Chinese troops in Venezuela


Judging by their uniforms they're PLAN and PLA I think.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This belongs on Jow Forums

Man on the far right is air force.

You belong in /b/

This is an active potential conflict. This is absolutly Jow Forums

Is this really happening, holy shit I cannot fucking wait senpai.

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The whole world might as well put their troops in Venezuela at this rate.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Yes, a potential geopolitical conflict amongst different countries. Therefore

Any estimates as to how many? Are they just advisors or something?
You belong in the grave, fag

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Ah you're right, I missed the contrast at first and thought the two blue uniforms were the same. My bad.

Ok so that would mean the 3 major branches of the Chinese military are in Venezuela.

Fuck off, idiot.

You belong on whatever Discord server you came from. If this was Jow Forums we'd be talking about PLAN and PLA and thier equipment not the political conflict brewing in Venezuela.

>YFW Russia and China are going to end up fighting each other Venezuelan oil while US-backed "moderate rebels" from Colombia and Brazil run around killing them all in the jungle

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It's one thing to call out stormfags, but now you're just being a cunt

>t. a kike

Fun fact, nobody gives a shit about Venezuelan toothpaste "oil".

Probably been here longer than you fag, but ok.
>a literal fucking WAR brewing up doesn't belong on Jow Forums

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Venezuela owes them a lot of money.
Russia already came to collect a few heaps of gold.
Also, don't forget that the VP is an Iranian intelligence agent.

Attached: Venezuela's Vice President Tareck El Aissami.jpg (1023x575, 51K)

Go be a fag somewhere else

>Jow Forums is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.
>Discussions about politics or current events belong on Jow Forums.

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What's the guy in the middle holding in his left hand?

>a literal fucking WAR brewing up doesn't belong on Jow Forums
It's a new shilling tactic which has been employed for a couple of weeks now. Whenever an actually relevant thread gets posted, shills flock to it and claim it doesn't belong on Jow Forums.

Because we need another thread of richfags jerking eachother off in /arg/, fags posting anime shit outside of /a/ in /ak/, people posting retarded threads about that stupid shockwave shotgun, and whatever other thread we have every fucking day.
God damn, that fucking Jow Forums sticky was the death of this board. Any slightly interesting thread gets dumped there now and any chance of serious discussion gets thrown out the window because of fags like you.

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fuck off commie spic

It's not a shill tactic nigger, I'm just sick of retarded Eurofag trash like OP shitting up the weapons board with discussion about things that aren't weapons or Rhodesia.

That sticky is the reason why this place isnt as much of a shithole as 8/k/. Comeback here when you get that loicense for the .22 rifle you've always wanted.

Post your guns then, since you seem to think I'm some no guns Euro lmao.

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They're meeting to discuss their future Venezuelan/Chinese fusion foodtruck venture in America.

Kind of weird to invite multiple foreign militaries to your country, but ok. I hooe their there to help with the powet/comms blackouts and not just blow up people if unreat kicks up.

How long before Chinese invasion of United States of America via South America?

Attached: PLA Super Commando 005.webm (856x480, 2.96M)

Your wasr10 isnt impressive. Also no.

Not trying to impress you, noguns. Leave the damn thread, the adults are talking.

Post when the actual war starts, or at least some gay "happening" like between India and Pakistan a month ago. Twitter shit about a handful of Chinese soldiers who are probably distributing aid is not weapons-related.

Fuck off to /lgbt/ faggot.

Lol, hope they enjoy dealing with 100m gun owners.

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why do communist enjoy hiding behind the color blue and think we cant see them?

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Those guys don’t look Chinese at all. The Chinese are very popular in Latin America. They are just fans and role playing their idols

these porkers best munch out on some carnitas and enjoy life - before they hang from a mango tree later this year.

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>don't talk about gun control, faggots
>don't talk about current wars, faggots
Sometimes, the rules are fucking broken. Sometimes, you ignore them. But you, specifically, were probably "sometimes" dropped as a fucking child.

They'll kill each other in the millions when they have a bad leader after major centralizing, just give it time.

