would they have adopted
CSA made ones not longer after achieving sovereignty.
British imports like the 1853 Enfield would be commonplace for years to come though.
Expect massive fleets of cottonclads and ironclads.
Armored and heavily armed trains would probably also be heavily utilized as the CSA expands westward.

Attached: confederate-states-of-america-flag-painting.jpg (1411x1009, 714K)


Literally within the reason put out by the states for seceding.

Also there would probably be a little bit of variety from state to state regarding standard issue rifles. It would really boil down to whatever the top bras for each state could a afford and what they wanted.

>mfw I'll never be able to carry a L85 in service of the Confederate Navy.


Surrender and humliation

>Weapons if won?

Unicorn horns and Leprechaun based ray guns, because they would clearly be in fantasy land.

>Traitorous Rebellion
How does that boot taste yankee?

>How does that boot taste yankee?
idk, all I can smell are burning crops and houses in rural Georgia

Attached: 1280px-Sherman_sea_1868.jpg (1330x800, 755K)

Imagine defending federal overreach and loss of constitutional rights just to smite your fellow countrymen.

Going bankrupt because cotton production moved to India and Egyptia.

Gleefully celebrating the murder and death of your fellow Americans? We were supposed to be better than that. We were supposed to be different than the old world. You disgust me.

Sipping sweat tea in The Gulf while defending the Southern commerce, Jungle Carbine or L85 in hand... Sounds lovely.

Attached: p16630coll2922-1000.jpg (1000x1303, 175K)

*takes sip of tainted water*
Well, you know...
*has house broken into by Doctoral Candidates*
That's just the nature of war...
*cops arrive 46 minutes later
The victor writes the history books
*they aren't there because of the B&E, they're there because of red flag laws*

Yeah, enjoy that win buddy, the world is a worse place for it.

>implying that there would still be sweet tea in the chow hall after a week at sea
Dont fool yourself user, it would be cozy, but ship life would still suck.

>Being this much of a Yankeeboo brainlet
Want to know how I know you've never read through the declarations of secession?

>confederate states literally publish documents giving slavery as their primary cause
>Federal government states that keeping the union together is their primary cause
>confederate apologists ignore the former and act like only the latter matters because it fits their narrative

Repeat after me: the war aims of the belligerents in the American civil war were asymmetrical.

How are you this fucking stupid?

>>confederate states literally publish documents giving slavery as their primary cause
I guess I'll repeat myself - want to know how I know you've never actually read the declarations of secession? It's because you think they only cite slavery. They don't. They never did. Get over yourself you bootlicking Yankeeboo moron

>they list one of their complaints
>this means it was totally about one complaint

im sure israel loves you rn

technically speaking, the south was more industrialized. thing is, their economy was fit for cotton, not for food.

>North gleefully shits on south with death threats
>North wonders why south hates them

we should genocide the yankees as revenge desu

>Rebellion was over slavery
Slavery was their economy. Outright abolition overnight would have wrecked them. Rebellion was a matter of economic survival.
This. As history has shown, a centralized federal government eventually gathers power for itself and subjugates the various federated states; diminishing their rights and power in the process. The literal opposite of what the founders wanted. The Confederate States of America were literally more American than the government they fought against.

>im sure israel loves you rn
Why would it? I'm not Israeli.
It was the main point.





Try harder, man.

this guy gets it

>Expect massive fleets of cottonclads and ironclads.
>Armored and heavily armed trains would probably also be heavily utilized as the CSA expands westward.
Yeah, okay. The south refuse to industrialize because much slavery.

You're all retarded, congrats

Attached: 1545275664732.jpg (579x430, 44K)

R8 my limited imagination/knowledge version of the CSA in WW1

Attached: CSA WW1.png (399x700, 212K)

>Yeah, okay. The south refuse to industrialize because much slavery.
Imagine being so boring that you just accept public education without critical thought.

