Russia sends troops to Venezuela

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>Some south american shithole is going to start WWIII

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So what?

Third world shitholes helping each other... how cute it is

how is Venezuela worth propping up? Syria had obvious strategic value, Venezuela seems doomed and is mostly irrelevant

Same reason the Chinese prop up Norks; Venezuela is a (minor) thorn in America's side.

Well at least I know we won’t invade the country to help some neocons create a migrant crisis on our own border

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The North Koreans border China, and are a key regional ally. Venezuela doesn't have a great location, is economically and politically insignificant, and has a pitiful military. Norks have an ok military and prime location. The Russians should be smarter than this. Maybe they're hoping their help will indebt Maduro to them and let them stick a base there or something

Yes because some news source is going to false flag top secret GRU movement.

It has tons of oil that Burgerstan wants, and it has a line to America's underbelly

I'm pretty sure Venezuela has some of the largest oil deposits in South America might turn into a shit show quickly

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Bullshit. The one fucking reason why the Iraq war was a mistake is because it spawned utter brainlets like yourself that spam "DOOOOD muh oil" 24/7.

Explain to me why we went to Iraq then?
>muh WMD's

Not for oil and no one cares about Venezuela and its low quality oil enough to go to war over it.

venezuelan oil is bad quality

>low quality oil
This is true. Venezuelan oil needs to be refined much more than Arab oil fe. They have the most but it's such a pain in the ass to refine that most don't bother and go straight for Arab, Iranian, Russian oil.

Plus I understand their infrastructure is so far gone they'd basically have to rebuild their entire petrochemical industry from the ground up. Beaners are about as good as Arabs when it comes to preventive maintenance.

Yeah, pretty much.

Venezuelan crude is shit, their facilities have been mismanaged for near 2 decades now causing a substantial drop in everything from exploration (Russia lost billions between 2010-2016 propping up exploration in Venezuela and only built a handful of wells out of the estimated 40) to maintenance of the existing wells. It is a quagmire in every sense of the word economically for Russia and they know it and have known it for years now, especially when Russian oil conglomerates led by Rosneft and Gazprom pulled out.

Venezuela is more than capable of running oil extraction operations themselves, it is purely because PDSVA became overrun by cronyism, corruption, and a brain drain of engineers moving abroad when the economy started to collapse. All those factor into the deterioration of their existing wells.

Can we start buying Russian weapons from poor privates and bring them into the US?

Does anybody want to talk about how scary close this is to the plot of Mercenaries 2?

Just me?


Another big factor was that Chavez and Maduro siphoned off most of the oil revenue to fuel their social programs rather than reinvest it in maintaining and upgrading their oil infrastructure. Their oil production was already declining when the economic collapse hit.

Those "social programs" were siphoned off into further slush funds that were used by party loyalists. Their flagship agriculture overhaul that was meant to help the poor of Venezuela escape poverty became a massive meme that saw the near complete loss of one of the few things Venezuela produced outside of oil domestically, food. Even their local beer production basically ceased to halt due to the failed land reform programs, it's why they have such an insane shortage of things like food today.
Look, I know socialism gets a bad rap, but these guys literally ran the country like it was their own bank account and tribed to daisy chain bribes and favors around to keep the party going which after about 20 years (it really sped up when Maduro came into power) created the situation they find themselves in today.

WMDs did, in fact, exist in Iraq.

>a bunch of degraded chemical weapons buried forgotten bunkers for 20 years

did you forget that the claim was that Iraq was about to successfully test a nuclear bomb (muh yellowcake, muh aluminum tubes) or are you just a faggot

>some 30 year old mustard gas that WE gave them was the only thing we found that was buried in a blown out warehouse

kek dude they tried to make it seem like they had massive amounts of WMDs primed and ready to go including an active nuclear weapon program

Russia can inflate Venezuela just enough, probably along with the Chinese, to make sure it won't be ROFL stomped by US. It's not that the Russians care about VZ but the temptation to get a rival in a Vietnam tier quagmire is too much. The Chinese probably have more express interest in VZ but that's beside the point. At best, VZ is Vietnam 2.0. And worst, it's both Vietnam 2.0 plus the straw that broke the camel's back, as I can't see the Fed pulling through without a massive domestic shitshow that immediately eclipses the VZ war itself. And Sanctions are not a deterrent to keep Ivan from playing fuck fuck games.
The Endgame? In a situation like that where we take the bait, it gets easier for Russia to grow.

The strategy my guess is that Russia will use the vast oil resources to run the war machine that he’s planning. Right now or leaders or week and can’t stop infighting that’s why he helped get someone in power who would divide us making us prime for hostile takeovers. If he succeed then he will have the vastest nuke stockpile on earth and nothing will stand in the way

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Russia is way too far away to have an real material impact on Venezuela, both economically and militarily. Nor would they have any domestic support for sustained operations and economic support for a failed regime like Maduro's. There is a reason why the biggest Russian energy companies have been pulling out of Venezuela.

They can deploy enough military personnel that the US can't launch a full scale ground invasion without risking a full scale war with Russia.

If Russia wants to play chicken, they certainly can.

