If you could have any weapon for home defense, ignoring price, legality and availability, which one would you choose?
I think the P90 with armor piercing rounds would be my choice
If you could have any weapon for home defense, ignoring price, legality and availability, which one would you choose?
I think the P90 with armor piercing rounds would be my choice
Saiga 12, select fire, with bean bags. That way I can save them for later.
The bean bags? Or the dude you inevitably knock unconcious.
Full auto included? Yeah probably a P90 or MP7. I want a small, controllable, reliable bullet hose with a red dot and flashlight.
OR an integrally suppressed SBR AR.
In all honesty, there probably isn't a better home defense tool out there than an SBS with a 12-14" barrel, so pretty much this:
A white ethnostate.
MP7, because I fucking want one and I resent H&K for not making a semi version for import..
Your mom's pussy
unironically pic related.
Has Jow Forums just become full of fucking vidya game children? Or am I being trolled?
Actually, on second thought, as much as I like .32 ACP, maybe it's just a little week. If I'm really ignoring availability, I gotta go full Ian on this.
Still low enough recoil to be eminently controllable, somehow even cuter than the Vz.61.
10.5" AR Full auto with an illuminated 1X sight, or a cz scorpion with a red dot. Depending on how deaf you are willing to go.
Any locked breach 9mm sub gun is gonna be just as controllable. That's why the MP5 was so popular. 25yd mag dumps with all rounds on a man sized target are trivial.
A full giggle P90 is unironically a top titty choice but AP rounds would be retardo.
>Any locked breach 9mm sub gun
So the SIG MPX, some obscure AR-9 variants and... what?
>That's why the MP5 was so popular
Delayed blowback, not locked breech. And yes, it was so popular because it was basically the only delayed-blowback SMG on the market, and one of few closed-bolt SMGs, so more controllable in full-auto and more precise in semi-auto vs. the usual open-bolt, straight blowback alternatives.
I'm just not seeing any need to go above hot .32; performance at 100yd+ will probably be lacking, but we're talking home defense, it will do what needs done.
Besides, the MAS-38 is hella cute, and it's well-known that one fights better with the confidence that can only come from wielding a cute gun.
F4 Phantom II with Napalm pickles and a radio order to danger close some charlies.
You just have the emotional maturity of a toddler. That's why you're getting upset at some meaningless internet jokes.
Patrician taste
Those digits...
I'd take an MP7
What's your answer so we can make of it?
Not those goys, but a select fire saiga is nothing to sneeze at
Why would you choose a Saiga 12k when an AA12 is better in every respect?
A few of these around the house should do it.
I'm not upset about it, but these people are legitimately retarded. You'd never want to use any of those in a self defense scenario.
It's also not something you'd want to defend your home with.
Any pistol, but preferably a .45. Even more preferable would be a suppressed pistol so you don't blow your fucking eardrums out. The rest of these posts all scream "I ONLY KNOW GUNS FROM VIDEO GAMES!"
>P90 with AP rounds
Let's go ahead and put holes into every fucking thing and put holes in your neighbors house as well. Because fuck bystanders and other people.
Sweet, a Saiga 12 - select fire! With beanbags! Now I can piss off a nigger on PCP AND get raped afterward! Oh, don't worry about all the broken windows and fragile items in my house. Sorry about the TV...
You also want to fuck up all the damn valuables in your house, and the people in the next house or five over. Or maybe your garage and hit your car because who cares about overpenetration!
>Isn't a better home defense tool than an SBS with a 12-14" barrel
Yes there is, it's called a double action, small caliber revolver or a semi-auto pistol. Shit, I'd rather use my Nagant Revolver than a fucking MP7 or P90. I have people in my house, I have pets. I don't want to overpenetrate and fuck everything up.
a bunch of grenades
Oh boy, let's take out everything within the next 2,000 feet. Who cares about the neighbors, portability, and your ears?
savage post and digits💯
>It's also not something you'd want to defend your home with.
I would have zero hangups about using mine, though its true it wouldn't be my first choice. What's your reasoning besides le epic contrarian man?
>Any pistol
Alright. I mean, 147gr 9mm suppressed is also half the perceived volume of .45, but that notwithstanding consider the ballistic efficacy.
Writing an extremely long post describing how not-upset you are is proof that you are, in fact, very, very upset.
The rest of us are not fooled. We are laughing at you.
What is it like to have autism? That poster is clearly joking, and yet you have decided to treat their post as being deadly serious and then you decided to get upset about it.
What would it even matter if they were serious, anyway? How would that affect your life? Please type your reply into the box below and press enter.
Flame thrower.
Anzio 20mm Rifle if I'm limited to regular arms. If not? Hind-D.
Barret M82A2 single shot 20mm upper. I just REALLY want to make sure they stay down.
Mp5sd. No overpenetration, quiet, and cheap to feed with high quality ammo.
Probably just a gigantic mouse trap in front of he door.
And the floor in front of it slightly angled and well lubed
I wouldn't use a shotgun at all in my home. I have too many valuables and pets for fear of hitting them. Be it buckshot or birdshot. I would only ever use a pistol inside my home. I live in the country, so outside I really don't give a shit.
