Patch Thread

Trade, create, and sell your patches.
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>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

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First for /mlpol/

Here, hold my zyklon b while I make one

No problem, there's been a lice outbreak nearby too so 2 birds 1 stone

I'd rather have the right wing deathsqaud fags back than this shit.

Welp, this is our life now.

Clop in a jar, faggotto

Who sells this?

Attached: 08977F04-E1C0-4758-A780-C4ACBDBC8FFF.png (1000x1000, 1.64M)

Not sure, if it's not on the pastebin try a reverse image search

This is embarrassing to enjoy even in private.

Attached: Dzk5jyiVAAAEJ2R.jpg (1036x1034, 91K)