QTDDTOT: Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Ask your retarded questions here instead of shitting up a good thread. I'll start. GF and I are going on an innawoods trip in May. Both states we are going to have constitutional carry, so she will be carrying despite not having a permit. She'll be carrying a Glock 43. I want a holster that she will be able to carry comfortably while hiking for miles, even if she's wearing leggings. I have looked into items like pic related but I feel as if they won't adequately protect the trigger. Any suggestions? Affordability helps, but I won't cheap out on her safety.

Attached: belly band.jpg (466x466, 28K)

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Modify the bellyband.

Attached: Trigger guard.jpg (466x320, 26K)

Just have her fucking wear hiking pants and then she can have belt loops and a belt and use an owb holster like you should be using for hiking for ease of access, comfort, reliable draw, and all that other shit.

Wife and I like prana

Attached: prAna-Halle-Pant-Womens.jpg (267x600, 13K)

>carrying whilst hiking for any other reason that constitutional rights
>needing your gf to carry because your bitch ass cant protect her

>wanting your gf to be useless and having to drag her along in a crisis instead of being a battlebuddy you know has your back

How does a 77 grain 5.56 out of a 12.5" compare to a 123 grain 300blk out of a 10.5" ballistically?

Why does no one ever fucking reply on Armslist?

What's the best flash hider that's not 3 prong?

Who makes good offset sights that are small/really low profile? Why the fuck is kac so overpriced and why has no one just copied their peep, small foot print?

If she has to poop and an angry deer or a Somali rapist comes, she needs some protection

2 guns > 1 gun

anybody carry a M&P 2.0 compact (4")? looking for good IWB, preferably appendix, holsters. I've been looking at tier one holsters, I just don't wanna drop $125 on one and not like it. I tried 4 o clock carrying and it just prints too easy, especially in spring/summer wear.

Attached: 1552609737142.jpg (750x906, 97K)

On a side note my wife pisses me the fuck off too with her stupid legging yoga pants obsession when those pants are fuck all worthless for anything but showing your ass.

Not a fan of the ankle-tight variety, but they're comfy as fuck.

Attached: Sexy Flanders.jpg (640x480, 58K)