How to say "carbine"

How do you pronounce "carbine"?

I understand many Americans and purists insist on saying "car-been", because of the word's French etymology and pronunciation (it's funny that Americans aren't so insistent on sticking to a word's French origins when it comes to words like "colour", "honour", and "centre", though...).

But I've always thought it was "car-byne". I think Americans like to think this is distinctly a British phenomenon, but I'm currently watching a Halo tutorial series where the American creator of the videos consistently says "car-byne".

Many dictionaries list both pronunciations. But I think American references tend to say "car-been" (e.g. gives an audio sample pronouncing it "car-been", and that is an American website), and British references tend to say "car-byne" (e.g. Google UK gives an audio sample pronouncing it "car-byne"). But like I say, some Americans clearly say "car-byne" as well.

Where do you fall on this matter, Jow Forums? I'll continue to say "car-byne" because I think it sounds better. But if you prefer "car-been", then go ahead, you do you.

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It's Car Bean retard

"Car-bean" is easier to say, but "car-byne" has a nicer ring to it.

its like bind but drop the d.

it's clearly kahr-bahyn

ding dong everybody is wrong

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Couurrr bayy nnheee

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>But I've always thought it was "car-byne". I think Americans like to think this is distinctly a British phenomenon
I live in the south and Ive only heard car-bean a handful of times. It's almost all car-byne.


I usually say car-bean since that's how I've always said it, same as saying Guh-Rand even though the correct pronunciation is Gayr-und.
Also, the Brits are notorious for mispronouncing French words i.e. Fil-let Mig-nun

Both. M1 car-byne vs M4 car-bean. Sometimes it varies within the same conversation

Its arr-down, you fucking retard



I'm from the south west and have said Car Byne my entire life and haven't heard it been pronounced otherwise. Wtf are you on about op

If you really cared about the authenticity of French words then you would write "centre" not "center", "colour" not "color", "metre" not "meter", "labour" not "labor", etc.

i say car-bine because the first time i heard the word spoken was in No One Lives Forever and everyone had an english accent.

car bean uhh loo mih num receiver.

It's carbeen. We should have changed the spelling to reflect the correct pronunciation like we did with color and center. In fact we really didn't go far enough with that at the time.

>inb4 a dozen lindybeiges come out of the woodwork to defend british idiosyncrasies as secretly genious guise

>pronouncing it correctly means you have to keep the retarded, nonsensical frog spelling too



You disgusting albionoid

I like to say “car-byne” even though the correct pronunciation is “car-bean”

It was taught to me as car-bye-n.
I think there was only one asshole in the unit who called it a car-bean, just to be a special snowflake.

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Thank you, user. This was a good post.

oh hoh hoh hoh, thees ees mye car bin ey

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Sure you do - that's why you pronounce Des Moines correctly isn't it? Oh wait, the proper French pronunciation is along the lines of "deh mwan", while Ameritards say "deh moyne". And that's why yanks pronounce "St Louis" in the French way too, right? Oh wait, wrong again - the proper French pronunciation is something like "san lwee", while yanktards say "saynt loo-is".

If Americans want to pronounce carbine as "carbeen" then that's fine. I will keep saying "carbyne", but you do whatever you want. Just don't pretend that you're some sort of purist for French pronunciation. You're not.

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Nogunz vidya fags call it carbyne
Hasgunz say carbeen
It's an interesting, proven, phenomenon



It doesn't matter because we can own them and you never will, you no guns yuopoor faggot so how we pronounce it is correct

fuck off anglo faggot

Same as the basic element: Car-bun


Americans who heard the word first from the firearms world say it car bean, Americans who heard it first from video games say it car byne
t. guy who first heard it from shooting dudes with my purple space gun and continues to say car byne despite knowing it tickles the autism of a bunch of people

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heads - carbine
tails - carbineCoin Flip: Heads

Halo is where I first heard it too, it was always Covenant Carbyne.

cool beans


fah git
>inb4 commie/antifa/satanist character assassination discord tranny tier memes

Jokes on you I'm a Cajun.

Ok listen up wordlets. Both pronunciations are accepted. There is no 'correct' way to pronounce anything, only various degrees of social acceptability. You could pronounce carbine as carbon, but you'd be thought a brainlet.

t. Lingfag