The US isn't in the best position to take military action in Venezuela, politically speaking. I know that hasn't stopped us before, but we certainly aren't in pre-Desert Storm or immidiatly post-9/11 position right now. Hell, a good number of the troops we'd be sending wouldn't even have been born in 2001. I mean we can still arm the fuck out of the opposition, and whoever else down there wants to fight, but I don't see a situation with Americans fighting Russians playing out.
Russia, on the other hand, is in a good position to go help out a fellow third-world economic black hole, so this is a smart fit for them.

>tl;dr russia is gonna spend the next decade playing Vietnam 2: Amazon Boogaloo.

It was about oil you peabrained faggot, not because we "wanted their oil" but because Saddam was threatening the petrodollar.

>They can deploy enough military personnel that the US can't launch a full scale ground invasion without risking a full scale war with Russia.

They won't though, or they'd have already deployed more than a 100 troops to guard their embassy and the 6 Rosneft wells in Orinco. Venezuela isn't Syria dude, they can't afford to send nearly enough troops or hardware to make a difference. Especially given the state of Russia's economy at the moment, it simply isn't worth it and Russia themselves know it or their state run companies wouldn't have given up already.

>They can deploy enough military personnel that the US can't launch a full scale ground invasion without risking a full scale war with Russia.
Worked great for them in afghanistan, right?

Russia is far more likely to re-negotiate Venezuela's debt with Guaido and back him than commit troops and massive economic support to a collapsing regime in the event things went hot (which I don't believe they will).

does venezuela share a border with iran? not have a central bank?
okay Im pretty sure its safe from US invasion then. (((they))) arent concerned with things like that.

Uh, kinda. The US had to wait decades to invade Afghanistan, after the USSR collapsed.

So yeah, it did work. It just had plenty of other consequences.

Russia doesn't have any real allies in South America. If Venezuela is lost, they have none.


Uh, what? You know the Taliban won their war against the SU, correct? It wasn't like Russia installed a proxy to "prevent" us from invading Afghanistan like you're implying.

Yeah, but they left Afghanistan a total shithole that the US didn't want to get involved in. They lit the dumpster on fire and dared the US to try to put it out.

Why would the US want to invade Afghanistan in the 80s or even the 90s? They had zero reason or desire to, it wasn't until 9/11 that they decided they wanted to decapitate the Taliban administration which they did in a matter of weeks. You're implying the US had a desire to go into Afghanistan when they didn't, especially in the 90s. Truly Russian masterminds wasting over a decade in Afghanistan which led to the collapse of their global empire just to spite "America", lmao. Clueless.

>They lit the dumpster on fire and dared the US to try to put it out.

is this what soviet-boos actually think? never even seen this take on their fuck up in afghanistan

The US has been racing to prop up puppet states in the middle east since the end of WW2, and took the loss of Iran quite seriously.

I don't think you understand a single thing you are talking about.
Not a Sovietaboo, sorry. If anything I despise Russia, and in general, Russians.

>Russia withdraws from Afghanistan in 1988
>Taliban is founded in 1994
>pseuds claim that the Taliban were founded by the CIA to fight the Russians

read a book nigger

It's not oil, like everyone else says. Their oil is shit. It's a strategic position for the Russians to shit post IRL and bug the US. It puts strategic bombers within range of real US cities and stuff, not just the west coast. aka, they can annoy us with pretending they might actually use nukes.

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I don't think you know what you're talking about if you're seriously implying the Soviet's invaded Afghanistan and botched the occupation which accelerated their economic and domestic collapse just to keep America out of a country America had shown zero interest in and didn't show any interest in after the Soviets left Afghanistan. Like what the fuck are you even implying lmao. Clueless.


Actually, it was 1989.

>I don't think you know what you're talking about if you're seriously implying the Soviet's invaded Afghanistan and botched the occupation which accelerated their economic and domestic collapse just to keep America out of a country
Then you're a moron, I can't help that.
>America out of a country America had shown zero interest in and didn't show any interest in after the Soviets left Afghanistan.
Just google the words "Mujahadeen Afghanistan USA" that should give you a crash course on the US showing a lot of interest in Soviet activity in Afghanistan.
>Like what the fuck are you even implying lmao.
That after the fall of the Shaw the US began seeking out other allies in the Middle East, and the Soviet invasion was a direct counter to this. It was the USSR's Vietnam in more ways than one.

time to rally up the troops.

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>The final and complete withdrawal of Soviet combatant forces from Afghanistan began on 15 May 1988 and ended on 15 February 1989

There, happy?

I was like 10 at the time, so.
Looks like the report I read in NYT was lying. Oops.

We didn't even start supporting the Muj until 1986, a full 5 years after the occupation had started. America showed no interest in Afghanistan before or after the Soviet's failed war in the country. I think you're confusing the US with Pakistan who had way, way more interest in Afghanistan both before and after the war. The Soviet's didn't intentionally fuck up their occupation of Afghanistan and sustain tremendous material loss just to spite America or whatever else you're weirdly implying.