>The central story told in textbooks is that the industrial revolution, beginning with the first textile mill in New England in the 1790s, created an economy that did not need slaves. Southerners, however, continued to use slave labor on their farms because agriculture was profitable. Closely related to this change, cities rose as population centers in the North created an urban society while the South remained primarily agrarian.total farms in U.S. 1860 cities, however, reveals that while cities grew rapidly in the North between 1800 and 1860, they did not become leading population centers until 1920, 60 years after the Civil War began.
>n 1860, there were more farms in the North than in the South, although Southern states, especially in the Cotton Belt, had the majority of large farms (1,000 acres or more).
>The notion that there were no southern cities was also a myth. The U.S. had eight cities with more than 150,000 residents in 1860 and three of them—St. Louis, Baltimore and New Orleans—were in slave states. Several other southern cities, such as Louisville, Mobile, and Charleston, had more than 20,000 residents each and were listed among the largest urban places in the U.S. Similarly, data demonstrate the presence of manufacturing in the South. Richmond, VA, had mills and factories as early as 1800. The 1860 census shows the fairly even spread of manufacturing across the states, with only New York and Pennsylvania recording 17,000 or more manufacturing establishments (see Primary Source Farms Census Data [1860], List of Urban Areas [1860], and Manufacturing Census Date [1860]).


That looks about how I'd imagine it.
Maybe the gray would be a bit lighter though and they'd be sporting campaign hats.

Don't try to deceive me, filthy dixie. I know the south history. The infrastructure improvements and tariffs characteristic of Federalist and then Whig programs allowed the south to develop its industry

However, once they declared independence. The CSA was a loose confederacy with no central government;
Its constitution, along with prohibiting emancipation, also prohibits state investment in infrastructure. Best case scenario is light industry started with the small scale production of consumer goods in the CSA. Besides that no industry whatsoever.

Attached: __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_svveet__adae8c44d812b2967e6ac7459e89716d.jpg (990x1318, 123K)

Oh wow so the states listed things they didn’t get their way on, all of which related directly to slavery, as reasons for secession in addition to explicitly listing threats to the institution of slavery. My eyes have been opened and now I see it wasn’t about skavery at all! Most of the more principled-sounding reasons were from states that seceded later, not the first seven, which seems a bit late to the party and disingenuous.

And yet King Cotton didn’t die after abolition. There are a lot of ways to analyze the quality of an economy. The working class in the south did not benefit from slavery, and were arguably hurt by the impacts it had on the labor market and concentration of wealth.

My textbooks didn’t use this narrative though. What an oddly specific straw man.

How about Banana Wars era fedora/cowboy hats?

Attached: 92b0297056ab6dff9baac80bee8ce49b.jpg (780x1024, 74K)

This is off topic

I'm sure the North and South in this alternate timeline would share a lot of the same aesthetics in terms of military fashion, barring the color schemes.

Attached: American-Civil-War-Confederate-uniforms-antique-print.jpg (1333x1912, 551K)

>what was their endgame
Economic vassaldom to Great Britain, for that alone the traitors deserved everything they got.

Based and America-pilled.

Not retarded enough to start a war by seceding from the part of the nation that had the majority of industry and a strong economy....

We will raise again.

Unrealistic, the South would never last long in an WW1 Scenario.

I think their arms choice would have been somewhat similar to 1920's China. It would have taken a while to get an arms manufacturing base going, so they would have gotten a lot of British guns (maybe martini henry rifles and webley revolvers) and some French. Ultimately settling for their own indigenous rifles, once production started. And when the First World War starts, I think their infantry rifle would have been something similar to a Berthier or early Mauser, chambered in a cartridge similar to 30-40 Krag (they would have kept up to date with their neighbor's progress in Arms design).

>Fayetteville model 1907

And their sidearm would have been just locally produced Webleys

>Centrallia revolver 1896

>What was their endgame

Saving pregnant Anne Frank

>also what kind of weapons would they have adopted had they won their traitorous rebellion?

