Is the katana a good sword shape compared to other single edged swords?
Is the katana a good sword shape compared to other single edged swords?
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yes, its made of glorious nippon steel that has been folded ten thousand times, other swords are just sharpened steel
The blade is short but heavy, so reach is an issue. Biggest gripe I see among sword enthusiasts is the face that the grip follows the same curve as the blade, rather than being straight.
Try harder user
No, the stupid gooks making it couldn't even melt their steel properly, do you really think folding the impurities out is good enough?
Reading comprehension
No katanas suck.
No, its shape came from the fact the japs couldn't figure out how to purify iron so the blade was fragile and couldn't be used to bash like a European sword, so it became a dedicated slashing sword instead of a multi-use tool, literally useless when put head to head, it's only still remembered because of samurai culture.
The King of Clickbait
The Duke of Low-Hanging Fruit
Yesh, my san. Grorious nippon steer is forded mirrion times, unrike weak gaijin swods. With this stahning innovation in swodmaking technorogy, nippon will surery twiumph ovah the asiatic worrd in miritary might and powah