>read Remarque
>Oh mother, dear mother! What good is my rifle in the face of the terrifying power of the artillery, both theirs and ours, bringing hell upon your poor son! Oh mother, their screams, their terrible screams, i wish i could forget. Don't you have the upmost right to me, not these officers in their fancy uniforms, butchers by profession? Oh mother, i wish you could hold me and make me forget this evil!

>read Jünger
>March 2nd, had a splendid evening with fähnrich Schulze from the 3rd rifles, drinking red wine we took from some frenchman's cellar and shooting unexploded English ordinance. Had so much fun that the Englishmen decided to intervene and send some of their not so unexploded ordinance, followed by an attack on our sector. Lost three men before we repelled them, they died a loud death. Took two prisoners and called it a night. Don't think i could ever see something as impressive as this at home, excited for the next attack.

I'm really confused Jow Forums, which one is it? Was WWI something terrible or a happy place full of opportunities for young men to have fun? Is war fun?

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Depends on the person.

Junger was a badass psycho warrior
Remarque was a normie

Depends on the person experiencing it. Some people get absolutely shook by warfare, others delight in it or find it exciting. You never know which one of these people you’ll be until you get into the thick of it. Neither mindset is “wrong”, either. Some folks can hang and others can’t.

Remarque was a young conscript who was only really in combat for 2 weeks in 1917, Junger was a war junkie who enlisted in 1914 and received a commission a year later, he would see intense combat and lead men through it, he was wounded multiple times and was eventually knocked out of combat for good in 1918. Not to disparaged Remarque but Junger really was a fearless warrior and leader, he definitely wasn’t your average man

Do you think that Junger killed someone?

And more so...in what branch would such a character like him work today?

And what would he think about modern day bundeswher?

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>Oh mother, i wish you could hold me and make me forget this evil!
Guess. Remarque was literally crying for his mommy between shellings.

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Jünger fled his home in his teenage years to join the foreign legion.
Another thing to note is that everybody went in WW1 thinking it'd be a adventure only lasting a few days. I mean they really were EXCITED to go to war and young lads enlisted willingly en masse. Jünger wrote diary on these days so it makes sense his notes dont come across as very critical or anything because he didnt have much time to reflect upon an ongoing thing. I havent read remarque though ,but what you posted sounds very whiny whereas jünger writes very direct with nice metaphors.

That being said, i nearly read everything that jünger has written.

he def did, he was an elite stormtrooper so prob something like special forces. he was totally hung ho and patriotic

that's not actually them, i just tried to catch the spirit.

have you ever been on the receiving end of any kind of artillery fire, btw?

>have you ever been on the receiving end
I imagine it's a little different in an open fox hole at night versus underground. Even Vietnamese kids made it through that alright.

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that they made it "through that alright" doesn't mean they weren't scared shitless


He is based as fuck. He basically lived for war and loved it very much. It was like sport for him.
I remember him having a rivalry with his old school buddy who also joined the Stormtroopers. He was actually quite happy when he died, because it proved him to be the better warrior of them both.

Fun Fact: Ernst Jünger was friends with Albert Hoffmann, the chemist who invented LSD. So its safe to assume he was one of the first humans to try LSD (he tried various other drugs aswell). To me ernst jünger is somewhat a prussian hunter s. thompson.

There’s a part where Junger talks about shooting a British Officer, I believe he was his first and only kill in the war.

OT, just now watching an interview with him in Liberia, what camo is this journo's hat?

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What are some recommended books by Junger? Never read this man and i'm pretty interested

I'm reading Storms of Steel atm and am almost done, it's great. Gonna try Strahlungen after that. Storms of Steel is the most famous and widely available

"Afrikanische Spiele" is about his young attempt of joining the foreign legion
"In Stahlgewittern" is about his expiriences of the WW1
"Der Waldgänger" is an essay about a specific characteristic which only a few inherit ( like him)
"Drogen - Erfahrungen und Rausch" is about his drug expiriences

These are the ones i would recommend the most.
I also have this book called "Schriften" (writings) which is a collection of other essays and novels. I dont know how translation is for you, because he has a really unique style of writing.

all of these are available in English?

thanks for the recs!

Salzig schmeckt der Wind...

I think it is some sort of comerical verion of "duck-hunter" pattern

man i dunno, im german

Thing to understand about Ernst Junger is that he was a fuckin badass. Not everybody is like Junger. He was also a Prussian and thus was genetically incapable of showing fear unless given explicit permission by a superior.

>He was also a Prussian
No, he's from Heidelberg. That's Baden-Würtemberg.

Sorry, I'll just change it to old-timey german. Still applies. Idk if you guys still are like that

1. He had a prussian spirit
2. he fought for prussia, even got "pour le merit"

>Is war fun?
For a certain type of person, there's nothing better.

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The original diary of Jünger reads very differently than his heavily edited book based on it (Storm of steel). His original diarys were published in Germany in full some years ago, I'm not sure if an English translation exists.
He already had doubts and enough of the war in 1915 and wanted back to a normal university student life.
And in 1917 he wrote:
>Cambrai, den 24.5.1917 Wenn ich über die grüne Wiese vor mir auf das zerschossene La Baraque sehe, dann muß auch ich, einst so Kriegslustiger, mir die Frage vorlegen: Wann hat dieser Scheißkrieg ein Ende? Was hätte man in dieser Zeit nicht alles sehen und genießen können. Welcher Genuß muß es zum Beispiel sein, eine holländische Landschaft bei sinkender Sonne zu durchwandern. Wandern! Frei wie der Falk herumstreifen ohne lästigen Zwang und Fessel. Noch ist kein Ende abzusehen. Die Sache wird höllisch monoton.