I can't really watch the video, I'm pretending like I'm doing something in a meeting right now, so I look important when I type.
I'd prefer a light grain hollow point. And I'd pretty well want a .45 hitting my target. 9mm has more penetration, is faster, and isn't good at dropping PCP fiends. .45 is only marginally better, but it doesn't overpenetrate.
That post had nothing to do with me explaining why I'm upset, because I'm not upset. I just hope to God when some of these folks grow up and can buy their own toys, they don't expect to defend their homes with these weapons. Civilian or fun switch.
>I just hope to God when some of these folks grow up and can buy their own toys, they don't expect to defend their homes with these weapons.
OK. A normal person would "hope to God" for something like a job promotion, or good health. Meanwhile you're clogging up the prayer request line with your anxieties about what perfect strangers may or may not be joking about. What is wrong with you?
You know handguns and buckshot have very similar rates of penetration, right? Birdshot is retardo either way obv.
>What is it like to have autism?
It sucks. You tend to hate everything and have a hard time differentiating from sarcasm and in-between. Then you get frustrated knowing there are legitimately people out there that would think it's a good idea to have multiple tripod mounted M2's inside a home for home defense. Then you wonder, "Is that person one of those retards?" Then I decide, probably not, but I'm in the mood to debate today. I need to type more so I look important to these asshats in this fucking 4 hour long meeting that's a waste of everyone's time.
A whole suite of Home Alone-esque traps but with enough dakka mixed in to surprise an African warlord suprised.
I'm not a normal person. However, you are quite the faggot yourself. You're implying that it's not in good stature to hope for someone's well-being so no gullible idiots that read this shit decide it's a good idea? Then end up actually having a home intruder and use a fucking full auto P90 with armor piercing bullets?
When it comes to the shotguns, my concern is not the penetration. It's the spread. One of those shots going past someone will not look nice in my wood stove, nor my window, and definitely not my induction stove top.
Also, to be fair, we are on Jow Forums. This isn't reddit, so why are you getting your panties in a bunch about a "non-normie"?
You've spent the past several hours being extremely upset about innocent jokes on the internet...
This website is not a good place for you, friend.
The AH-1 Z Viper
>I think the P90 with armor piercing rounds would be my choice
Good luck with your .22" icepick machine.
I would install 300 of these in concentric rings around my home, just to piss off that one user who thinks all of these replies should be super duper serious business no-fun-allowed opinions that can be backed up with logic and evidence rather than retarded joke posts like 99.9% of the posts on this board
I've spent about a total of 20 minutes or so here. The rest of the time I'm lurking elsewhere.
It's too late for me to leave. I've been coming here since 2006. Browsed here on my PS3's fucking web browser on 256k DSL and played SOCOM 3 all day.
I'm also terribly hungover. Getting to old to drink like I used to.
Calm down Hitler.
>rather than retarded joke posts like 99.9% of the posts on this board
You must be new here. This could have been a good thread with serious discussion and excellent conversation over various pistols, calibers, hand loads, and strategies. Instead, it is full of children who are talking seriously about using a god damn SPAS 12, or AP rounds with a full auto P90. In your fucking home.
It's beyond retarded. An AR15 for home defense is beyond retarded. I won't stop you from using it(I mean, I physically can't), but for fuck sake take your hearing and others into consideration before you do some stupid shit like that.
Is it too much to ask to have serious conversation here for once? Joke posts were shit like Duke and Ivan. Squid shitposting. Boof doing stupid shit. Nowadays it's just retarded.
>ignoring price, legality and availability
The eradication of the Jews and their lackeys.
You've replied within 30 seconds to every post I've made over the past 16 hours...and always with these long-winded "I am TOTALLY not upset" posts where you are clearly just becoming more and more upset.
M32 MGL with M576 buckshot, because fuck efficiency and my house.
And my hungover angry ass forgot my pic.
16 hours? What? I've only been in this thread on Jow Forums, and a few on /o/. The fuck are you talking about?
it's amazing to me that you think you can cause a serious discussion to happen on Jow Forums of all places, and even sillier that you think you can cause it to happen by whining.
Can't you have a serious discussion while people have fun shitposting as usual?
I'm not going to cause it in this thread, I know it's not possible. It wasn't possible to begin with when a child OP posts about a fucking P90 for home defense.
Jow Forums used to be a good place to have serious discussion. Something has happened these past couple years, and the cancer has gotten worse. Jow Forums used to be a pretty tight community for an anonymous image board. little shits playing Fort Knight and cawadooty seem to want to come here all the time and talk with only their video game knowledge for fun.
In fact, they do it so much, there is very little in the way for them to get educated beyond the weapons themselves. The tactics and training to use them. The need to use them and the overwhelming importance of this knowledge.
he can't because he's one of these no-fun-allowed faggots who get extremely upset when someone, somewhere isn't doing exactly what he wants them to
he had plenty of chances to just talk about his opinions with like-minded people but instead he chose to spend his day crying about jokes
>handgun for HD
>muh .45
>thinks an mp7 is an SBS with a 12-14" barrel
Its truly hard to determine whether you're more mad or stupid.