Literally just give the Confederate Army 2,000 sets of AN/PRC-117 radios and their command and control would make them unbeatable.

Attached: your goals vs my goals battle of glendale confederate victory.png (1358x768, 1.35M)

>Unrealistic, the South would never last long in an WW1 Scenario.

What if it wasn't fighting fighting the US and was intervening overseas against Imperial Germany?

Attached: Attack of the Ulster Division 1st Day of the Somme.jpg (1280x682, 361K)

The U.S would side with Germany.

Is that from a Dutch textbook?

Attached: almost-home-mark-maritato battle of franklin.jpg (900x599, 198K)

>The U.S would side with Germany.

Doubtful desu.

Do you know nothing of history?

>when Robert E. Lee successfully predicts the next 150 years of American history

Attached: Robert E. Lee warned you thumbie.png (1440x1872, 952K)

I think it's in German actually

What reason would the US have to throw in with Germany in WWI? The mains reasons we intervened at all were economic (i.e. make Great Britain and France would still be around to pay back their war loans) rather than ideological.

Attached: Belleau Wood.jpg (775x1024, 611K)

It would be fascinating to see both the Union and the Confederates aiding France and Britain respectively during WWI.
I'm sure there would still be some hard feelings, but overall it would be very reminiscent of a European brotherhood; Although strained at times, they're still blood that share the same continent, and will always be family in one way or another.

Attached: Johnny Reb and Billy Yank.jpg (960x1240, 811K)

Daily reminder that pro slavery = pro kike. Only a kike would get off to the idea of owning another human being; they would do the same to you you're all goyim to them after all. Theres a reason that the south is so pro israel, they've been infiltrated by jews for a long time. The north was quite literally the chad anglo coming down to punish treason and the jewish degeneracy of owning other people. Pic related.

But keep crying about muh (((confederates)))

Attached: 1552676255708m.jpg (1024x473, 83K)

>It would be fascinating to see both the Union and the Confederates aiding France and Britain respectively during WWI.

I already wrote up a timeline for this, but in WWII against Nazi Germany (the US joins the Entente in mid-1917 while the the Confederacy sits out the war altogether).

Attached: the japs fear the confederate flag.jpg (368x500, 28K)

It runs up from 1862 to 1943 when Anne Frank becomes pregnant.

>regurgitating Jow Forums bullshit


Attached: Save me Johnny Reb!.jpg (1300x1708, 1.01M)

>calling the compartment on a ship where the crew eats the "chow hall"


Britain and France were rivals to Germany. And Britain supplied the Confederates with a few batches of rifles. Also, Antebellum culture actually does have roots that go back to the English Cavaliers (pro monarchy), who fled after losing the English Civil War

Attached: 1459402873676.png (351x351, 153K)

Imagine the thought process of the average 80 iq southerner. You literally got convinced to fight a hopeless treasonous battle against your own countrymen to protect the jew slave owners and their inhumane practices. Then spend the next century and a half after losing literally shilling for kikes to the point you're willing to die for it and in certain southern states it's illegal to speak out against israel. Not to mention the (((evangelicals))) constant praise of literal jews. You're a joke

Would Johnnies (fanfic nickname for Confederate Expeditionary Forces) wear brown greatcoats or grey ones?

You have no drive user. You are a weak man with no will to survive or to determine his own destiny. You either fight and die, or live as a subject to your ruler. FIGHT user FIGHT

For the sake of identification, I'd say grey.

>muh 80 iq southerner.
>spouts Dinesh D'Souza-tier image macros more full of bullshit than an actual bull

Attached: Confederatelulz.jpg (800x600, 141K)


Brown was only ever a thing because grey dyes in the 1860s tended to fade after extended use in sunlight.