"When I look over the green meadows in front of me towards the shot up/destroyed La Baraque, then even I, once so lusting for war, ask myself the question: When is this shitty war over? What could one have seen and enjoyed in this time. What pleasure it has to be for example, to walk in the Dutch countryside when the sun is sinking. Hiking! To roam around free as a bird with out annoying constraints or shackles. There's no end in sight. This thing is getting hellishly monotonous." (translation by me)

>Dude operated so hard WWI began to bore him

Is Eumeswil worth finishing? It's so dense, I'm 3 chapters in and can't see the supposed philosophy behind it all

bump. this board needs more Jünger

Is this really based? Being happy a buddy died because it proves you are the better man when it could have been a lucky artillery shell? I think Jünger May have been a literal psychopath who would have been a serial killer in another life. All the drugs he took may have also altered is perspective.

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>which one is it
Well Remarque was enlisted while Jünger was an officer

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>Prussian hunter s thompson
Based and socialist-gunownerspilled

I read storm of steel, is his other stuff good?

The Glass Bees is a good book that kinda predicts how technology impacted the future (our present) and I haven't read many of his other works but I desperately want to.

he experimented with drugs much later

Wrong. Remarque was a brilliant polymath with a ton of game. Junger was just some schmuck.

>had a splendid evening with fähnrich Schulze from the 3rd rifles, drinking red wine we took from some frenchman's cellar and shooting unexploded English ordinance. Had so much fun that the Englishmen decided to intervene and send some of their not so unexploded ordinance,

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we know it, you know it, why are you afraid to give a clear 'no, i've never been on the receiving end of any artillery fire' on some chinese facebook in the interwebs?

with that lack of courage you think you'd fair better under an artillery barrage of WWI?
pathetic mockery of a man you are

Remarque was the experience of a man born to be a peasant.

Junger was the experience of a man born to be a warrior.

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Junger may be the only person I'm interested in hearing about when it comes to doing drugs like that.

Junger was also a superior intellectual, his writings had a great influence on both the NSDAP and reactionary elements in Weimar Germany.

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Yes, The Worker is good. He also wrote for a NazBol paper if you can find those writings.

>ernst jünger is somewhat a prussian hunter s. thompson
That.... is a fascinating observation.

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Junger has no business in being compared to a drug addled degenerate like Thompson.

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I just see this as the excitement wearing off of him, non-stop warfare for endless years after years would bore anyone.

fascinating because its stupid as fuck orrr?

Dont worry mate ive got his book ( Ernst Jünger - Annäherungen: Drogen und Rausch) here and can tell you a few of the confirmed substances he took:

- Opiates
- Cocaine
- Dude weed lmao
- Hasch
- Shrooms
- Mescaline
- Peyote
- Ether

Apart from usual drinking and smoking of course.

Polite reminder, that Jerries has no means to wage a prolonged war. But the City of London and Wall Street merchants were more than happy to provide all kind of materials through neutral states:
>It is certain Germany was neither prepared nor equipped for a struggle of four years duration.’ The impact of a blockade which leaked like a sieve meant that the war ‘was prolonged far beyond the limits of necessity.’ [...] If a proper blockade had been enforced, knowledgeable contemporaries estimated that war on continental Europe would have been effectively over within 6-8 months.
>M W W P Consett, The Triumph of Unarmed Forces,

Junger grew to hate the war not because it was shit, but because it was boring.

I remember reading him complaining about his stormtrooper job being nothing but boring shit like throwing explosives at the enemy 24/7.

Remarque fought two weeks and his book is half fiction half the stories he heard from his comrades. Junger fought almost through the whole war - from 1914 to 1918. First year or so of that he was a regular rifleman and the rest he spent as an NCO, which certainly doesn't mean he didn't physically participate and that is also very clear from his books.
I in no way mean to disregard Remarque. Truth is they were both of very different character thus both experienced the war in their own way and it's stupid to disregard either of their works.

McBride was more lethal than him. He also enjoyed ww1, most did not. Being given some discretion in action does that having discretion in action taken away does that

>have you ever been on the receiving end of any kind of artillery fire, btw?

yes. After the first few hours I thought I was going insane and the men I was with were are grinning hysterically.

>Guess. Remarque was literally crying for his mommy between shellings.
I shit on you,you spastic little medicated infant

>the virgin pogue vs the chad infanteer

>>the virgin pogue vs the chad infanteer

You'd be an expert in being virgin. Keep popping Ritalin and screaming at your parents

I see you identify with Remarque

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>Is war fun?
sometimes, mostly boring. Like queuing at a theme park.You are bored shitless for hours, days weeks queuing then you get on the ride and its shit and just as you get into it and get a buzz you are back queuing again

>I see you identify with Remarque

Not really. I basically enjoy warzones and crazy people but I also know I am fucked in the head. I just found them better than regular jobs and everything was bland after. I'd like to be in a warzone but with an invisible bullet and blast proof shell. That would be perfect. Sometimes war is very very beautiful. Mostly boring.

>I see you identify with Remarque

I think he was a better man than me, more heart. I don't care much about other people, don't even like them much. I had to feign emotion when squad mates died. I really did not care much