Grandpa has an old Argentine Mauser

>grandpa has an old Argentine Mauser
>shoots 7.65 originally
>cant figure out what it shoots
>take it to boomer gunsmith
>grandpa is told it can be sold of 1k+
>boomer grandpa believes gunsmith

He's having tapped for a scope now.

Why do Boomers ruin old rifles? He keeps trying to get me to tap my MATCHING Kar98.

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'cause they see it as a tool to use. Part of history or not, if it can be used with glass then it's a more practical rifle.

Its already a practical rifle, though.

They love to destroy all financial security for the younger generations.

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Do you really think that zoomer faggots are really going to want old surplus rifles? Hell no they want virtual reality and vidya and sex robots. Guns will be obsolete because everyone will be wearing a VR headset in 10 years and guns will be banned by AOC

Nobody with a brain cares what that dumb bitch has to say

Doesnt mean it cant be improved upon.
Gasoline was pretty practical, and lead made it better.

Fucking idiot.

No it didn't mega-Antichrist poster.

Stupid boomer, nothing will ever top the feeling of blowing up the fucking sun with a can of orange juice.

Zoomers care. Hell, zoomers want to change the “George Washington colonials” to the “George Washington hippos” that’s what we are dealing with here. The testosterone has been depleted, the birth control and fluoride are contaminating the water. Millennials are the last generation before total and complete dystopian communist technocracy

>less knockback
>more corrosion/internal damage
Yeah great tradeoff

>There is a human being that actually believes this

My friends dad did the same with a Jap WW2 bolt scout rifle, same caliber too. Absolutely disgusting what boomers will do, given a piece of history

>Ain't no durr ruffle that can't be improved with glass, son. *sip* Now hand over that Mauser and let's tap it for a Weaver mount.

It's more practical. More options for literally no downside other than historical and sentimental things. If you're looking at it from a purely functional point of view, bubbaing is perfectly fine. I'd never do it because I see changing functional and old things like that so dramatically as bad, but don't pretend the option of adding glass isn't a good thing.

What's your argument here? You don't know why leaded gas existed because you're a zoomer, and you're too stupid to google

I hate your grandpa and hope he croaks

>spend hours bubba-ing an approx. $500 surplus mauser with 3MOA
>Buy a brand new $300 sub MOA TC Compass with already set up for a scope

Gee, which is more practical? How badly did leaded paint and gasoline fuck you up, gramps?

>destroy historical rifles for durr hunting
>destroy western civilization for cheap lawncare
It's like poetry, it rhymes.

You're dumb.
You realise that we still use lead in aviation gasoline right? No corrosion issues and no damage. On the contrary, unleaded fuel will destroy the higher horsepower engines.
The anti- detonation and lubricating properties of lead are still unsurpassed. The EPA has been trying for 30 years to replace it, but no alternative has been good enough.

It's almost as if the vast majority of rifles being bubba'd were owned by said bubbas for a long time and no one buys surplus just to bubba it. If you have a rifle, and you have a scope it is more practical to tap that rifle than it is to buy a new rifle.

Keep being angry but it doesn't change anything.

>Why do Boomers ruin old rifles?
A "tapped" rifle that gets shot a lot is better than some idiot buying some old gun and keeping it as a safe queen because he doesn't want to ruin it's value even though he'll never sell it.

did you show him what bubba guns go for compared to matching original ones and remind him that hes destroying something with historical significance

>but no alternative has been good enough
Thats because they're still using ancient 1950s design engines in GA. If the EPA helped subsidized the certification of new engines then maybe we could get away from 100LL.

when he dies user can inherit it and larp with it properly instead of selling it to the pawn for $100.
even if a no guns gets it to sell it anyways, theyll at least get $150 out of it instead.

buy a savage if you want a cheap hunting 30-06

>Why do Boomers ruin old rifles?
Because back in his day, Mausers were as cheap as nuggets were ten years ago. Remember how retards would make "tactical" Mosins and all other types of abortions because "lol it's just $100?" There will always be impulsive idiots out there who can't grasp the concept of stewardship when it comes to owning historical things.

>súper satan time