Do video game publisher pay for the right to use weapon names? I hate video games that use fictional names.
Do video game publisher pay for the right to use weapon names? I hate video games that use fictional names
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>Do video game publisher pay for the right to use weapon names?
yes. you ever play SOCOM?
I think I saw something that said yes on 9gag at one point.
I believe they do and I fully agree with you. It drives me fucking crazy, almost as much as fake cars.
I'd say it's a 50-50 right now.
Firearm companies are realizing that millions of kids are growing up playing Call of Duty and shit, and becoming obsessed with something like a Scar 17 because they think it is a cool/good gun. When they get older, they will remember always thinking X is cool so they will spend $3300 on a Scar 17.
Yeah one of the reasons for MGS V having fictional weapons names id because Kojima didn't want to give weapon manufacturer's money
more like mgs v was dogshit and kojima didnt give 2 fucks anymore
MW3 had actual licensing deals for Remington and Colt
stop repeating this meme
Re1? Probably not. Japs just winged it.
Should they charge a license fee for their guns? Fuck no. That's retarded. Let's face it; there are alot of guns we know and fetishize because of video games.
If they made those guns expensive to portray we would never have bought them.
I’m pretty sure Glock is pretty anal about using their firearms and name. Like in Division 2 you see the gun everywhere on the NPC but the player can never get it due to legal issues I’m sure
Not true in the slightest. It was because of the weapons customization system.
Yes and no. Some game developers have license agreements with gun companies others say "fuck it, guns and their images are public domain".
Explain why MGS4 had every gun on the planet by name with extensive details?
the guns were so good in that game it wasnt even funny. i'd replay the same areas over and over just to try out all the gun combos and different assualt/stealth tactics. too bad developing it drove kojima insane.
Like cars, I can see how companies are butt hurt about how their products are portrayed on popular media.
Forza motorsport 7 didn't have toyota in it because toyota don't want their brand in video games. Same can be said for guns.
Peace Walker too.
>Do video game publisher pay for the right to use weapon names?
Sometimes they pay.
Sometimes they choose not to and use made-up names instead.
Sometimes they just use it anyway without paying.
Legally, you are supposed to be able to use guns and other arms in a work of fiction without paying the manufacturers anything.
The problem is that in the US legal system, courts will not automatically throw out the manufacturer's lawsuit against you as frivolous until there is extensive precedent, which means the lawsuits need to be defeated over and over until the courts are satisfied. This has been done for books and movies.
It has not been done yet for video games.
The problem is that lawyers are fucking expensive.
So you have the following choices:
>1. Make up fake names for the guns
>2. Use the real names, and pay the manufacturers if/when they demand money from you
>3. Use the real names, don't pay them, and pay the massive legal bills when they sue you
Obviously #1 is the most popular option, because it's free.
#3 is the least popular option since it's the most expensive.
Eventually after enough people pick #3, courts will start dismissing the lawsuits immediately, and there will be an option 4: use the real names and don't pay anyone anything.
>toyota in it because toyota don't want their brand in video games.
Lotta missed sales by Toyota too. Skyline R34s are incredibly expensive now, all thanks to Gran Turismo
Yeah i dont see why some companies wouldnt be all for it, its basically free advertising
>all the guns used their own, unique ammo pool instead of just having generic "pistol", "rifle", "SMG" ammo
A lot of them don't want their product to be beat up. You'll see it sometimes in racing games where cars of certain brands don't actually get beat up when they crash because the license mandates they never get so much as chipped paint.
I believe some jet manufacturers have similar hangups and I wouldn't be surprised at all if gun manufacturers don't want any mechanical defects or visible scratching/patina to happen to their guns in media.
I especially liked how Kojima made sure to start off the Middle Eastern setting with rebels armed with AK-102s, so that you could share the 5.56x45mm ammo with your M4 Carbine from Drebin.
Too bad the cut scenes felt like they lasted longer than all the actual gameplay, though.
>I believe some jet manufacturers have similar hangups
Ace Combat licenses straight from every major jet fighter company and doesn't shy away from blowing all of their products up.
But do they actually show any damage between being pristine and trailing generic flame effects?
Jow Forumsojima loves guns. It's Konami that didn't want to pay for it.
depends on what gun you're specifically talking about, some of the really old ones they can use for free, but most all modern stuff, yea, they generally gotta pay royalties if they wanna use a proper name for branded stuff. Some companies may sign off for free exposure. Not sure how it works with military designations, desu. For example, m24 sniper system is a modified 700 Remington bolt gun, so they might be able to get away with using that, they might not, don't really know
MGS from '98 featured a bunch of stuff from HK by name
Hell, at least you could skip em.