>video of an anesthesiologist talking about techniques for maintaining homeostasis, oh, and he regurgitated some wikipedia tier info from fackler/gkr
That video is a nothing burger.
>I wouldn't use a shotgun at all in my home. I have too many valuables and pets for fear of hitting them.
>muh spread
>9mm has more penetration, is faster, and isn't good at dropping PCP fiends. .45 is only marginally better, but it doesn't overpenetrate
Do the world a favor and do some more research on these topics before opening your big, stupid, mouth. That or just go ahead and KSG yourself.
You are such an insufferable faggot. 90% of the people cracking jokes in this thread know what a normal HD gun would be and almost certainly own one. Just because someone cracks a joke doesn't mean they're a retard who doesn't know anything. Get off your high horse and quit judging people based on a handful of anonymous posts on the internet.
I would take a TOZ-194 or a Remington 870.
>doesn’t understand multiple points in a post
Do the world a favor and get off your fat horse shitbag. You’ve clearly never been in a real self defense situation. I got shot in my fucking eye with a .25, and in the heat of the moment I was using my Kar98. The bullet went through my walls and killed my neighbors dog.
Any .45 wouldn’t do that.
And the spread will cause more damage to your home than a .45 will.
None of the many first posts were jokes. They were idiots thinking out a video game fantasy.
I rely don't understand this fag who's so concerned about his stuff (and apparently his lack of homeowners insurance) that he'll only use his fuddy five because he somehow thinks it's a magical ancestral weapon that will strike down all men while not penetrating sheet rock. .
Eye pic now or you're gay
STFU boomer.
Sounds to me like he's saying it won't penetrate walls *as much*, not saying that it's a magic charm. Even if it makes it through the wall, it'll lose a lot more energy on the way through which is a big deal for anyone on the other side of the wall.
>reddit spacing
>k98 = 9mm
>still spread posting in 2k19
Is this what trolling has become?
Some day my friend
Boomer GTFO.
Even if that was his claim, it's the flat opposite of reality, all tests show light weight high velocity rounds are stopped by common construction materials like sheet rock faster than slow heavy ones. That was one of the big reasons a lot of entry teams switched from 9mm smg's to 5.56 sbrs
BAR M1918
Savage is exactly right, you Jow Forumsfags are some of the most promitive-minded, tribal niggers that the white race has ever produced.
If you have anything less than a m60 for home defense, your fucked. Kiss your wife and dog goodbye son.
Yay, AP rounds, so that you can shoot through the aggressor, the wall behind him, and your kid sleeping behind the wall. Seriously, intruders don't have bullet proof vests, so AP rounds would be a terrible choice.
I'd take a short shotgun. Or a SMG with suppressor, like a B&T MP9 and hollow point ammo.
Probably a select fire ASVal with some PAB-9 rounds. I dont care what mother fucker comes through my door, that gun will tear them to shreds. Its also would be fine without earpro.
Pretty much any suppressed full auto compact rifle will be the best thing to have in these kinds of situations.
The direct competitor to the P90 is the MP7. Which one is better for its role? They're both very concealable, but the P90's round is bigger. I'm not sure which one is more reliable though.
I have a glass eye, looks like the real one did.
I'd rather not deal with a busted chimney or a hole in the wall or any bullshit if I can avoid it.
You dense retard. I am not comparing the Kar98 to a 9mm. I'm saying an FMJ or even a 5.7 will penetrate a lot more than a light grain .45. I personally wouldn't want to use a 9mm, but that's me.
That's why we have hollow point. Also, 9mm certainly penetrates wood much easier. Also, yes that was my claim, that the .45 won't be near as bad after it exits.
5.7.. Wound vectors, man.
Non AP 5.7 penetrates far, far less than .45
Fair enough, I should have specified as that's why I got ruffed up in the first place. However, I'd imagine a .45 hollow point wouldn't penetrate as much as a standard 5.7. However, it would certainly depend on the material hit.
A punt gun
5.7 is designed with this very thing in mind.
Ahh I needed CarnikCon. I miss his videos. Ameriflage will always be my favorite.
Absolutely based and redpilled❤️
>An AR15 for home defense is beyond retarded.
WRONG, boomer
ITT: tons of normal autistic Jow Forumsommandos, and one or two faggots that can't seem to get past
>muh realism
Trust me faggots, most of the people here are trolling, and even if not, who cares, go get laid or do something productive instead of using 4chin to fuel your anger at the world until you work up the gall to kys or shoot up a public place.
Jesus based AND checked. Who could ask for more?
9mm will over penetrate more than 5.56
>When it comes to the shotguns, my concern is not the penetration. It's the spread.
>while complaining about people getting their info from vidya
>and pretending anyone is dumb enough to spend transferable MG kilobucks on the basis that "Jow Forums said it was good for defense!"
And that was when I knew it was a troll.