Attached: the grey comanches.jpg (1400x1089, 416K)

Forgot to add

>actually believes the country that slaughtered 15 million Russians, Ukrainians, and Poles is the savior of the white race

Attached: Come and See Monkey.jpg (2048x1536, 2.29M)

No fucking he doesn't. Outright abolition wasn't even on the fucking table when secession started. Lincoln wasn't even in office yet and literally fucking pleading with the South not to secede, but they did anyway.

He's also a fucking mongoloid for thinking the south seceded over "States rights". The Sought's biggest gripe wasn't a perceived lack of states rights, it was that the Northern states were exercising their states rights. Their tune only changed once they lost control of the the presidency and the House.

>Dixiefags unironically thinking they were fighting for freedom and not to preserve the status quo for super wealthy plantation owners

The South would have likely become a banana republic before the term banana republic even existed. During antebellum, the South still relied heavily on Northern ships and infrastructure to export cotton. The British began trying to wean itself from Southern cotton before the Civil war so it's likely prices would have still dropped in the late 1860s regardless of how long the war dragged on and whether or not the South won. So without their own infrastructure, and a hostile neighbor to the North, they would have likely been forced into unfavorable trade agreements and basically ended up spit roasted by England and France. They'd probably end trying to rejoin the union after few decades.

Prussia and Russia were pro-union.

>What reason would the US have to throw in with Germany in WWI?
Prussia and Russia sided with the Union during its civil war. The Czar going so far as to say they would declare war on any European nation who supports the Confederacy. Prussia was the same having pro-union sentiments. The united states would prefer them over the British and French.

Attached: __patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_maho_moco__40a76d1582b715dd21549676382260f7.jpg (1400x2100, 477K)

> The Czar going so far as to say they would declare war on any European nation who supports the Confederacy.
>there are people who unironically believe that Russia would have actually gone to war over a backwater conflict in the next hemisphere

Attached: pickett_gb.png (207x239, 88K)

They would likely continue to buy British equipment until they created a better arms industry

Attached: 20190317_030646.png (500x272, 314K)

>not wanting revenge for the Crimean war.

>The Last Full Measure never
Why even live?

Crimea is exactly WHY they wouldn't. Russia hadn't been able to win a land war in its own backyard in 1855, a mere decade later they sure as Hell wouldn't be able to win a war an ocean away in North America against two states that had been engaged in large-scale power projection for centuries.

Even over 50 years after the Crimean War, Russia proved incapable of defeating Japan despite Japan being literally right on their doorstep.

Attached: Battle of Tsushima.jpg (750x557, 131K)

So never?

>Sooner or later, they had to outlaw slavery.
Kek. Just start another war

With who

the Confederacy wasn't statist. The north and the America born from it was and are statist. In addition, using the "let dumb country folks" argument shows that you've swallowed Hollywood propaganda hook, line, and sinker. Interestingly, it's majority black cities in the South that skew the data.

Well America is a unified superpower better than every other nation so pretty damn good of course someone with a foreign mind like yours wouldn't understand

Their intended end game was to invade and conquer south america and set a precedent that every times you have a disagreement in the government or a perceived slight you can't break your country up.

>corrupting the founding ideals of the country is okay so long as we get to be the biggest bully on the block

Attached: absolutely tyrannical small.gif (390x270, 3.94M)

Except the Confederacy was objectively less free
>unelected president
>first conscription acts in North America
>mandated Slavery in their Constitution

But they would lose to the Second Empire of Mexico.

>would literally need French and British support to survive
>invades France backed Mexico or British backed Caribbean
Yeah nah mate

>literally right on their doorstep
*practically, you dumb shit
"practically right on their doorstep".
"Literally" does not mean "practically" or "figuratively".

These Civil War threads make me want to move to the south...

Attached: 1 vwAsi-XSgvOhY47NC8bDQA.jpg (1272x996, 287K)

I miss it so goshdarned much.

WE SET THE BLACK MAN LOOSE! Yeah, good job Yankees, that's worked out real well hasn't it?

Why did you ever leave?

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