What is your home defense gun and why isn’t it a 12 gauge?

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Because an AR is objectively the best choice.


2 cap&ball .44s because I want to larp as a frontier gunfighter and I'm sure the cops would get a chuckle out of the situation whether I am victorious or fail and die.

Yeuuuuah. You see son. the only clear choice is a ruger 10/22. A 12 gauge is overpowered and will penetrate drywall. And Let me tell you that I know a lot about drywall, because Hell, I hung it as a contractor for the better part of 10 years. “Sip” yeauuh. What you need for home defense is a .22 caliber long rifle with a 25 round clip. You need to understand that .22 rounds wound over penetrate because they tend to rattle around in the body when you shoot someone. “Sip” just aim for the eye of the intruder and let that .22 round do the rest. Hell, my buddy got shot in the arm with a 22 and they found the lead bullet in his balls a week later.

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Bullshit, the .22 is obviously the correct choice but not in a unreliable auto loading platform. Now a .22 revolver
Thats a gun I would trust my life with.

t. my father

I chose an AK with FMJs so I can shoot through the walls

Mah dick

It is. Winchester 1300 sitting next to the bed.

Now that's too many moving parts, what you need to get yourself is a break action double barrel .22 derringer. Now that's a reliable firearm if I've ever seen one

i prefer 12 ga due to not needing ears with slugs. however ar is better in all other ways

It's a Winchester Model 200, and it's not a 12 gauge because it's a 20 gauge and I like the smaller recoil for long days of shooting sporting clays.

I only use .308

>Hell, my buddy got shot in the arm with a 22 and they found the lead bullet in his balls a week later.

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You're going to fight with what's in the gun or on the gun, magazine fed platforms like the ar take the cake. There's nothing wrong with shotguns other than being limited to tube capacity and needing extra saddles or sleeves

I use a .308 so I can wallbang any Intruders


Why? Because it's all I have that wont't go through the intruder, through my wall, then into my neighbor.

>tfw you had a choice between a 12ga or 7.62 Saiga and you picked 7.62


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Bersa Thunder because it’s my carry and only gun.