Just Don't
pocket holster don't nigger carry
Personally I wouldnt carry anything where the trigger is completely protected. Pocket carry sounds nutty to me.
What the heck? Pocket holsters are a thing yeah, wonder why he didn’t use one. Can’t see it going off if he did
How the fuck did the bullet catch him in the eye if the gun was in his pocket? Was he trying to suck his own cock?
>his pocket carry was pointed upwards
what the fuck
How the fuck did he manage to catch the round with his face?
I expected to read about a nick to the femoral artery. Instead, the fat fuck shot himself in the face. Darwinism at work.
dude was murdered
By himself
It's clear he trusted the wrong person.
I'm interested in the gun he had. I've torture tested my LCP to try and get it to go off in my pocket and nothing short of deliberately pulling the trigger through my pants works.
It was “an accident” where it shot him “in the corner of his eye” from behind, twice.
Wonder if there's footage of it, since they were filming a music video.
I have an. NAA.22 lr used to carry in my back pocket alot until one day I went to grab it out and the hammer was cocked. I'm guessing when I was adjusting my ass posture in a chair earlier, it managed to cock itself. Luckily I found it like that before I sat back down, still scared me tho. If it went off it would probably just grazed my ass or put one in my button or possibly not at all. Try not to carry it in my back pocket anymore
How did this guy manage to do this?
>not being armed 24/7
Leave Jow Forums
Do you know where you are?
Is that fake?
What the hell?
It was taken in 2016
>pocket carry
>shot in the head
But how.
Jesus fuck, Bernie Torme died???
I've pocket carried but only with a manual safety, a few times cautiously with a heavy DA trigger, people who throw a G42 in their pocket cocked and locked don't last long
This is why everybody laughs at gun owners.
>t. Paid For By the Clinton Foundation
He's really not wrong though. Most gun owners are ridiculously irresponsible. If I find out someone else is CCing I avoid them. Some of my personal experiences with other CCers:
>boomer whips out loaded and cocked G19 with trigger guard dremeled off to show it off
>other boomer whips out one of those weird folding glocks, also cocked
>guy pulls out a fucking AR pistol from his backpack with a LAW folder because he thinks carrying it around makes him jason fucking bourne
>my own dad constantly pocket carries a variety of old 38 revolvers with full hammers and doesn't foresee that as any sort of issue
>friend rests butt of G36 clone on the ground while we were sitting, situated with the muzzle pointing at my head
desu I don't trust anyone but myself to handle firearms around me
>cocked g19
Get the fuck out of here.
Yeah fuckass, the striker was cocked
Seconding this. Most gun owners are ignorant, irresponsible, and don't respect their guns. Can't count the number of times I've been muzzle swept during casual conversation or have ejected a cartridge out of a gun someone swore was empty.
What, were you expecting him to have the striker decocked with or without a round in the chamber? Fucking idiot.
dae think we need gun control?
>you don't think a cocked G19 with a cut off trigger guard being pulled out in public to show it off is a problem
Go suck on a tailpipe
I just think some degree of training should be mandatory. Firearms are inherently dangerous and too many people treat them like toys.
You cant chamber a glock without it being cocked you no guns shill
Then bring back firearms safety classes in schools. He left doesn't want a learned population on gun safety and law.
>loaded and cocked G19
You are full of shit faggot. You can't tell if a Glock is loaded by just looking at it.
>t. Owner of G17 & G19
You guys need to stop associating with so many retards.
Survival of fittest and elimination of dumbest in work.
I'm a fucking loser, I take what I can get.
Exactly my thought, and also, why is this fucko even carrying a gun, upside down, on a movie set? Natural selection at its finest
there's no "kinked extractor?" honestly asking i only own an m92 and an FN
Stop being a fucking terminology autist, you know damn well exactly what I meant. Next you'll start shrieking like a jew who lost a nickel if someone says clip
Just admit you're full of shit. It's not hard, user.
It's a fucking Glock. It has no manual safety, mag or grip safety, it's striker fired and has no chamber indicator.
Only thing preventing you from shooting when pulling the trigger is an unloaded chamber.(Also the trigger being garbage)
I don't know which special needs school you guys dropped out of to not know this about one of the most common handguns in existence.
Have you ever seen one of those, not even finger fucking it but even a photo would be enough to tell?
Give yourself a bleach enema to help with that autism
> no chamber indicator.
The extractor is the loaded chamber indicator noguns.
Holster is the safety.
>gee bill, let me gauge whether this gun is loaded by eyeballing the extractor
>Holster is part of the gun
>gauge whether this gun is loaded
Rule 1, bruv. Learn it, live it, love it.
I know we're all supposed to be just leaving witty one liners, but unless it's a nightstand gun, any pistol without some form of holster is nearly useless.
Carrying all but requires one, competition needs one, any range that doesn't treat you like an infant will require one.
