Who would've won a Sino-Soviet

Who would've won a Sino-Soviet
War (besides the US)?

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The soviets had a better army at the time but the sino’s had a far larger population. What year are we basing it on the 60s? (The split), 70s, or 80s?

'79 during the Chinese invasion of Vietnam

everyone else

Depends. No nukes? Who's on the offensive? As I recall, the Soviets established a massive line of fortifications using obsolete tanks as static weapons along their borders in strategic locations, although I'm unsure of when this happened. Assume around the split. I would put money on the Soviets, if their goal was to simply eliminate China's ability to fight competitively.

Chinese have never been good at force projection either.

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>soviets had a better army
>in nearly all major border engagements the Chinese win
>China then proceeds to fuck the USSR's main Asian ally, Vietnam

>border engagements /= full scale war

Politics limits the use of certain equipment during limited border engagements. The results could be significantly different if neither country was on a leash.

In 79 the Russians would have pounded the Chinks hard, today the Chinks would probably push the Russians shit in but it would be a battle. Love to watch that

the cold war conflicts will always be leashed, and with the Sino-Soviet split, you cannot place it in a vacuum. Even then, the Chinese consistently thwarted Soviet efforts during the Zhenbao incident.



>post vid

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>imagine the smell
it would be like dead dog, cheap vodka and borscht

What a hamburger head

The Soviets would have wrecked the Chinese as long as they kept their objectives limited (i.e. not attempted to occupy all China).

I know this is another curry nigger shill thread
but in a vacuum with unlimited time at hand either Russia or Russia would collapse before finishing off China or nothing would come out of the "war" and it would quickly end much to your dissapointment, Pajeet.

The soviet will probably achieve the capitulation of central government and take major cities, but then bog down in guerilla warfare.

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The jews

Oblivion character creation randomize

Neither had stamina for long all-out war.
So at most, there will be tactical nuclear exchanges across Amur river.
Then both will declare victory and go hime.

the chinese performed poorly against America in Korea but I'd say they could still destroy the soviets with sheer size and production capacity


I would dive in head first and eat them like dogmeat borscht.

>the Chinese performed poorly against America in Korea
What on earth are you on about? Despite having zero airsupport, almost non-existant modern communications network, totally inadequate and often non-existent armor and artillery support, crippled logistics and freedom of movement, facing intolerable environmental factors and actually possessing less available men in theater then the UN,ROK and US forces, they launched one of the most successful offensive conventional campaigns of post WW2.

Did they have largely disproportionate casualties? Well no fucking shit given how much the odds were stacked against them on a one to one level and the fact they were on the offensive, but they still displayed a level of tactical discipline, strategic wit and individual level of motivation that is well worth praise. How much of that would'v been lost with the degrading factors of peace time and political and military corruption later on would be a different story.


If we're assuming no nukes the Chinese would overwhelm with numbers.

Assmad chink suck my maple cock
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China didnt beat Vietnam tho, nor stop them from invading Cambodia

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hahah epic original copy pasta! Liked!


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The only correct answer.

Russia has much more nuclear weapons than China. The war would be over pretty soon.

Russians are some of the most hardened looking mofos I swear kek

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Plot twist: All of the Sino-Soviet split, the threat war and their build up of troops on their border was just a ruse. Both armies suddenly take a few steps to the East, crossing over into Alaska and move down through Canada into Seattle, catching the US with their hands down their popcorn buckets.

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Russian reporting. Not banned for this shit, and 70% of what you typed in is stuff the USSR would censor, but that the RF doesn't give a flying fuck about (Red Terror, Gulag, KGB...)

sorry, that's not going to work

Never happened.

Stop samefagging Pajeet

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