
Real talk how much ammo would you need in an average self defense scenario? Say for a handgun?

By that I mean the assailant wouldn't be a north-hollywood-shootout equipped cunt with high capacity magazines and armor. Maybe just some stickup man or a handgun waving gangbanger.

Attached: Nerf Warrior.jpg (1600x1200, 167K)

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At least 45 rounds of 10mm anything less a d you're asking to end up chalked.

Literally anything better than a single shot flintlock muzzle loader from the 1800s, and even that will probably work anyways and had good enough results historically.

At least 1000 20mm shells and an auto cannon

I unironically carry 56 rounds, and there's 16 in the gun. So that's 3 spare mags with extended base plates, and the factory mag in the gun. Carry however much you're comfortable with. Having a gun already gives you a pretty hefty force multiplier.

The average defensive shooting sees less than three rounds fired.

Sounds exactly like a Cali mag grabber. Literally the opposite was used to enforce the appeal.

Six bullets. Anyone saying otherwise is a glockfag trying to justify their purchase.

I'm 26 and I have that vest.

>planning for the average level of fucked
>getting fucked the 50% of the time that shit's above average.

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Every analysis I've seen has some high percentage like 95% resolved in 3 or fewer rounds.

I carry a Glock 43 with 8+1 with a mag extension. Sometimes I’ll carry a back up mag but I just carry with one mag in the gun.

Nigger I ain't saying only carry 3 in a mag, just that maybe you dont need 200 rounds on your person at all times.

>only 200
aint gonna cut that with 9mm desu

Taking your question literally, in the average self defence scenario you would be fine with an empty gun. That’s probably not what you want to hear though.
You never plan for the average situation, you plan for the 0.0001% situation.
Any pistol with 5+ shots has you covered even for the 0.0001% situation.

For your average retard hoodlum, probably no more than what the gun holds in it's mags because most common thugs cut and run the second someone who isn't them discharges a weapon. They aren't in it for the same goals as school shooters or terrorists, they don't have some grand point to make or a manifesto to tempt the media vultures to spread far and wide, they just want some easy cash from a pussy who doesn't fight back. They aren't willing to get shot to death just to try and have a drawn out gun battle like it's some kind of movie. I'd probably just carry two spare mags though, if you somehow manage to blow through three mags and aren't out of the shit yet you should probably thinking a lot more about how to extricate yourself from the shit alive than about continuing a gun fight.

I remember seeing a post by Mas Ayoob or Tom Givens stating that LE gun usage generally sees one full magazine fired, regardless of capacity. Not a 1:1 with civilian usage by any means but the only one we have reliable data on. I'd say get a gun with as much capacity as you can reliably conceal well with your lifestyle/dress. You don't need to carry 200 rounds, but sometimes people are attacked by multiple assailants and 6 might not do it.

Your assuming that every round available to you makes a solid hit in the K-Zone and that the bullets perform exactly as advertised (by the PPL who get paid to make you buy the product they Rep). Your also assuming that there is only one attacker and that the other attacker is not waiting for you to reload; a common tactic in the 1st Watts Riots. The truth is one should not bet the lives of their family upon such assumptions, bullets often miss the BGs, do not perform as advertised, increasingly there are more than one attacker(s) which is why PDs are trained to, and often mag dump into an armed BG reload and then check their 6. If you think we should rely on a 130 year old six shooter to take down BGs your welcome to your fantasy. I on the other hand will rely on a rifle w/a 30rnd mag

>you plan for the 0.0001% situation.

No I don't. That's what larping faggots who post in EDC threads do.

This is cop perspective so not exactly applicable to people not paid to carry a gun but still some good advice in here from someone who has been in multiple gun fights.


get off your phone and pay attention to the AARP meeting you fucking boomer


So you walk out of the house in sweats and empty pockets?

how did you get from:
>I don't feel a need to prepared for anything but the most likely situations
>hurr durr you go outside naked?

1 extra mag

first 4-5 shots will be quick reaction/ panic shots, rest of mag will be somewhat aimed shots and should take care of anyone that did already start to run away
the extra mag is to make you feel safe while waiting for cops in case the guy that ran comes back

I just finished a convo with a guy that's nearly 80 he relies on a S&W m-19, carries two speed loaders, he let me look at his gun, it had rust in the barrel, hammer/trigger and the cylinders were plugged with lint. Yeah, go ahead and pack your wheel gun, Pancho

Don't forget to take cover...ballistic cover

Attached: Bait Killer.jpg (525x407, 74K)


Hes saying people in EDC threads dont actually carry and just want replies