What are the saudi's even spending this money on? they don't need no laundry

Attached: 2018_Military_Expenditures_by_Country.png (722x592, 46K)

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Funding terrorism and spreading communism in the west

dumb shit like gold hypodermic needles, heroin, diamond coated israeli weapons and twink harems

Learn to think like a wealthy Arab ffs.
They're making technicals out of vantablack coated Lamborghinis with M134s on top.

Commies don’t like Saudi Arabia

>Saudi Arabia spends 25% of its budget on its military — here's what it has for the money

WTF is the US spending it on when we're under an invasion and it's not slowing down at all?

any saudi ive ever talked to online was lefty as fuck. but then again they were probably spoiled oil money college kids suffering from trump derrangment syndrome.

Attached: Arab23.jpg (440x8183, 2.56M)

Attached: Arab2.jpg (440x2203, 512K)

Arabs are weird but they unironically remind me of Americans WRT their "look at me" antics, lack of class and delusional boastfulness.

Saudi buy exports and then hire former western army personnel to maintain their shit or even pilot/drive/sail it in some cases. Fuckers don't even have a real army, it's all for display and too make sure uncle sam will protect them when the shit hits the fan.

>woman swimming while fully dressed
proof hadjis are all gay and/or all their women are ugly as fuck

Arabs/Indians are hairy and their women are no exception
(Think peach fuzz staches, armpit hair, arm/chest/belly hair and genital hair)

there is some 'decently' attractive pajeet ladys, but yeah they do seem hairy. bushy af eyebrowns and a lot seem like they're a dose of testosterone away from growing a beard. never seen a pretty hadji woman though. they all look like gremlins and the ones people try to pass online as being attractive are all slathered in so much make-up it would male rupaul jealous.

>'decently' attractive pajeet ladys
Only the top 1% who had a decent figure and shave/had permanent hair removal.
The rest are either twigs or gnomes

Don't let the graph fool you, America isn't as efficient as China even though they spend more. The quality that America uses needs them to spend 5 iphones worth of gear while China can have the same quality while only spending 1 iphones worth of gear.

lol its funny because its true

Come on Chink shills, don't turn this into another China numba 1 thread

Cuz corruption is proportional to the state is it not?
Most of the mil expenditure goes to the MIC and their dirtbag racketeer execs.
Some go on to line some general and his family's pocket or to buy out politicians.
The rest goes to the 'undefined' portion, namely Black Ops, off-the-grid contractors and glowniggers.

so thats why iPhones fall apart so easily...
glad my phone is made by koreans

>Korean phone
>Fails after a year
Glad I am still using my Xiaomeme Mi mix after 2 years

yea i dont want my data going to the prc for 2 years straight


Shit's expensive yo

For starters
>More aircraft carriers and blue water ships than any other country.
>Scores of staffed bases on domestic and foreign soil.
>Military R&D
>God knows how many aircraft and airfields.

Mercenaries that are paid well enough to not sell them out. Arabs are clannish and vindictive. Westerners just care about money, not some tribal fued from the 18th century.

So why can't we afford free healthcare?

over exentended military and government

1. Its unconstitutional
2. Unconstitutional entitlements already outstrips military spending (by magnitudes)


Stop being retarded, thats not a Jow Forums post

You can, you get it in the military.

or prison. the way this country is going everyone is either going to be in jail, the military or military jail.

So back to serfdom with a ruling military class. Sounds like a good way to run things

eh... maybe not as lame as that but yeah.

You're kind of a fuckwit aren't you? You're going to take numbers from the government designed by politicians and expect them to be transparent and meaningful? There's $709b that is listed, very simply as "other."

your mom is designed by politicians and transparent

>spreading communism in the west

American education everyone. Unironically funded by the saudis.

We could give these communist idiots what they wanted 10 times over if we stopped the MIC. I still wouldn't want to do that, though. I want my fucking income back. I'm tired of being a slave to the gov't.

Well, he's now completely wrong actually. Saudis (and Qatar and to a lesser extent other GCC states) do indeed bribe Western politicians from liberal and leftist parties so that they maintain open borders and pro muslim policies.

That's just a fact.

Something for you to read if you know French:
>how Qatar has bought France and it's politicians

>Gets data sent to Americans instead

not just france