> post guns

m-m-mmuh op-psec

nogunz nig confirmed

Attached: CryZoomer.png (434x327, 37K)

Correction, nobody is impressed by the WASR10 pic that you downloaded off /akg/

Now stop ruining the weapons board with your non-weapons related posts.

Gun control threads are fine. Clearly weapons related. A non-war in Latin America however is a political issue and therefore belongs in Jow Forums.


Fun fact as someone who's been on Jow Forums longer than that sticky - it was put up by an asshurt mod during gamergate and doesn't reflect the actual culture or wishes of the board. It can be safely ignored and anyone posting it like this is an obvious shill trying to play it off like their attempts at narrative control "fit in."

Suck our dicks, chaim.

So discussions about civilian weapons accessories don't belong into Jow Forums? Why aren't janitors deleting threads about those? Ammunition (outside of military surplus) isn't specifically weapons so discussions about ammunition belong somewhere outside of Jow Forums. Same thing about camo circle jerks. No, reproductions of Rhodesian brushstroke camo aren't military surplus, so discussions about that belong into /fa/.

People like you are the cancer that is killing this board. Do a favor to entire humanity and kill yourself.

>Gun control threads are fine. Clearly weapons related.
Nope. Janitors usually delete those.

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Looks fake as fuck.

This looks badly photoshopped. Not to mention the source for this pic is this guy.

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Except when the Chinese Army drove the UN forces out of North Korea. (They'd done something similar to the Japanese invasion in 1593.) Or when the Chinese stationed thousands of troops in North Vietnam to help free up the NVA to invade South Vietnam. Not to mention the U.S. forces that were acting as advisors (essentially combat controllers for U.S. airpower) and millions of combat troops sent to South Korea and South Korea. Not to mention the thousands of U.S. forces still stationed in South Korea.

>okay, everyone line up!
>we're going to have 6 mortar positions all within 5 feet of each other!
>get those Gozvodika clones out in the open! And right next to each other!
>Chang! Get those john boats running!
>So what we're gonna do, we're gonna storm the beach all at once. Make sure you bunch up! Everyone needs to be as close to each other as possible!
being constantly at war for 80 years sucks, but at least our military has learned basic guidelines of combat

>What is a propaganda shot.jpg.

>deploying troops to a country that's literally at your back door is the same as sending advisory officials to a different fucking hemisphere when you have almost zero force projection
there won't be any meaningful Chinese presence there unless we see their second-hand Admiral Kuznetsov from fucking space smogging its way through the panama canal

>Potential new conflict
>not Jow Forums
I wish discord trannies would just kill themselves already, they're bad at posting and even worse at looking even remotely feminine.

The Chinese do not have election cycles. They are not in a hurry. They're plan over the next 50 years or so, is to strengthen their hold on Asia and the Pacific. Look at how they've corrupted former U.S. allies Malaysia and the Philippines. They roughly have 3 phases for their plan. First is securing/neutralizing the Spratly Islands, Taiwan and Okinawa. Next are Wake Island and Midway. Then Hawaii (by encouraging independence.) Finally they are free to patrol the coast of California.

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What does the term conflict mean I wonder? How about you stop being a dat nigger and go back to plebbit discord tranny.

>Post when the actual war starts, or at least some gay "happening" like between India and Pakistan a month ago.
nigger that was an actual shooting conflict only narrowly prevented from becoming a major war (and maybe even the first proper nuclear war) by immediate intervention by everyone with a diplomatic service

you know the soviet union deployed something like 100 tactical nuclear weapons in cuba during the missile crisis and refused to admit their presence even after the missiles were detected, da?

Trumpy plz.

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>How long before Chinese invasion of United States of America via South America?
>Mexico and Canada immediately join the US’s side
>Europe would also send troops into French Guiana

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>If this was Jow Forums we'd be talking about PLAN and PLA and thier equipment
That's literally part of this discussion
>not the political conflict brewing in Venezuela.
It's a Jow Forums thread that means the conflict brewing will be discussed in a Jow Forums way. The OP is literally talking about what troops just showed up in a brewing conflict, that means we can figure out what branches are involved, what type of fighting will happen, what tech we may see and the gear/camo being used. I understand you and the other discord shemen are new here but try and keep up.

