Forgotten Jow Forumsino

Happy Sunday, Jow Forumsunts. Post some underrated Jow Forumsino movie recommendations.

Attached: lord-of-war.20190201000000.jpg (660x940, 130K)

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>Jow Forums is it wrong i 'bate to this?
nicks voice is so sexual.

Love that film.

Attached: lordofwar.png (606x485, 323K)

Cage can pull off serious rolls, he's being wasted on summer comedies.

Attached: blue-ruin.jpg (1366x768, 78K)

what would those numbers look like today?

Attached: 1944-2015-dvd.jpg (400x569, 43K)

you guys realize this movie was anti-gun right?

it was anti war not anti gun