AR thread /arg/

AR thread
Cancer containment

Suppressed edition


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post gARbage

AR's are for big gays, then again, I own five.

This rifle is fucking horrible. You work retail or something?

/ARG/, I want to get a 604 style complete upper (A1 sights, slick side, 20in barrel) with a 1:7-1:9 twist barrel. This is a for shits and giggles range gun, and for the aesthetics. I cannot and do not want to part it out and built it because I am temporarily stuck in an area without a gunsmith within 100 miles, I do not have my tools with me, and I do not want to send it off for someone to build and wait. Which is why I am down to either going with a fulton armory legacy upper with the criterion 1:8, or ordering something through TNTE with a faxon barrel. My main concern is the criterion barrel and fulton armorys quality (i have bought parts and have been happy, but never a complete upper or a rifle). I am leaning more toward the FA, because TNTE is risky from what ive read and seems to be 50/50 on customer service.

Any advice?

I have the lower completed already, so I do not need a complete rifle.

Where the fuck are the Bren 2s?!

Asking again. MBUS pro rear and DD front or MBUS pro set?

Attached: 1552532517346.png (882x360, 139K)

Wait another year (or two)

Don't buy DD we've been over this

PSA isn't as bad as you sweaty nerds make it out to be