Why dont they make pistol magazines like this

Attached: anti jam.png (200x234, 3K)

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Please at least go to mark crilley’s stuff on perspective or use a ruler properly. Drawing isn’t that hard

le youtube poop amirite? xD play fortnite!

Because physics demands that the rounds are touching and thus they are forced into staying straight. Your example shows space between and above them which is obviously not how they sit in a loaded magazine.

Also you've just invented the wide single stack magazine, good at taking more space than a standard width single stack but it's wider, for no reason.

>Why are you replying to bait
I herbed, do the same. If my answer doesn't satisfy him then nothing else will.

>xD play fortnite
I still don't know what Fortnite is. I'm doing my damndest to never know.

Attached: boomer.png (1000x861, 259K)

but you DO know what fortnite is, you just pretend not to know because you want to be an old man.

imagine trying to take pride in ignorance to feel superior to others.

well maybe the follower can be enhanced to achieve the same effect? also not included in the picture is teflon on the inner surface front and back to reduce stiction

Attached: anti jam2.png (717x420, 137K)

I'm a newfag here
How much autism am I witnessing?

seeing as I have to go to work tomorrow not as much autism as found in Jow Forums neet threads

do you even understand how magazines / weapons work ?

Attached: 1351457349349.jpg (807x861, 138K)

Pretty sure he's either a troll or possibly mentally ill. Ordinary stupid people don't put in this much effort.

ill get my own in two months but more importantly its hard because how do they make it so that it works good and keeps the bullets straight even though it can fail or double feed

they should put each bullet in a holder like a rotary mag

I like this picture, any idea where I can find more?

Attached: c28.png (1450x1000, 1.48M)

I have something that may blow your fucking mind clueless user. Behold the Dardick Model 1500 magazine-fed revolver that shoots trounds


Attached: Holy fuck what the fuck is this fucking shit.jpg (371x600, 70K)

Yo boomer, that pic was made in MS Paint. Drawing on the computer isn't the same as drawing on paper, if you press a ruler to your monitor on the place where you're gonna draw the line, you will find that the ruler doesn't support your hand as you use your mouse to draw the line because the ruler and the line are in two different places.

Attached: 716cca980d89410119b92ab04e9841755b870f05c184358ac461af6c673cb483.jpg (480x480, 72K)

why would you put the anti tilt follower that direction instead of the other way

I see what you're getting at OP, but you're adding a lot of friction. Instead of a full winding track you could just have alternate rows of horizontal re-orienting tabs on either inside wall and just a normal follower with cutouts to clear the tabs. But friction probably going to make it unpossible.

I know you're being facetiously retarded on purpose, but not only can you put the rule on your mousemat to actually do exactly that, the line tool will let you do lines. Straight lines, unlike you/OP.

wheres the follower gonna go moron?

That's called double stack and it had existed for over 100 years and doesn't need your complicated shelves you colossal retard

Silly kid, that's what Glock success is attributed for.

Attached: GLK182.gif__78479.1498584739.png (1000x768, 694K)

Literally every Jow Forumsk/
Do you know where you at?