They're not perfect, but I might join them out of spite for grabbers. Should I do it, Jow Forums?

They're not perfect, but I might join them out of spite for grabbers. Should I do it, Jow Forums?
>t. GOA member

Attached: nra_logo.jpg (464x460, 122K)

don't be petulant -- join them all

Join them all - NRA, GOA, FPC, SAF, and your state 2A org.

I just went for the life membership, it was only like $1500 when I did it

>1500 shekels
That's "only" 3/4 of my monthly income

Yes, we all must give at least some money to the gun lobby

So you make as much as minimum wage beaners in ca?

Unlike them, I don't live somewhere with ridiculous cost of living

Yes. Like you said, not perfect but they have strong political weight
