He actually wears a field jacket in public

>he actually wears a field jacket in public

Attached: 2D5D07E3-564E-423D-A53A-C8FBE1568488.png (2521x1315, 374K)

>he's insecure and cares what randos think about him

>50 dollar field jacket vs 100+ on carhartt or similar
yeah, I know which one I'd rather ruin

carhartt all day you weak motherfuckers!!!

Attached: get with it.jpg (456x456, 16K)

They are very durable. If you can’t afford to replace it every 20 years then you must be pretty broke

True chads bypass the field jacket and wear milsurp from the gulf wars.

>calls others weak
>posts stock photo
ok retard

So I take it you own a filed jacket?

No I wear spandex and a leather S&M harness

But I wear both. Carhartt as a daily work jacket and my woodland bdu blouse for warm weather aesthetic.