Patch Thread

Trade, create, and sell your patches here.
>Previous thread
>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Thread Theme

Attached: right wing death squad.png (288x288, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who and when?

Attached: HL_BM_Security.png (871x350, 121K)

Lemme check.

Based Black Mesa, have a like fren

Gave it to Patchcraft.

ATF, it's been 6 weeks

Attached: 1553824872215.jpg (300x250, 49K)

What are you talking about Schizoposter?

My RWDS patch order

Attached: 1553784912371.jpg (423x408, 43K)

The one in the OP? I designed that! Good to know someone liked it enough to order and have them made and sold, but shit I'm sorry the guy is ducking you.

>The one in the OP?
No, the one AnimeTobaccoFirearms sells


Checked. We need some clownworld patches already

>oof. getoverit


>death right squad wing

don't dead open inside.gif



nice emojis friends, do you mind if i save them?

Fuck off nerds

No you also la le lu li lo

Attached: IMG_1521.png (580x652, 322K)

I made that for someone. I'll ask them whats going on

Which one?

Bumping with the edgiest patch from last thread

Attached: CIRCLE_Sub_to_Based_Black_Woman_patch.png (800x800, 208K)

And like last thread now that's fucking based

Attached: IMG_1572.jpg (900x900, 84K)


That patch is dumb as hell.


>pandering to furries


Furries are a bit different than fox girls

>Right Death Wing Squad
Sign me the fuck up.

Attached: 8b186ca128d0fd2d766b180b07c1ce07.png (264x54, 3K)

Let me see if the original runner still wants to. I made it for him.

Restock when?

Attached: CHNA.jpg (921x921, 218K)

Eventually. Email me

>right death wing squad
The absolute state of fashies

Attached: rangetrap.jpg (1536x2048, 1005K)

nice, which site are you on?

Brass Jew patch when?


Attached: 20190210_195334__28785.1552700329.jpg (1041x1041, 210K)

ITs not mine the guys working on it he was not n the last thread and replied to the image also I want of pic

Attached: IMG_1438.png (1982x1133, 148K)

When the fuck is StrangeReal gonna restock wtf?

I'm sorry I meant he was in the last thread

Attached: IMG_1447.png (378x656, 396K)

Death Right Squad Wing

T h o t

WIng right squad death

Attached: IMG_1391.png (1244x1238, 423K)

If anyone wants to make a Brass Goblin, Adventure Time has some good examples for inspiration.

Attached: C2EE4BC5-F887-4C35-92A5-662829858D78.jpg (638x640, 24K)

I just want likes

DId you say goblins? Patch when

Attached: IMG_1575.jpg (380x222, 29K)

Waiting for a mahromatic patch

Attached: [!2].gif (800x773, 127K)

right wing death squad aka I'm a fascist

Yes, so what?

Attached: 1554134617286.jpg (503x730, 62K)

I appreciate when fascists are open about it. It's less cancerous than crypto fascists masquerading as reasonable conservatives.


We need more clownworld patches frens

Attached: Minimalist Honkler.png (800x450, 120K)

Fascists think "reasonable conservatives" are useless boomer cucks. Nothing cryptofascist about them.

Paid for.

go to /soc/, they eat this kind of junk up.

Attached: Screenshot_206.jpg (911x97, 14K)


Thank you for your cervix.

Let me know when they come in

Patch when?

Attached: image.jpg (506x687, 60K)

This, conservatives are as bad as the rest


When you die.

Attached: is it you goblin.jpg (828x575, 94K)

could someone redpill me on the clownpill

I had given up, but with the pic OP chose, Anyone know where I can buy the patch in my pic?

Attached: 1552954022430.png (1000x1000, 1.64M)

ok so basically
life is a clownworld, might as well honk along
it's accepting the blackpill and just laughing as the world burns
it's similar to the joker desu

here is updated version

Attached: svdcollageunfinishedcroppedreducednoiseresized.png (3000x1874, 2.98M)

Attached: 1553698111850.jpg (858x553, 170K)

holy shit would cop

>who is the wrongthinker that sells these naughty goy patches?
>why is someone allowed to have fun while making a $20 profit?
>why can’t I get you fired from your shitty warehouse job so that I can feel good about myself?

you discord trannies will never be real women, will die of natural causes, and your toxoplasmosis infected cats will eat your fucking eyeballs.

nobody knows where that patch is. go dilate yourself for the next 45 minutes so that your scooped-out vagoo doesn’t heal shut.

Can someone point me in the right direction for a durable IFAK patch? I know a dumb little first aid symbol isn't exactly what this thread is about, but I'm putting together a handful of FAKs and want something that doesn't wear like shit. Woven? PVC? Embroidered?

Y-you too
But she's clearly not furry art
Ayy thanks. Sending it off this weekend to have samples made

Based and SVD pilled

Are you fucking retarded? I'm from Jow Forums. We don't have a patch thread. I think your some leftypol nigger. Every time I stop by and try to get something I want, you immediately accuse me of doing what I can only assume is what you are guilty of. Besides if you were Jow Forums you would know Mossad is the new Discord Tranny.

>right wing death squad
>>discord trannies
nigger wut

Someone pls do it

Attached: 20190401_192244.png (500x306, 255K)

It's okay user, he seems a bit special
To be honest, nobody really knows where the patch is from, but if you could find the source image, you could get it custom made

I have a work friend who's family redpilled. She has a cricut vinyl cutter. I am going to see if she can make one, and if so how much her silence cost.

anyone interested in a Arts and Jow Forumsrafts patch

If so, maybe sell a few on eBay while you're at it, I wouldn't mind having that patch

alright bro i also think its annoying he asks for the patch every thread but maybe youre going a little overboard here bro

i have skipped the last 3, and only asked because of the pic in the OP.

damn, so ive been clownpilled this whole time

you fucking kike


Attached: watchmen_comedian.jpg (559x294, 88K)

We live in a society friends get used to it

Attached: IMG_1577.png (500x566, 55K)

Patch or sticker idea? Make light of first timers that have never been to a range and don’t know what to expect

>Glock 22 Rental
>50 Rounds of Ammo
>Crab Legs
>6-Piece Chicken Tendies
>Medium Soda

Attached: FE67B27C-FC88-47E0-B8DA-191686992DBE.jpg (1024x694, 215K)

>Right Squad Wing Death

( ̄ω ̄;) I haven't forgotten, I'm just poor. Soon, hopefully. Work hasn't been kind to me.

Ecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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Attached: 1553946740863m.jpg (1024x993, 166K)

Yes my good sir

Attached: IMG_1270.jpg (600x849, 80K)

what a shitty choice
not being

Attached: Shit Fetishes.jpg (1982x1042, 372K)

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/out/ concept

Attached: Ticksdicks.png (1042x1054, 243K)

Where is the store for these? It's not in the pastebin.

Attached: 1554575593759.jpg (735x541, 316K)

>ugly bastard
>penis birth
>oppai loli
these are the only tags worth anything.

Attached: yer a goblin.png (545x476, 162K)

What is on platelet's flag?
Don't recognize it.

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