Yeah, they show bullet holes, blast marks, and so on, and full on animations of them losing wings and control surfaces.
you should be able to legally just call them by the model, like 1911. Remember though, I'm just a nut online and have no practical knowledge, just opinion.....
Medal of Honor: Warfighter featured a ton of advertising with Larue and Daniel Defense.
Larry Snickers even built a custom 1911 specifically for the game.
Then Sandy Hook happened, and EA put the kibosh on any real world gun branding forever.
yeah but ea shooters were shit years before that
I know, just saying it seemed like for a brief second major videogame companies were gonna collaborate with real gun manufacturers.
I know the Division series basically uses real names, they just don't have the official branding.
>Do video game publisher pay for the right to use weapon names?
No, but some developers are more afraid of being sued.
I dont think anyone ever has been though.
The first thing came to my mind was this.
I looked up the first result on google, here you go:
This. At least 5 of the guns I own are because of vidya.
Fast and furious***
I had an idea we see so many shitty WW2 games is because all the companies who made them guns originally don’t exist, who’s gonna sue you for a fucking ancient and obscure use of an Italian bolt action?
didn't Spikes Tactical get mad at the tarkov devs for using their products ingame?
It was actually about the theme of fakes
How come Red Dead Redemption used real names but RDR2 used shitty fake names, but just for the Winchester and Henry?
Any weapons manufacturers refuse to allow their name/logo to appear in games? Or review their use prior to granting permission?
There's also
>Use the real names, don't pay them, hope they don't give a shit
Which would probably work for small, niche indie games.
Or because Konami is a flaming brown bag of dogshit.
Yeah, that's why they had fuckhuge Remington logos on the MSR and ACR, it's pretty funny
>Do video game publisher pay for the right to use weapon names?
No, they do not HAVE to do that.
It's mostly just an American BS, resulted by every corporation and even individuals preying for easy lawsuits for quick buck. Thus, people censor their material in advance.
This shit was actually courted at one point, and the result was clear:
You cannot "copyright" a visual representation of a thing, unless the form itself is essential part of your product.
It is especially OK to use the military designations of weapons freely (ie. M16, M4, AK-47, Stg-58, Type-56, RK62...)
There's been hundreds of books, movies, TV series and games using real gun names and realistic models, and it keeps happening in the future as well. Nobody gives a fuck in reality, and the whole matter's totally blown out of the water.
Going against FREE MARKETING is perhaps the most idiotic thing a business could go against. Bit like Red Cross has been sending C&D threats to people for using red plus signs in health packs and shit in recent years, no matter that it's long been established as a fairly universal sign for health care.
>Yeah one of the reasons for MGS V having fictional weapons names id because Kojima didn't want to give weapon manufacturer's money
Wrong. That crap was all because of:
1) the in-game weapon customization
2) Konami's deal with the Tokyo Marui, who were supposed to make airsoft replicas of MGSV's weapons after the release. That never happened.
MGS:PW from 2010 still used real world weapons and gear, and it was glorious.
If you have to use more than one shot, it's not a Jakobs.
Franken-guns are more fun than using real guns in your game.
Speaking of Medal of Honor...
An online zombie game I used to play was using the actual names of guns for the longest time until one of the forum mods got salty and reported them to Glock who sent a Cease and Desist. So all the guns had to be renamed to avoid legal issues. Some companies charge way too much for names licenses, most developers would rather just save the cash and call it something else. Other companies straight don't give a fuck and let you roll with their name and enjoy the free advertising (I know Keltec and Taurus are like that).
FM6 didn't have Porsche in it for the same reason.
Not if you wanna enjoy any sort of realism, or live out your Rhodesian fantasies.
The Division even uses pretty accurate real life attachments, like Magpul stocks, Trijicon optics, etc.
japan does not honor foreign copyrights
except the division sucks
I didn't say it was good as a game.
It just has good weapon models.
they actually know the difference between a USC and a UMP as well, I was fucking losing it that ubisoft actually put in the effort into their weapon models and shit
SOCOM was the best game ever. I miss it so dearly.
neither do russkies
I guess Toyota would rather be the official vehicle of Islamic terrorism than do something silly like be in a video game.
>dead frontier
Is anyone still play this shit? I remember my lvl 98 character thats gone because I am stuck with ak 47 in high level area and start over with new character until lvl 110 and lose my motivation after that thanks to the one of the most blatant P2W system ever
Also why the hell did pistol and smg are more powerful than assault rifle that is basically useless memegun in that game? What the hell is the developer thibking? And why does granade launchers able to penetrate walls?
Yes and I'm eternally angry that Ubisoft has repeatedly ignored licencing Glock pistol into any of their new games. Rainbow six siege, Wildlands, etc. No Glocks. Even the damn RONI has a CZ in it.
