Just found out my dream gun is cheap as fuck. Got my dick hard. Tell/show me your favorite guns and what their worth.
Dream gun
Mauser C96. 5 digit price in my country, assuming there is even any being sold at the moment.
STG 44, unobtainium but a friend of a friend does a lot of business in Africa so maybe there's hope
Fuuuuccckkkkk that would be cool. If you ever figure it out, you have to post it. The things I would do for a legit stg-44 is a pretty long list.
let get a s/k/uad going and head down to Syria to liberate some STG for ourselves
Most of the shit I want I can get, however, shit like pic is still out of reach
Where are c96s rare?
Full breeki pkm
France but they're cheaper than I thought, I saw a couple being sold for 2500 each
>show me
pic related
>what their worth
I don't want to talk about it