They'll probs just blast the place with biological and chemical weapons, then sweep away the carcasses and move millions of Chinese colonists in.

This. Plus, you know, the whole thing where we have actual projection capability that's proven. Over. And over. And over. There's a lot of shit wrong with out military/government. But the people who keep spouting shit how we'd get our ass beat will be in for a really fucking rude awakening. I half think it's John Bolton shitposting in his spare time wishing a motherfucker would.

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Pajeets with their meme flags are also spamming it on Jow Forums don't think they don't know where there shit posting belongs

Not really since world's oldest dictator, that tyrant Madhathir basically says fuck you Chinese shortly after coup de tat against Chinese lackey Najib.

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>YFW Russia and China are going to end up fighting each other
Go back to /t_d mutt

>wont post gunz
Buh bye chang

>keep spouting shit how we'd get our ass beat
a lot of it comes from people reading National Interest-tier articles about how we LOST THE WW3 SIMULATION!!!
Retards who don't understand the point of a fucking wargame is to lose so that you know your weaknesses and can address them
OPFOR in wargames are trained to specifically exploit those weaknesses

>If this was Jow Forums we'd be talking about PLAN and PLA
>Jow Forums
>not being completely derailed by retarded samefagging MIGA, curry and napalm nigger shitposting

No gun fag spotted

This has actually been something of a wake up call/depressing for me. I keep seeing the wargames come up, and I first thought "oh cool I can debate how it all played out, we'll all learn something, have a good time" and then not a single fucking person understood that if you win a wargame scenario, it means you didn't do it right. But basically, it just showed me very very few people, even here, have any concept of general warfare, let alone the components that go into it.

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there was a pasta floating around about some general who was playing REDFOR/OPFOR for a counterinsurgency wargame and ended up getting kicked out because they ran it three times with BLUFOR getting murdered each time. Basically he was doing westernized guerrilla warfare and did shit like:
>set up cheap RF jammers in civilian households and had red team use burner cells for comms
>used taxis to get troops into positions for ambushes
>blew up a hospital, waited two hours, then blew up a power station
>launched cruise missile salvos to deplete CIWS then used small boats to suicide scuttle destroyers
>used motorcycle messengers and morse code spotlight signals to control front-line troops
>kept AA radars off and only turned them on when they heard planes overhead
he basically mogged blufor then got fired for it

oops, just googled it, Millenium Challenge 2002, general's name was Paul Van Riper

>Pakistan - shifting toward China
>North Korea - playing both sides
>South Korea - counteracting China
Pretty retarded map. The only truly anti Chinese countries in Asia are Japan India Vietnam and (for the time being) Taiwan, the others are either openly or covertly, willfully or forcibly pro China.

Yeah, that was bullshit. Van Riper was butthurt about getting passed over for Commandant and threw a tantrum to try and show everyone how much of a tactical genius he was.

Please let it happen.


I don’t think anyone is claiming the Chinese or Russians have achieved force projection parity with the US. What’s frightening to some of us who aren’t blinded by chauvinism is that are military capabilities are waning while those of our enemies are wading. Fact of the matter is the Chinese don’t need to achieve parity in force projection right now; they’re just beginning to establish their own regional spheres of influence and are left relatively unchecked. They don’t need to have equipment or training on par with or better than their American counterparts. It’s not and the only people who really pretend it is would be the propaganda arm of the PRC. It just needs to be good enough and in ample quantity given their massive population. That’s to say nothing of production capability. Moreover, given the state of our officer corps and the fact that the military keeps getting cucked in new ways every day by the political class it is not a given that we could swiftly win a conventional war against the PRC or Russia today depending on the size, location, intensity, and objective of the conflict.