>guy pulls out a fucking AR pistol from his backpack with a LAW folder
>>guy pulls out a fucking AR pistol from his backpack with a LAW folder because he thinks carrying it around makes him jason fucking bourne
So, offbody carry generally sucks, but assuming he had a pistol on his person, this is pretty fucking cool. Great low key way to get your AR to the range.
Why are you hating here? Were you guys waiting in line at a department store when he whipped it out or what?
The point is about the gun, as in how it is different from other guns. Holsters are for all guns and separate objects so its pointless to mention. And the real safety is not a holster or a feature but your brain.
appendix carry a chambered glock mexican style. it's the only way to go
He had it pointed upwards in his pocket for some reason.
psst hey noguns
you don't even have to look. you can just run your finger over the extractor and feel it
gb2 airshit
You have to be 18 to post here.
Jesus Christ you just have to touch it you fucking no guns faggot
>Carter was in the Army
>carried in his pocket muzzle up on a film set
What a fucking moron.
>Blatantly lying on a Cambodian Midget Toss forum
>Calls others autists
It was a photo of the extras from Dunkirk
Not him, but why even fucking bother then? I don't know own a G19, but the p30 and PPQ have the same problem in 9mm where the extractors do not protrude far enough to show their visual indicator or even give tactile feedback any different from unloaded.
At that point, it's about as useful as a guess. Better to just press check to confirm it's unloaded.
People act like natural selection is a bad thing. The only tragedy here is that this guy had children.
sssshhh we're mocking kids
P30 you can tell by feel, I don't have a PPQ so idunno
Sure are a lot of noguns shills in this thread.
always are. kids and yuropoors
How old are his daughters? They are going to need a new "Daddy" now.....
>my own dad constantly pocket carries a variety of old 38 revolvers with full hammers and doesn't foresee that as any sort of issue
I'm not seeing it either.
>country singer
Just Don't
I forsee a problem for any nigger that tries to mug him
Was in the army, but mother isn't sure he's entitled to a funeral with military honors? What do you want to bet this goober washed out of basic?
Imagine being this insufferably queer. Suck start your CC, faggot.
You know they make holsters specifically for the pocket? Here is a LCP in one.
One of the old west gunmen (can't recall who) used to carry a pair of derringers muzzle-up in a pair of custom pants pockets. He apparently had a practiced draw where he pulled them both out by the muzzle and cocked them in the process of flipping them into a proper grip, quite quickly for concealed/backup guns.
I don't see the sense in it, but it is a long-standing practice that lots of people have chosen for one reason or another. Most of them didn't even get killed because of it.
Back to r*ddit fag
The current version of the extractor (I think introduced with Gen3, but not sure) has a tab at the front to serve as an LCI. If the tab is flush with the slide, the chamber is empty. If the tab is proud of the slide, and the rest of the extractor is flush, the chamber is loaded. It's a very clear tactile check (if you use a high trigger finger index, it's right on top of it), and while it's not painted bright colors or anything, it's not hard to read visually if somebody's showing you their gun.
Faggot's still noguns for "loaded and cocked", of course. If the guy modified his Glock to allow decocking on a loaded chamber, that would be the noteworthy thing.
>with full hammers
Potential for snagging -- yeah, yeah, thumb on hammer during draw, but there's some possibility of the hammer spur digging into pocket material and already being snagged before you draw.
Not a huge risk, but a bobbed hammer or a holster can prevent it completely.
I never trust any LCI to prove unloaded, always perform a direct visual and/or tactile examination of the chamber. People have, through accident or stupidity, chambered and fired .380 in a 9mm or 9mm in a .40 -- a gun with such a wrong-caliber cartridge is loaded and dangerous, but the reduced cartridge diameter may not present a clear read on the LCI.
But it is comforting to have positive indication that the gun you're wielding has something in the chamber, and it's nice to have advance warning when "It's not loaded, bro" but you can see it is.
Fuck you I enjoy my,pocket holster
disregard this post i suck a lot of cock
So your dad is cool and not a pussy, leading me to believe your condition might not be genetic
>in pocket
This mother fucker was suicided.
Hello noguns civiecuck
Get the fuck off this board, clip. You dont belong.
Always physically check the chamber you walking ND
> Gun in pocket
> Shot in head
Hmmm...makes grug think...
Modern country singers are full of ꜱoy
A real country singer would have been open carrying a big ass revolver or 1911
I'm not even upset because you're being edgy or anything, i just wanted to let you know your joke sucks
I don't believe this. No way the gun randomly went off hitting his face. He was playing around with the gun and the people around him are covering it up so not make him look like the idiot he was.
Tfw no one in this thread is aware of the ricochet phenomenon
>gun was pointed downwards in his pocket
>somehow dies from bullet wound to the fucking face
This is by far the most likely scenario. Like all those retards who NG and say "they were cleaning it".
This is probably what actually happened.
G19 literally has a loaded chamber indicator. The trigger is also in a different position when cocked, but it could be cocked on an empty chamber
>muh magic bullet theory
Fuck off CIA