What gun is this?

What gun is this?

Attached: 1543585550706.jpg (480x360, 9K)

fully semi automatic glock


Not a real gun. Sopranos is 9.9/10 due to the prop guns

Blank-firing movie prop gun. Not based on a real gun.



its obviously a GLORK

Block 19

Glock and wesson 45mm😃

If it wasn't april first I'd take this as a joke, probably the kind of thing people would press against the back of your ear because it's got a faulty ignition like .22lr and not enough velocity to penetrate a skull unless it's a contact shot. Probably a bit of a bonus feature if it's semi-automatic if it doesn't jam on a contact shot.

ayyy tone


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

the noisy cricket

It's that saturday night special

Italian made Faggonine

Spaghetti shooter

Prop, Rubber, Caliber nothing, M0


Attached: download.jpg (285x177, 11K)

>pic related

Attached: 1551127557486.png (236x246, 15K)

A Glock 7...it's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It dosen't show up on you airport X-ray machines, and it costs more than you make here in a month

Block 19.

bwock 19



include me in the screencap kkthx :D:D:D:D:D😃

It's literally called a " non gun" . It's not just a rubber prop, it has an electric ignition system and is loaded with something like flash paper so it produces a muzzle flash and no report. It allows them to shoot a gunplay scene without the permitting or safety precautions needed for blank firing guns. They come is a variety of sizes and shapes but they all look a little wonky. They are generally not used for close ups like in op pic. Usually a realistic prop gun is used for close ups and the non- gun is just used for the money shot. Then sound is added in post.

I imagine these are less popular now that adding CGI muzzle flash is fairly simple.

Glock and Wesson 45mm, model 1789 by Colt Koch.

Some shitty boomer gun nobody cares about, probably 1911


Same as the last 500 times you asked.

You can't be fucking serious

Looks like a Panorama Problem Solver


thing that goes up

Looks like a dollar store water gun.