Not sure why they'd doing this. Possible that they're not willing to pay what Glock is asking, or maybe other companies are willing to pay/take price cuts from Ubi in order to remove competition.
Regardless I just want more grenades in my loadouts.
I REALLY hate when games do this. Either have "Ammo" or have specific cartridges.
I see a P09 in there, but that's all I know.
At least Toyota was featured in the initial D arcades
That wasn't because Porsche didn't want to be in video games, it was because of an exclusivity deal with EA signed way back in the late 90's. Anyone else wanting Porsches in their game would've had to go through EA first, some developers did manage that but most opted not to. The exclusivity only ran out rather recently, word has it that Porsche was annoyed at EA largely squandering their license, so they opted to not continue the deal and now Porsches are everywhere.
Incidentally, if you've ever wondered what the deal was with Ruf being featured in lots of video games instead of real Porsches, this is the reason. Ruf is legally its own manufacturer because they build their cars in house from the ground up (as opposed to acquiring completed cars and modifying them), so they weren't legally bound by the EA deal and their generous attitude towards licensing won them lots of developer love as the Porsche-shaped objects of choice.
That, plus the Yellow Bird yeeting around the Nurburgring meme
Glock is the only company that has been actively going against game developers putting their guns in games. That's why Insurgency Sandy Vagina had to get rid of their glock.
this is true. I have a ptr32 and showed a friend's visiting calibro the rifle because he wanted to see some guns.
bring out ptr32 and he goes "whoaaaa is that a g3?!?!" all because of CoD.
he's probably the happiest person to ever do the hkslap that I've seen.
Didn't they get around that by just making the glock one of those aftermarket frame and slide kit guns?
Not sure since the classes I usually play only give me the Not Beretta and the Sig.
Is that a prototype for the Hudson H9
>Is anyone still play this shit?
user you do know they released Dead Frontier 2 on Steam right?
BnR brother
How come it appears in Escape from Netcode?
Slavs don't give a shit.
Good luck having an Austrian Company sue somebody in Russia over names for plastic boxes.
It’s photoshop
Changes in the atmosphere of copyright between 2010 and 2018. Less likely to get away with it now
Because Take Two didn't own Rockstar's balls back when RDR1 came out
Game sucks, calls it a P10. Still CZ tho.
The 1911 is in so many videogames because it's basically a public domain design now, which is why so many gun companies make their own 1911. You can do whatever you want with the likeness of a 1911 as long as you don't mention a specific manufacturer.
As for other guns, you can sometimes get away with using just the name of the gun without the manufacturer, but you'd probably be safer using a military name for it (M9 instead of 92FS) because those aren't copyrighted. When those don't exist, you can get away with using a slightly altered version of the gun's real name. (G17 instead of Glock 17, M11 instead of MAC-11, SG-556 instead of SIG-556)
Funnily enough, the official instagram account for Henry used the RDR2 tag back when the game released.
Shit taste.
this x2
the only reason i ever wanted for years, and eventually bought, a Beretta 92 was because of its appearance in the old original Resident Evil games, specifically because of Jill of course.
It is illegal and prohibited to use the term "Olympics" because The Olympic Games Organization was given some kind of exclusive rights to the word, lol
they have sued people over this and won.
I love the old CS gun names. The Krieg 552, the Clarion 5.56, the CV47, Knight hawk .50. oh man good times.
It's also illegal to use a red cross for medical shit.
That's a unique case. Using the red cross symbol for any reason if you're not affiliated with the ICRC was actually banned by the Geneva Conventions and subsequently domestic law.
J&J only gets an exception since they were using the trademark before that.
Though opposition from those companies is actually somewhat justified even for commercial reasons under normal trademark law: both the Red Cross and Johnson&Johnson are legally entitled to be pissed when people use their trademark generically because it can increase the risk of losing it.
Arms manufacturers don't have that justification though.
The use of "Glock" to refer to a Glock obviously doesn't promote genericization.
I miss socom
I wanted one but it was way too big for my baby hands. So I did the next best thing.
>Ywn own a Berretock M1992FS
Yes, the whales, spend $400 USD on an implant to get a 3% increase to find tinned hotdogs
The game is dead, Admin would rather work on his game that prints money from Brazilians than expand with a sequel. He also got a lot of flak from Leddit when everyone knew he gave up and shutdown the official subreddit
Fighter jet customers are much less likely to play Ace Combat.
They're making a sequel called Leekon, btw
90's RE games were kino
You don't need to pay for the use of some types of weapons. I don't know if you can copywrite a gun, but there's a billion M4gerys out there.
The ak47 is definitely able to be used in anything without paying someone. Same for many old weapons.