Hi Jow Forums, I have a question

Hi Jow Forums, I have a question.

I really love cleaning guns - I'm extremely malicious and a little OCD about it (not diagnosed, I just love to clean guns). I have a lot of tools, oils, and safe chemicals I use to clean guns, it's my meditation. I wholeheartedly enjoy cleaning them, and recently I was considering doing it as a part-time hobby that I can possibly monetize off of.

Is there a market for this? Do people/businesses want their firearms maliciously cleaned by someone else? I'm just not sure if this if even a thing, so I wanted to gather your thoughts. By "clean" I mean a through cleaning, polishing, oiling, the works - it usually takes me 1+ hour minimum for "small" arms and for "long" guns it can take 2+ hours, especially if the firearm has any wooden parts on it, those require special attention, getting underneath the wooden parts and putting a nice finish on the wood takes time, I have to break the entire gun down, including the trigger assembly - nothing goes unchecked.

I might get shit for posting this, but It's been on my mind for a while and I figure I'll ask anyway. Thanks in advance

Attached: 654984654984.png (435x586, 634K)

Sporting good stores offer gun cleaning as a service, so someone must be buying it.

Only question I can think of is would you need to legally transfer the firearms to clean them? If you're clear in that regard, I'd put up a business card at any LGS in the area. Maybe put some craigslists ads up every month.

Probably not, modern firearms dont need to be meticously cleaned
but if your capable of hand polishing steel like your pic, people will pay several hundred

>is there a market for this
yes and no. There's a market for a gunsmith to restore old firearms and maintain the historicity, but just straight up deep clean? not usually from a sole proprietor. Most ranges offer that service, almost every gun store does that service, but trying to do it as a side gig will need some seriously good marketing.

Not a bad idea, and good observation...I might actually start doing that (business cards, cragis).

The legality of it though is def a grey area for someone like me, I'll go to my LGS tomorrow and ask directly, they know me very well.

Wow, I can do this in 1-2 hours, very easily, these type of handguns are the easiest for me to polish, I can make it blind you in the sun.

I think $100 is way to steep for that type of work, but maybe I'm just biased.

It's easily over $250 for a normal polishing, let alone super mirror finish.

You have inspired me, I didn't know this...that's exactly what I'm good at - polishing to the point where it basically blinds you. I've done it so long (7 years isn't very long but you get it), so it doesn't take me much time anymore.

Thanks user.

Best of luck. It's always good to do something you're good at and like and get paid for it.

Truer words could not be spoken.