Handgun General - /hg/ - #273

Glock isn't so bad edition



Attached: gucci.png (857x674, 1.02M)

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lol. completely transformed & mutilated
still boring & ugly

well Jow Forums today was the day. I shot a glock for the first time. first handgun I went for the meme. USP compact .45. I was so sure of my superiority. So confident that I had dabbed, very strongly, on all the glockfags.
well time went on, and it was now time to select what would be my first 9mm. I wanted to avoid glock at all costs to continue in my dab, and so was considering the CZ 75 for superior aesthetics and that solid steel feel. But then I started thinking about all of the options available for glock, especially the micro roni as an option for my car gun. Have a glock 19 as my EDC and then have a micro roni with two 30 rnd mags under my passenger seat in case I need to hop out and racewar confidently at 50-100 yds.
Went to a range and rented both, sure that this would be the nail in the coffin for glock and that at the end of the day I'd sail into the sunset on the USS Anything-But-Glock. And lo and behold I fucking love shooting glocks.
I love it. The simplicity, the ergonomics, the feel. Also 9mm itself is just such a pure and fun round to shoot after doing 1000 rounds of .45 and 500 .357 magnum. The aesthetics are still shit, but all that can be changed and made gucci and clean. All of that plus micro roni.
It was a good day Jow Forums

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I barely went shooting today for my 3rd or 4th time with my 1st handgun ever (G19); ive only shot about 150-200 rounds so far and im trying to be real mindful of the fundamentals. I have my grip down but my groupings still look like shit on a dove. Is there any way I can better "get" or understand the proper method of trigger control (i.e.: "squeeze don't pull", letting the trigger reset properly)? or is just getting in more range time and practicing IRL the best way to git gud?

I basically just go out in the desert and shoot those sticky shoot-n-c fluorescent-like targets and i dont even keep a specific range of distance away from the target, I just try to stand maybe about 5-10 paces away but not too close.

>tl;dr: how to git gud at shooting handgun when barely learning how to handgun shoot

>my groupings still look like shit
Be more specific fuck face.

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more range time. also dry fire. get some snap caps, put a coin or bottle cap on top of your front sight, and practice pulling the trigger without letting the coin or cap fall off.
absolutely the only thing that matters for handgun accuracy is making sure the gun doesn't move at all as the trigger is pulled. everything else isn't important at this point. practice with one round at a time. have an empty mag in the well, put a single bullet in the chamber then release the slide. relax and don't worry about anything other than keeping the gun still.
also loading a snap cap randomly into a mag so you can see how much your jerking or flinching when you shoot. get pic related, select 7 bullets and 3 snap caps. mix them up without looking and load them into the mag. load the mag without looking and chamber a round. shoot as normal and watch for the jerk.
It really is just practice though. I'm about 700 rounds in and just recently got my groups down to about 3 inches out to about 25 yds. But those are the things that really helped me.

Attached: easy loader.jpg (466x574, 23K)

also, shooting with the thumbs forward grip, you might try pushing slightly with your off thumb against the gun. So if you're right handed and your left thumb is out in front, push firmly to the right with it. this can help with any torquing that happens during the trigger pull.