Have any of you had this experience?
Happend to me twice.
1. Took girl to indoor range. I knew her a little but not much. She wanted to try new things etc. 21yo. Smoking hot. College girl. Anyways. She readily agreed to go shooting. I just brought my M9 and a few hundred rounds. Got us a lane and got my gun set up. Blew off 10 rounds to make sure everything was good. Showed her how to load the mag, hold the gun, saftey, double vs single action (because M9) and so forth. She shot ten at the target and I'll be damned if she didn't put all ten center mass like a pro at 20 feet. Anyways. She puts the gun down, turns around, years in her eyes and says she wants to go. "Holy shit" I think to myself, "let's boogy". Got outta there and took her mini golfing instead.
2. Took girl out to go shoot some sporting Clay's. Showed her how the gun works. Show her how to operate the thrower machine. Load up and "pull!". Shot my Clay's and turned around. She looked petrified. Asked if she was ok. Said she was. Loaded the gun and handed it to her. After she had it in hand started shaking. Tears in her eyes. Told her the recoil really isn't that bad and she can just shoot into open air a few times if she wanted to. Started saying she wasn't ready etc. Decided to wrap it up before I got her freaked.
Anyone else experience stuff like this? I mean I'm not a creepy dude and I'm not mishandling the guns or making irresponsible comments or moves etc. All just normal range day etiquette.
Are some people just scared shitless by guns or something?
What are your experiences with mental breakdowns at the range?