Guys I am alone and I am fucked

I had this idea of going in the isolated farm of my uncles to have some peace. They tried to discourage me... Now I hear strange fucking noise close to me I am shitty myself.

I have no weapons on me.
What to do? I know something is outside

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Go ask /x/
If you decide to get a weapon, THEN we can help you

I wouldn't worry about it. There's nothing in the woods but animals that would rather not interact with you

probably just a human

I am in the hills of Val dorcia, in Italy.
I shut you not there is something outside
At down I heard this noise of a donkey(I guess) far in the distance.
I heard the same noise now like it is outside my (wooden door).
It woke me up

Yeah, user. I wouldn’t worry about it. Definitely not a skinwalker.

easy, just use your penne gun and get gud

Got this stuff, and kitchen knives.
Now helpPietro Pacciani was a human, the crazy refugees that walk around like hobos are humans.
Humans are scary

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Is that you?

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the kitchen knife is enough, get a bat too, also keep the light on and turn on TV if you can or the radio

Id recommend the second from the top. Looks like the best combination of reach, power, and maneuverability out of the four. Be sure to duct tape it to a broomstick so you can maximize your reach!

Dude I swear my family is super strange.
My aunt tried to aksed my 10times if I was sure to come here alone to sleep.

Then she showed me how to light the outside and locked the doors that lead outside.

I don t have more, there is hammer, axes and tools in a shed outside.
Not gonna take a chance

welp, lock everything and yourself into a room and grab a knife, the night is going to be long for you


>tfw no skinwalker gf/bf

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What why? The random guy on the internet asked me.

Isolation is a very strong indicator of psychosis. Maybe go hang out with some people and you will stop hearing things at night?

Arm yourself and prepare for combat

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I’m outside user.
The coast looks clear.
Get some sleep you think I imagine the sound of a donkey? Of all things? One thing is to be psycho another is to be an asshole, if your auditory allucinations are the donkey sound then you are an asshole, however I didn t imagine it

It's just a pack of deranged hobos user, relax. No really, if you clench it hurts more.. just let them rape

Jesus Christ you are some scary ass person

Op confirm you can hear him amd film it

People getting paranoid over you should see this people that have arrived with the boat from Africa.
You are them walking with anger in the face only to give the random stranger a circumstance smile to obtain something.
You can be the least racist person ever but you don t want them around when you are isolated

I heard the smiley again, also I heard the sound that you make when you stomp some Stone pavement or the one made in bricks.
I would film but the noise are very much sudden, also I got a shitty remi 6a as cellphone

You're a fucking stupid faggot.

Didn t mean to write smiley it was auto corrected by the cellphone especially after I mentioned the smiley I am spiraling into madness

Posting your exact gps location on an anonymous imageboard full of sickos rarely turns out well

At the very least every living thing will be ventilated

apply for a firearms purchase permit, update us when you get a notification that they'll do it in a certain time. Then after you go through the wait period try to pretend any gives a shit if you live or not when you have to live by the rules everyone else does. Please get eaten by something in the mean time.

It is mostly an American board, and I am not gonna be here again after tomorrow morning.( the whole complex is on sale)
actually my uncles are looking to make between 600,000 and 800,000 by selling this apartments and land.
If any of you is interested in having a place in an UNESCO site that appear to be infested let me know.

Kick your imagination to the curb. It’s nothing to worry about. If it is a trouble animal go buy a gun

Remember that you are not descendant of fearful men. Grab a bludgeoning device and go out there screaming at 100% volume, ready for murder.

smother yourself in your own feces, it will deter predators

Well if he's dealing in 600,000 or 800,000 dollar property, yes he's descendant of fearful men. He's not some war vets kid. Maybe the person was self made, but not likely they went off and did any significantly risky thing society they were confronted with risked. His ancestors were probably poor, saying they were brave is kind of hilarious.

Got my fire weapon licence when I was 18, I am at my uncle Place now because I had a terribile experience with my father.

I was eating normally in the kitchen of my parents house when my father entered naked and drunk and tried to stab me with a kitchen knife.
Don t know if he did that because he is an asshole or drunk, my hyphotesis is that he got dementia.(he is 70)
I had to leave my parents house, the old man has guns and I don t want to end on a newspaper

Just order pizza and see if the delivery boy makes it through.
Worked most of the times for me.

Nice. I'll see you soon user

We are not on freedom is mostly Woods and Hills.

Shhhhh fren
I’ll keep watch to keep u safe

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>brave is kind of hilarious.
Cowards don't pass on their genes except through rape. Rape takes courage and animosity too.

OP just needs to go full "waterboy" on this cunt spoopy crypto and menace it with pure naked aggression and whatever cudgel is nearby. Man is the scariest mistake God ever made, embrace that.

Just heard another noise, something I can t describe....I have the knives here...

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cool story bro
Only 20% of males historically pass on their genes. Population bottle necks are a proven genetic fact.
OP probably had a huge college donation and now wants to try to not follow in daddies foot steps.

>I was eating normally in the kitchen of my parents house when my father entered naked and drunk and tried to stab me with a kitchen knife
sounds hot, was he hard?

I am broken economically speaking, and I am not going forward in life.
The girl I used to care about proved to be a succubi tier monster and manipulative.
I must also point out that I wasn't set to be much...let s just say I was never welcomed.

