How does Jow Forums deal with guns and girls? How do you justify and explain owning guns to girls who you might end up dating or even marrying? I'm having a little difficultly finding a girl who is pro-gun like I am. While they're open minded to going to the gun range most are pro-gun control and not ok with having a gun in the house.
How do I convert a girl to be pro-gun? Or at least ok with me owning them?
>how do I convert The same way you "convert" any woman to anything: by not being a pussy so she inevitably adopts your opinions as her own. Do you ever notice that girlfriends always start to take an interest in the things you like?? How odd!
Julian Smith
>How do you justify and explain owning guns to girls >How do you justify >to girls I don't because I'm not a beta faggot
Liam Lee
>How do I convert a girl to be pro-gun? Or at least ok with me owning them? You just bring her shooting, start with small calibers obviously. She'll probably enjoy it, and anyway if she doesn't she can kiss your ass more than she already does, because you're the man and there are going to be guns in the house whether she likes it or not.
Parker Stewart
>Step 1: Be as attractive and in shape as you can >Step 2: Don't back down from your opinions in front of your girl >Step 3: Go out shooting instead of spending time with her
She'll get jealous and start wanting to go shooting with you reflexively. But keep in mind this only works for men with confidence.
Gavin Garcia
Is that an HK417? Are the rails on the MR762 shorter?
Mason Gomez
>start with small calibers obviously. She'll probably enjoy it This was my approach to buttstuff.
James Bailey
I live in the South, half of them are already armed.