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This gets blown out of proportion and misanalyzed. Van Riper was doing bullshit like using motorcycle couriers and claiming he had instantaneous communication, using damn near row boats to launch SCUD missiles, etc. He wasn’t a tactical genius who showed how weak the American military is, he was just a butthurt guy who decided to ruin an exercise in his temper tantrum.

>Implyijng the chinks would make it through the Darien Gap or deal with the shit terrain of Central America

true. south korea president is one massive faggot sucking chinesr cock

Trump, John Bolton and the rest of the Baby Boomer Neoconservatives:


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Shut the fuck up and kill yourself. You fucking "muh go to Jow Forums" KEKOLDS are the absolute worst shitbags on the board.

Weapons are inherently political, politics is inherently a weapon, just fucking kill yourself you worthless piece of garbage.

kek the geopolitical bullshit around this is great.

Yeah he threw a temper tantrum, he's a fucking wizard who was bored dealing with muggles

I'm not sure what any of this post has to do with inviting MULTIPLE foreign countries' militaries onto your soil, but drawing any historical analogies from the Soviet bloc countries seems weird as communism isn't really a thing any more, and Maduro isn't looking to join the Soviet bloc either, as both North Koreans and Vietnamese were.

Honestly the map is pretty accurate
>t. live in SEA and travel a lot for work

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Seconding this post, the US military is way too complacent for its own good, arrogantly assuming you'll win any conflict is a great way to let your guard down and get people killed unnecessarily

Dude was a "that kid" tier fucktard who pretended everything would go perfectly for him.
>set up cheap RF jammers in civilian households and had red team use burner cells for comms
He literally pretended every single house would have one of these "cheap" jammers and thus basically jammed his entire area of operations for free, despite the fact you would need tens of thousands of jammers drawing shittons of powera and they are not at all cheap.
>used taxis to get troops into positions for ambushes
He pretended he would have hundreds of taxis up and running 24/7 with no other traffic on the road, not even other taxis also carrying troops.
>launched cruise missile salvos to deplete CIWS then used small boats to suicide scuttle destroyers
He launched silkworm missiles from fishing trawlers that would realistically have no way of mounting or firing the missiles. Also according to the rules of the simulation the US fleet "spawned" within 10 miles of the shore, giving them no time to intercept the boats before they launched missiles. Also every single missile that didn't get intercept by CIWS was assumed to be a hit.
>used motorcycle messengers and morse code spotlight signals to control front-line troops
There was no mechanism for actually simulating motorcycle travel time so he just told people to assume his motorcycle messangers moved instantly.

Some of the other stuff is fair, but he won through blatantly making shit up that would be physically impossible.

>Honestly the map is pretty accurate
It really isn't. It's an absolute joke to claim that Pakistan is "shifting towards China" when it pretty much is China's closest and oldest ally. I could go on and on, most stuff on that buzzfeed-tier map is wrong.

Calm down Pajeet. Thats from the same humanitarian aid delivery news as yesterday. All they did was unloading the medicine from a cargo plane.

The tallest guy in this picture is 5'5"

>Honestly the map is pretty accurate
Well then you honestly have to be mentally retarded.

Attached: DonGoy.jpg (1440x963, 101K)

Oh, Jared! Jared, thank goodness! I was so confused, I haven't had a CHEESEBERDER since 4:00am watching Fox News, fair and balanced! Jared, can you tell me how to directly serve Zionism and Israel? I'm REALLY confused, I'm kinda a fucking dumb gentile retard, which I know you understand, umm- HEY WHERE'S MY CHEESEBERDER????

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Spotted the trannyfag commie

God, I wish.

>potential military conflict , military gear, and uniforms
>not k
>but pol


oh hey there! It seems you forgot your shark in your image so everyone can notice you! Don’t worry tho, I have it saved for moments just like this friend!

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>That sticky is the reason why this place isnt as much of a shithole as 8/k/.
are you high or just retarded? 8/k/ is a far better board for conversation about military and weapons. In any case 4chans Jow Forums is far worse than they are

>active conflict
>potential conflict
pick one


Half of Venezuela's weapons are Chinese.

Attached: Ven with Chinese made VN16.jpg (320x236, 23K)