I try to be the funny guy of the crew, self deploring jokes, also I am trying to help my uncles which have been very nice to me.
Beside that I suffer like an animal and to hide that I try to keep myself busy

i think you would want feces from something else to hide your scent, like burrowing owls

that explains why youre posting on Jow Forums

Skinwalkers, get a gun that can repeatedly fire in the biggest bore you can find

Pretty much...however there is shit going on here and I am legit spooked.
Talking about the know that kind of girl that looks like an innocent flower only to prove herself to be a monster...this was my experience with her.

There is an actual moment in which I realized that I was dealing with some wicked person...
We were tipsy and we were watching the tv side by side

With the corner of my eyes I saw her opening her mouth and my a curl with her tongue...into a slaneesh tier shit.
I turned my head only to see her closing her mouth.

That was a big redflag.

>Only 20% of males historically pass on their genes
This supports my point. OP needs to remember his forefathers were of rare stock and creep on the creeper.
Flip the victim narrative currently in production.

Fuggin Gomuniss

How are you op

>a monster
>in Italy
See now I know you're full of shit. The Romans would have wiped all that shit out millennia ago.

you're fucked OP! Theyre coming for you! RUN!

This would not explain the why the inquisition had so much work to do.
Also, may I remind you that in France 100 plus farmers had been killed by a "wolf"

Lastly here in Italy we had msny witches and satanists

Uncle is indeed a commie XD. But he is a very nice person too...the kind of person that would not last on a commie regime

>I am in the hills of Val dorcia, in Italy.

I'm in the mountains of central Arizona. Herds of mule deer and javalina bring in the predators: coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, and black bear. I go outside my fence line after dark all the time-- most animals will run from people. Don't be a chickenshit, just go see what it is.

is it still light outside? it looks like it from the pic.
go look outside

2 posts way too similar in a very small amount of time.
Plus none of the previous asked me to go outside.
May I ask you guys your GPS location?

It wouldn't hurt to figure out what's going through the thing's mind. Just like how there are many different pitches for a baby's crying, maybe the noise is the thing trying to tell you something, but can't.

In the states
didn't say go out side, watch out the windows
other user is right though, any animal will most likely run away

Everything is calm now, the wind is blowning

I think those are indoor lights, unless I am wrong, Italy should be in the early AM hours right now

The spopiest part ( donkey aside) was the noise of furniture moving in the distance.

Yeah the down is set for 5 I will then go and investigate.

Are you fucking thick?

I just reached the 79 kg mark. When I will reach 76 I will be once again in the not fat category. Thank you for asking.

>I have the knives here...
kek faggy Euros have to actually resort to this

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then i would turn off some lights to reduce glare off the glass so i could see outside and try not to move around too much

quads of truth

It is not a noise scary per se
The fact that I am the only one in an inhabited house in a 2 mile radius makes it odd.

You know the sound of a guy dragging a chair in his apartment that you may here from your apartment....yeah that sound

I am not in my house. I had my gun licence before I had the driver one.

Also would you carry a gun in a hotel?

>carry inna hotel

Yes. Just keep the gun on you, or in arm's reach if you can't sleep with it digging into your side.

>Tfw when you can.

Wait, what did you take that picture with?

Have you tried Suicide?

Found the skinwalker

You don't have two phones?


Second cellphone.
I recently changed it

>I am not in my house
>Also would you carry a gun in a hotel?
Of course. I go to school in fucking Florida, I carry a gun with me when i'm home taking a shit.

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The idea of shapeshifting assholes is common across the continents

>I have no weapons

Get the fuck off my Jow Forums


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So you have a second cellphone, but not even a fucking pocket knife on you? Fucking lame. Go to sleep, hopefully, for your sake, mother nature doesn't deem you weak and unfit and slay you while you sleep.

Yeah dude, sorry if I follow the law of my country

Waiting for the sunrise

Dont worry about it. If you see a beautiful woman just open your door. She's there to console you. Don't listen to Jow Forums or /x/

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I hear noises all the time out in the woods.
Usually just a cat or raccoon.
What you need is a dog OP.
Go to the animal shelter in the morning and buy a big dog.

Freeze your poop into a shiv for fucks sake. Your gonna get raped by a Wendigo.

>Go to the animal shelter in the morning and buy a big dog.
>Freeze your poop into a shiv for fucks sake. Your gonna get raped by a Wendigo.

Well you've got two extremes to pick from op.

Here in Arkansas we aren't afraid of skinwalkers.

The skinwalkers are afraid of us here.

There may actually be wolves in OP's area (Canis lupus italicus).
Interesting to see. I had no idea the Italians have been so ambitious in their wolf reintroduction/repopulation program.

They've got an estimated 2000 or so in the country now, and maybe 500+ of those in Tuscany.

Attached: ItalyWolves2012.png (850x889, 180K)

>pizza time
>with a side of guns
Make a spear if you can op

If this is legit and not a troll block your doors and hang tight until morning

As far as i know they are becoming a pretty big problem in the south(around taranto i think) because of hunting restrictions that should have been lifted a long time ago


Okay user, I live in the middle of the woods where cougars occasionally come and go to annoy the fuck out of me. If it’s just animals like it would most likely be, the just stay inside or sit on the front porch. Don’t go innawoods at night, it’s easy to get lost. I once stayed out in the woods until well after sunset, it took about 10 minutes to walk out there, marked trees, and I couldn’t see shit. I ended up hitting an off trail I knew I came up behind the house when I got back. The place innawoods I was at was in front of the house.

Unless you’ve been in one wooded area a lot like other parts I go to where you recognize trees, getting lost is easy as fuck when you don’t see any houses or anything of note.

Is this some dark age methodology for identifying witches? People do weird shit with their mouths all the time.