>grandpa has an old Argentine Mauser >shoots 7.65 originally >cant figure out what it shoots >take it to boomer gunsmith >30-06 >wtf >grandpa is told it can be sold of 1k+ >boomer grandpa believes gunsmith
He's having tapped for a scope now.
Why do Boomers ruin old rifles? He keeps trying to get me to tap my MATCHING Kar98.
Do you really think that zoomer faggots are really going to want old surplus rifles? Hell no they want virtual reality and vidya and sex robots. Guns will be obsolete because everyone will be wearing a VR headset in 10 years and guns will be banned by AOC
Connor Watson
Nobody with a brain cares what that dumb bitch has to say
Eli Turner
Doesnt mean it cant be improved upon. Gasoline was pretty practical, and lead made it better.
Gabriel Perry
AOC? Fucking idiot.
Austin Rogers
No it didn't mega-Antichrist poster.
Carter Evans
Stupid boomer, nothing will ever top the feeling of blowing up the fucking sun with a can of orange juice.