OH SHIT, NIGGA! IT'S HAPPENING! Hypothetical speaking, if a city level blackout and LA level riots were occurring where you live, how prepared are you? Your prep shit can either be hypothetical (Casual Mode) or actual (Hardcore Mode).
How Prepared Are You?
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i have one bullet and a four loko
gl to whoever finds me
Thanks for reminding me to order a potable water tank to install in my new shed. Otherwise I'm good for a couple weeks without really intentionally prepping.
Literally 800,000 groids south of me. The plan is to bug in while they starve and slaughter each other, then make a Roarke's Drift style stand when the survivors come north.
I got a baseball bat and a maglight
About two gallons of gas in my car
Not much food
I'll be fine
>tfw live across the street form a gunshop
I'm good
>own a gun shop
>weirdo across the street worries me but I'm ready for him
Hypothetically? Absolutely fine. Realistically? 80% fine.
I’m just scared of niggers breaking in to steal the surplus of food and ammo I have. Obviously no one but family and friends know of it, but I wouldn’t put it past Jamal to kick my door in at 2 in the morning to preach the word of his lord and savior “Give-Me-Your-TV Christ” nonetheless. At that point, I’m just scared that I won’t have enough carpet cleaner after I turn him into chunky salsa with my gats.
This is the mentality that really grinds my gears; i talked over guns with some coworkers after a corporate event where we went skeet-shooting - one of them said that "his gun" would be "at the gun shop" if he ever needed it for a happening.
In that situation, the only things you'll be getting for free from a gun shop are bullets.
>lol why prepare for any disaster? I'll go to the local Wal-Mart and get food and guns!