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>tfw no azov bf
Old thread reached image limit.
>tfw no azov bf
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So what exactly are the azov? I see more memes of them than I do actual pictures.
Thread's still up, some faggot just messed up the format.
Also that's a dude, artist draws a lot of ambiguous gender stuff but that's really a dude.
FUCK. We'll see which one stays up.
Haha, looks like it was drawn by a jap with a serious Ukraine obsession. Gotta love these guys. Here's his twitter
Am I the only one who just absolutely hates the new Ukrainian camo? It's like a worse multicam.
I do like the guy's artstyle though.
which one? Thanks to burger bureaucracy there's at least 20 different kinds of multicam, and the ukrainians use like 5 different ones.
For sure. He's got a danbooru page under the same name if you want to grab more of his stuff.
That's where I get all my /ak/ related stuff from regardless, as you can probably tell by the filename.
>khohkol lover is also a faggot
The artist, if I read this article correct, is female, so I think it's excused a bit.
So they're just self inserting with a femboy. Neat-o
I think we can all appreciate femboys in uniform.
bretty wholesome user. wish there were more tank related artists that did comfy stuff like pic related.
Jew-owned stormfag private army. I know how ridiculous it sounds, but it's true.
Not anymore, Azov was integrated into National Guard, now they are subservient to ukrainian MIA.
b-but they believe in nazi
My bad, my memory fooled me a little. It was a digital camo. This right here, in baby shit colors. I dunno, just looks hideous to me. Maybe I just got shit taste or something, but I like the russian digi flora more.
Digiflora/EMR is a nice camo, user. This just looks like something a kebab country came up with, I like the old TTsKO pattern more than this.
This changes nothing.
Yeah, it does look hideous. I am not sure why, but to me it looks like UCP that got soaked in piss or something. Not a big fan of EMR, but at least it's green.
kek, I guess you're not wrong
Well not actually in nazis but rather in the UPA, which are equally shit imo. They are one of the major reasons poles don't like Ukraine, they were absolutely brutal traitors and murdered and tortured thousands of poles.
Yea, sadly the current gov is mostly run by jewish-ukrainian oligarch anyways, so it does change nothing. Not that I'm the biggest fan of the DNR either but at least I can understand them to some degree.
Yeah, everything that happens in Ukraine right now is such a shitshow. Sad that so many innocent people ended up being caught in a crossfire between shady oligarches and retarded politicians from all sides.
Amen, mate. Just gotta hope it will stabilize in a decade or so. It won't be a fast process for sure, the same is probably true for current Russia desu.
Also, 9x39 is bae.
You're a total bro, user. If there was more chill people like you, the world would have been a much better place.
last thread convinced me to watch Kotobuki
this is some advanced aviation-grade autism right here
wait wut so are azov good or bad ?
Does /ak/-subs use "Panzerfahren" as a translation for "Senshado"?
They're a faction in an Eastern European military conflict. Everything else is a matter of perspective.
tfw no Sordin single coms
Thanks and all, but vanilla is the flavor for me
the BB with DDs is also a 10/10
That reminds me most US Capital ships like Iowa and Enterprise back in ww2 have their own Ice cream parlor to maintain morale of their sailors.
If memory serves me right.
Reminder that some butthurt russian shill tagged every pic in this series by the artist with 'Nazi' on danbooru
Iowa loves chocolate dick.
Even destroyers and submarines had ice cream machines, iirc.
I've been Freedom'd!!
they're drawn by a woman who was abroad in ukraine
Yay /ak/ thread!
Begone gurotard
gurofags begone
You will never be rid of us.
All the insults in the world cannot kill the idea of guro.
Yeah, hopefully you'll just kill yourself.
You'd like that wouldn't you?
And you call me the sicko.
see only person I ever knew personally that admitted they like guro was a suicidal wreck, so with any luck, it will happen.
Well, good thing I'm a well-adjusted member of society.
more iowa
>So what exactly are the azov? I see more memes of them than I do actual pictures.
bunch of crazy nazis run by merchants.
Pot, meet kettle
damn nigga get dabbed on
Oh no, I just didn't notice the nipple, I wouldn't want to get banned now would I?
>no u
>happily posts favorite artist
>people immediately ask you to leave
I wonder who, in this scenario, could be upset.
Bro what is this gay shit?
We're not the ones posting stuff against blue board rules, so feck off ye cunt
At least you don't deny that you're upset.
Now silence, it is time for the /ak/
based weeb vatniks, naziboos btfo'd
God fucking dammit! Why does my dick get so hard whenever I see anime girls with guns, especially HK416?
>n-no you!