"Who the hell needs to hit something, anything, from over a mile away? I’ll tell you who: an Army or Marine sniper...

>"Who the hell needs to hit something, anything, from over a mile away? I’ll tell you who: an Army or Marine sniper, that’s who. They’re selling military-grade rifles to the general public. That’s what this sniper rifle is, and that’s what all the various iterations of the AR-15 style assault rifles are. Military-grade killing machines. All of them are for sale on the open market here in the United States of America. You can go down to your local gun store and buy one tomorrow. That means you’ll be able to set the damn Scorpion up on its bi-pod and hit a so-called “soft target” so far away you need a goddamn telescope to see it.

>Oh, I can hear them now. The NRA and its ilk will tell you that this military-style assault rifle is just the thing to use hunting deer, or elk, or some other poor creature. But it’s really a killing machine, a thing you can buy that is designed for one purpose: to kill a “soft target” from up to a mile away. That is insane."
No one needs a bolt-action sniper rifle. Only maniacs and murderers need them

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no one NEEDS any guns. you just WANT them

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Does this mean that the fudds will finally be forced to join us in our ever lasting crusade againt the grabbers?

why the fuck would you link salon here

>"Real men only use iron sights"
You know they'll say this

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>ah jus' need mah muzzle loaduh fer hunnin' durr on the lumbee

Get the fuck off my board you cunt.

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Cringe weeb thread. Good thing it's gun control related and will be deleted soon.

Agreed. Get the fuck off our board until you find cartoons that draw noses, eyes, and guns properly, OP.

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A woman wrote this.

>Thinks Bubba's AR can hit anything past 200 meters, let alone a mile

This can kill past a mile and could be considered “military grade” too.

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