What went wrong Jow Forums? It should have been a success

What went wrong Jow Forums? It should have been a success.

Attached: ACR.jpg (550x550, 17K)

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AR's are cheaper

>implying you can build a better mousetrap than the Almighty ArmaLite

Attached: 1538798790063.gif (161x153, 1.91M)

Cerberus happened.

Weren't there reliability issues plus Remmington being kikes about the whole thing?

Fuck me so the whole industry is doomed for stagnation from the AR?

There really won't be any big changes to service rifles unless someone can come out with something that is a big enough improvement that it warrants the price tag that comes with the change.

Right now the US military is estimated to be about 1.3 million across all the branches. Assume that there needs to be rifles for only half that. That is 650,000 guns.
The cost to keep those gun is just the replacement cost of guns that wear out. So let's say 10% wear out a year, so 65,000 guns a year need replacing. I have seen estimates as low as $200, but let's say $250 for a little wiggle room. The cost to keep existing guns per year is $16.25 million.
Now what would be the cost of a replacement gun? Let's give a go and say that a company manages to negotiate a deal at like $350 a gun. But the big thing is the military is not going to be replacing 65,000 guns; no it will be replacing at least twice that in the first year. So for a single year you will cost a branch $45.5 million.
The cost to replace the current gun is 3 times price of keeping what they have in the first year alone. Is the new gun 3x better? My guess is no.
And my estimates don't include retraining of armorers or any new manual of arms that may need to be implemented. Both of those are additional costs.

Ugh this what I get for phone posting something on the longer side:
Price to purchase a replacement rifle of the same design as what is currently used I estimate to be between $200-250.
The price to purchase a whole new design to be $350.

>There really won't be any big changes to service rifles unless someone can come out with something that is a big enough improvement that it warrants the price tag that comes with the change.
That's what the Masada was before it became the ACR.
>Is the new gun 3x better?
In terms of adaptability and ergonomic/manual of arms it's not comparable. A gun that fills every role except for sustained fire and extreme precision with just swapping out a barrels and stocks. The Masada is the gun that would had made the AR obsolete overnight if it had been made.

It isn't reliable and it doesn't hold zero.