>The Soviet's didn't intentionally fuck up their occupation of Afghanistan and sustain tremendous material loss just to spite America or whatever else you're weirdly implying.
No shit retard, I can't help that you're inferring things that are not implied. They invaded to much more than spite America. They didn't purposefully botch their invasion, even Russians aren't that stupid-just that incompetent.

>They invaded to much more than spite America

That is just your opinion, a weird one at that based on what we know about the war. The Soviets were forced to invade when the Afghani commies launched a coup themselves, google the Saur Revolution. Your theory is just not based on fact when we literally know what happened.

>The Soviets were forced to invade
Forced? Definitely not. They could have simply provided material aid and let them deal with it themselves.

They wanted to ensure Afghanistan went red-their version of red-and that the US would not dare to move in. Because a communist revolution is pretty much a green flag for NATO intervention.

Russia's military goals in Venezuela are to keep two naval bases with dry dock there to support SIGINT & ELINT missions in the GoM & Western Atlantic. A singular airfield for Maritime patrol and secure(drugs) import/export in the gulf region. But nothing to seriously contest the US presence except maybe some patrol boat shenanigans.

There was zero signals the US was interested in Afghanistan, they were forced to invade to continue propping up their new communist friendly in a world that was growing cold towards the Soviet Union. Once again, you're confusing the US with Pakistan in regards to regional influence. Google the Saur revolution.

DIE FOR CRIMEA ESIR (that's Crimean Tatar for slave, fyi)

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>hurr the US would have no interest in dealing with a communist revolution right next door to the country it just lost all influence in and desperately wanted to isolate
I don't even know how you can say something like this.

Because they didn't care, we know this because it literally happened. Afghanistan was a backwater Soviet border state that offered America nothing, unlike Iraq and Egypt at the time which had become much more friendly to the US. You're confusing America with Pakistan, they had much, much more interest in Afghanistan than we ever did. Google the Saur revolution.

america's interest in afghanistan started with the soviet invasion and immediately ended when they pulled out which is why the 90s turned into such a mad max scenario for that country

Just like every other commie shit hole



>Norks have an ok military
Fucking kek. Iraq had an "okay" military, the Norks have shit that can be barely considered cold war equipment and basically no experience whatsoever.

>imagine believing this in 2k19


Look at the sulphar % in Venezuelan crude, their oil is one of the worst in the world, even if they have a shitload of it.

To install ballistic missiles. That's right, the far-right's "friends" in Russian are threatening the U.S.

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Thanks fren.

How on earth is someone capable of noticing a cable from that picture

Pure semantics on your side, fuckwit. Americans blowing weapons into Afganistan to support the only force which opposed the communists, which coincidentally was full of religious fanatics, certainly did not help an organized islamist group to seize control after the soviets left right? The CIA might not have founded this specific organization, but they did plant the seeds for it, which bit them in the ass themselves later on.

theyre advisers there to train the locals how to fight the us if push comes to shove. if a us invasion looks like its really going to happen the slavs will be book it at Russians do favors like this alot with shitholes, read up on russians in Africa. this is very common and nothing to be worried about. I sware, ww3 niggers are the most ingorant fucks. for being so apparently nervious all the time, you would think they would know that 100 dudes isnt a staging force ffs.

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>faggy shithole nation started ww1 and ww2

I'm venezuelan, AMA.

Thank god I'm not the only one. I hear you brother man.

Why are you venezuelan?

the greatest nation finished ww1 and ww2, and will do the same for 3

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To feed the military industrial complex, of course.

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Russia gets 49 percent of citgo for basically free if Maduro defaults on his loans.

That's why.

>people are already waifuing this guy

Awww yeah. Time for Jungle Adventures Part 2

US would block that from ever happening

Wouldn't we be going Venezuela to fight commies though?

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Chinks prop NK up to defend its northern border. Not to annoy the USA.

>that artwork
>223 get

What a time to be alive.

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>tfw no rocket belt

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America doesn't need to "own" the oil. They just need that supply line friendly and undisturbed. They couldn't care less who actually sells it to them.

The scariest thing is that there was no good reason.

No conspiracy, no great aim, just people in Washington playing Telephone with why we should while drunk on the power after 9/11.

It was literally pointless.

>It's all about the oil, dude! America keeps invading countries to steal all of their resources.

it's not it will just be a proxy war just like every fucking war

Literally not a factor. We invaded Grenada with Soviets actively fighting beside the regime they installed, while using advanced Soviet equipment, and no war happened. We even killed some of the Russians there and nothing happened.

Thats what happens when the dumbass in chief insists on staying in the sandbox and refuses to deploy every MEU we have to Venezuela.

Yes, and by mixing it with light sweet crude, we dont have to fully rejigger our own refineries. Which were built with the nasty stuff in mind.

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Wrong actually. They were doing fine until the Chavista Kleptocracy got in charge and burned everything to the ground under the guise of Communism.

Being an autist whose only job is to stare at those pictures.

Just wait for like 2 weeks until they pull out because they can't afford to keep troops on the other side of the world

No. What Chavez did was much much worse and more intense. Commie block nations were bad at consumer goods and other economics, but they kept the important shit running and invested in.

yeah? with what?