Lefty BTFO thread?

Lefties BTFO again.

Also righties fucked if you need to do this with off hand.

Attached: file.png (1551x1029, 1.97M)

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what am I lookin at here, sport?

Looks like some stupid finger print scanner or some shit like that based on the ID logo

looks to be a lock of somekind.

Gay if true

What is this chastity device?

this. it's fast and is the next best thing to bareback as long as you're not a lefty and your fingertips are 100% clean and dry.

that screenshot is from lockpicking laywer ain't it?


Why would one ever buy this? The usual excuse I hear is kids, but if your kid knows where your HD gun is and is an idiot who would misuse it, why wouldn't they be able to scan your sleeping finger?

younger kids. I locked everything up when I had twins but it sucks because everything is locked up. and if you think telling them isn't going to send them straight for your gun to see for themselves, you've never had a toddler

Can't you just keep it somewhere he can't see or reach? I'm assuming you didn't lock up your kitchen knives.


Mate, that's why you tell your kids and even get them some range time on your gat so that they don't have curiosity and so they know the danger of that tool.

Confirmed for being childless.

It doesn't matter how much you teach them about firearms. If you leave them unlocked they will be fucked with. Maybe not even by your own kids, but by the neighbor's yard apes.

If you have kids under 18 ANYWHERE around you, lock your shit up.

Just because you were a retarded piece of shit doesn't mean all children are. Please euthanize yourself so your substandard genes do not mix with the rest of the human population.

That doesn't count to be fair, the Lockpicking Lawyer could open a bank vault with a toothpick and his dick. That guy is insanely skilled.

He could open my anus with his dick if you know what I mean


I love his stuff. Its even better he has a massive gun collection full of some pretty gucci shit.

Love this dude's channel