It’s suppsed to work on any handgun but my question is, is it flimsy? Will the straps fall apart fairly quickly over time? Will the brace shift? Will this work double stack 1911s?
I’m not finding anything on it, does anyone actually own this? There’s no forum posts about it anywhere either.
Meme garbage or actually good? Universal handgun brace adapter
Wow that looks awful but if someone has it I'd love to hear their experiences
I mean it does give you the ability to put a pistol brace on a lot of guns you otherwise wouldn’t be able to and fairly cheaply but there’s no reviews of it anywhere online for some reason.
Some user should buy one and post.
Yeah but that's one hell of a beefy and short brace, I think that a better universal brace would be a tad longer and NOT use that AR brace, cause it's simply too hefty and bulky for a non AR/AK handgun
Holy fuck is that ugly.
They have one that’s longer.
Also I’m just talking about the brace adapter, you can stick any brace you want on there.
My Glock 20 fits in this. I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet.
You can’t use a suppressor.
its a fucking strap on for your gat