So you're at a camp with some super hot women, we're talking near supermodel status with you being pretty much the only guy.
Things are going well, and you even have acquired a qt. gf from among the thots when all of a sudden shit hits the fan.
1. The power at the camp is out
2. There is absolutely zero cell phone service, and your phone/communication devices have been rendered otherwise useless.
3. Your guns are in a storage shed on the other side of the camp not currently on you.
4. The only vehicle on the campsite is a bus and the two front tires have been removed from it.
5. 3 of the girls from this campsite are already dead, and you've found them bloodily eviscerated.
6. You've seen on the news, tales of a notorious serial killer with a massively high body count who for some reason hasn't been caught. You're pretty sure it's the same person.
How would you survive the night with all of this working against you? How could you save your gf and all the other girls?
strip naked and run around jerking off to stay hard, saying Come out come out where ever you arrrrrrreee
Connor Foster
>How could you save your gf and all the other girls? lmao who fucking cares?
Bentley Cruz
>There is absolutely zero cell phone service, Have you ever been /out/ before, bigger? Further you get, better service you get.
Mason Sullivan
>close all shades and points where he can look in >have thots as bait >get naked and hide in a pile of old clothing and shit >if and when he breaks in, Shia Lebouf the motherfucker >proceed to eat him to gain his powers >become a thot wrecking mad man
Gabriel Sullivan
Rape the serial killer because im an even worse serial killer
>in b4 edge
Carson Hall
>run to storage shed on other side of camp >get gun >point gun at temple >think about the gun death statistics >put gun down >slit wrists
Justin Martinez
>>in b4 edge I was thinking more of the lines of you being a giant faggot
Brayden Sanchez
how far is the nearest civilization, how long until someone checks on the camp (food delivery, routine maintenance, etc.), are there makeshift weapons (hand axe for woodcutting, heavy toolbox, fire extinguisher, etc.) present?
if we outnumber the killer, and the killer isnt supernatural, then its possible to hold out with the camps food and outlast the killer, assuming he cant live off the land, until someone investigates the obvious silence and lack of tweets from the camp
Liam Ortiz
Clearly the fucker has an established pattern of only killing women. So walk over to collect the gats, then start walking home. Any of the women that choose to stay is dead weight anyway. If they choose to follow, knock off Jason Voorhees will easily be taken care of by my TI-84 problem solver.