How does Jow Forums deal with their fears?

I had a friend when I was younger that was deathly afraid of sharks but also loved the beach
>be ~18
>friend wants to go to beach
>go to his house to pick him up
>comes out of his house with beach bag
>under his arm is a fucking harpoon like pic related
>"I don't think the life guard will like that"
>"They can fucking deal with it"
>get to beach
>he just stands stoically at the water's edge like Poseidon's mortal enemy
>little kid walks up and asks him why he has a funny looking spear
>explains to him the dangers of shark attacks
>the kid was afraid of sharks too
>friend being there with harpoon convinced the kid to swim in the water
>life guard notices friend with harpoon
>lays into him about how dangerous it is to have those around kids
>soccer mom comes out of left field to scream at life guard
>she was the kids mother and was grateful that someone convinced her son to get off of the beach and into the water
>life guard backs down
>friend becomes unpaid life guard
>actually managed to get a shark with it once
On a side note, what is the minimum size a fish needs to be for it to be feasibly harpooned?

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I have a phobia of needles and a phobia of parasites. I keep clean and try to avoid getting my blood drawn.

As for the harpoon thing a halibut over 40lbs or a regular shaped fish over 80 lbs.

> what is the minimum size a fish needs to be for it to be feasibly harpooned?
i bow fish mullet that are about a foot long, you could spear something smaller with a taller body like a sunfish pretty effectively, if you could hit it anyway.

Face them, crush them, and overcome them. That is the only way to get rid of the fear.

Through forced exposure, unwillingly, again and again, uselessly struggling against it every time trying to get away, but there is no escape.

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>Fear of needles/particularly getting blood taken
>Fear of grievous medical situations

Forced exposure.

This. Over time you pretty much just give in and say fuck it.

im scared of white people so i pretend to be a white man

im scared of women so I post on Jow Forums

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I masturbate to things related to my fears

Surprised so many other guys here are just as afraid of needles as I am. I hate getting blood taken or anything injected.

I guess Muslims/Middle Easterners, though I feel like that's a rational fear, since they literally want me dead.

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How did he get the shark with it?

I have guns

The needle phobia is interesting to me. I actually have a weird fascination with getting my blood drawn, but the hum of a tattoo gun makes me uneasy.

This is how I got over my fear of horses.

Anything with more than 4 legs. 6 or 8 is just unnatural and they don’t move like normal animals. I know most of them are completely harmless, but bugs weird me the fuck out. It’s to the point where I violently resist most contact, but I still love the woods. I’m cool with them unless they get on me. Still haven’t figured out what do.

I can get to a second story okay, but 3rd, 4th, or up? Freaks me right the fuck out.
Friend of mine tried to help me by convincing me to go to the top of the bank building and hang out on the roof, but I couldn't leave the elevator.

I hope that story is true, there aren't enough cool people at the beach. Short answer, at least 30+ lbs considering that harpoon is meant for much larger creatures. There are small harpoons of course. Some ultra chad in Florida made a Glock mini-harpoon and uses it to catch lion fish while he snorkels.

The best way to deal with any fear is immersion therapy. Force yourself to confront it until it becomes normal and your fear response will go away.

Attached: glock harpoon.png (894x510, 171K)

Anything that I fear I shoot dead. What doesn’t kill you dies full of lead.

That's not a harpoon.
It's a gun that shoots bullets.
The thing attached to it is a specialized suppressor.

No they dont want you dead, they want is real dead and to take back their land
Arabs dont go to europe by choice
They hate everybody but themselves, but specifically hate is real and the jews

That's still pretty cool, also cant you just use a blank and a harpoon sticking out the end?


for me it's kind of heights
the problem here is that i love the shit out of planes and the idea of being in heights fascinates me
I got over it through a ride in a cessna
because of this fear I also pussied out on wanting to go on a zip line over a river, and also was deathly afraid to go back home on the plane due to turbulance on the way to vacation
the plane mustve dropped several feet too, it was like the engines just cut out or something, but without them actually cutting out
the flames on the wing tips also scared me

Harpoon is bigger and harder to carry then bullet.
And you have to go get it back.
And he kills these things by the hundreds.
And it wouldn't be any quieter.

Fuck off Goldstein. You won't be able to play the victim that easily.

Me too. I have a fear of spiders I’m over for the most part. But watching them move still creeps me out. Like you said it looks so strange and unnatrual.

I have arachnophobia bad enough to the point ill start like spazzing and cant really control it and have to take a second and calm myself down. Pretty much the only thing i can do is if im stuck near one watch it constantly and try and control myself so i know where it is or gtfo.

The reason they move weird is because they basically control their legs with hydraulics, that's why their legs curl up when they die because the pressure in their body fluids runs out. So if you're not afraid of your cars suspension you shouldn't be afraid of them

Yeah I fucking hate getting shots, no way I could ever get a tattoo.

Vehicle suspension is a bit different than a living, breathing, moving, hydraulicly powered nightmare machine.

i used to have a deathly fear of needles, to the point of where i nearly passed out from a simple flu shot.
i kicked myself in the balls, went to the doctor and told them to just fucking stab me. no problemo afterwards, except for a queasy feeling.
i also had a crippling fear of the dark and monsters, so i became a teratophile.
Fapping to things that scare you isnt a meme, it genuinely works.
And talking about it. Find degenerates and talk ALOT about your fears. Confront them, make them your waifu. Fetishize it. Replace fear with arousal.
Utilize the gift of mankind to jack off to everything in existance.

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A soccor mom story where the soccor mom isnt a piece of shit?

Somewhere in my early teens I developed an intense fear of swimming in open water.
If I can't see what's going on under and around me it's fuckthat.exe.
It's pretty weird since I fucking loved the water as a kid and especially diving.

How I deal with it:
I haven't been swimming for nearly 10 years.
And I live 20 minutes from grade A beaches and I'm surrounded by lakes.

He felt something brush past his leg and he stabbed at it. Not the safest thing to do, but at least it wasn't a kid

You know, putting it like that is almost giving me arachnophobia

>How do I deal with my fears?
I don't. They are consuming me and I am not a functional human being as a result.

I'm not arachnophobic, but it is much easier for me to wrap my mind around the fear of spiders than say, the fear of snakes. You basically nailed it, their locomotion is so fucking alien, th eight eyes, the spiders silk, all of it is just positively extra terrestrial. I would probably put crabs in that same box if they weren't fucking delicious.

A gun.

>On a side note, what is the minimum size a fish needs to be for it to be feasibly harpooned?
If you're not after the type of fish that you know a harpoon would work on but want smaller stuff it'd be a lot more practical to just use a fishing bow.
Ever heard of the phrase 'think smarter not harder'?