Please post guns with pets. That is all.
Please post guns with pets. That is all
Adam Evans
Dylan Allen
Jokes on you ATF, my dog is actually an autistic ferret.
Angel Bennett
A cute autistic ferret
Daniel Wilson
Bam l made it extra ghetto
Carson Gray
That looks like my first kitty. These 2 like my 12 gauge single shot.
Samuel Cook
Thats low quality bait desu senpai
Asher Cooper
>Look mom! I posted it again!
>This is super edgy and shocking! All my Jow Forums friends will definitely think I'm funny now!
>Haha! Jow Forums is an adult website! Haha!
Lincoln Morgan
I wonder which country you reside in where an arrow is considered a gun. Either that or you are poor and feel excluded from the thread
Dominic Wood
I agree
Luke Foster