Meanwhile in 1800s Jow Forums

>He can't even manage 3 shots to the minute

How are you supposed to go line to line with some dirty french regulars if you load like old people fuck.

>not practising pour, spit, tap
>still using ramrods in the year of our lord 1803

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (720x526, 560K)

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shall I convert my 1812 Springfield to caplock Jow Forums ? I heard even the U.S. army has adopted them now

Why would you spit?

Who /chevaux de frise/ here?


Attached: Bison skulls pile to be used for fertilizer , 1870.jpg (1600x1251, 428K)

Why are we revolting again? The British empire just had that seven year war with the Frenchmen to protect our colonies from france totalitarian control and it took seven years of hard bloody work to push the frenchmen out of our colonial villages and lands. It is perfectly understandable why they would raise the taxes and sich because that was a costly war to keep us safe from the rancid frenchmen and their perfume whorish ways.

So again why are we, the colony. Revolting against the British empire for having to raise taxes due to the costs of that seven year war? If we just pay the taxes and just treat the soldiers kindly then everything will go back to normal for god sakes people we are all british!

Just think, one man with one ar15 and a dozen magazines of ammo could literally take all of europe in a weekend in the 1400s.

Literally one mag down and they would be fearing you as a god.

You bite the bullet out of the packet, pour in the powder and spit the bullet and wadding into the barrel. Then tap the gun on the ground to make sure the round is at the bottom of the barrel.
>Protip: Don't point the gun downwards.

Cuz muh taxes without representation or sum shit idk man I'm just a slave

>he thinks the Royal Proclamation of 1763 is okay
Sir, I do believe you are what in crude company is called a "cuckold".