What's wrong with this?

What's wrong with this?

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>Ferris told Hicks to shoot him with a .22-calibre rifle while Ferris wore the vest. The affidavit says the shot left a red mark on Ferris' chest and that he was angry because it hurt.

>The affidavit says Hicks then put on the vest and Ferris “unloaded the clip” into his back, causing bruises but no serious injuries.

Only thing I can imagine would be discharging a firearm in city limits or near a residence. I guess it'd be hard to pin attempted murder or anything. Maybe criminal negligence?

As long as both parties consented and aren't trying to file charges, it should be a slap on the wrist.

>What's wrong with this?
cancucks infringing on date night


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I also fail to see anything wrong

Generally you can't consent to assualt. The charges are the state's to file, not the individuals. If they want to prosecute for assault with a deadly weapon they can, even if both men refuse to testify.

It's Canada. They freak out if you use a firearm in anyway other than shooting at animals as a licenced hunter or at the fudd range.

Its funny in a gay sort of sense.

If I cant shoot myself and my friend cant shoot me legally, then what is the fucking point of living in this shithole?

this happened in arkansas

Legally there's nothing stopping you from shooting yourself so long as your intent isn't to die.

Suicide is a crime bucko

Yeah I'd kill myself but I don't want to get arrested then they'll take my guns.

In bong land, it used to be illegal to attempt to commit suicide, the punishment was death.

that's the kind of thing every 8th grader ever heard someone say about any country ever

Thing is, this one's true, there's so many fucked up ancient laws there it's laughable.
You can for instance carry a concealed weapon in the UK, so long as it is at least 6 ft in length.
A few years ago rather than pay a fine, one guy attempted to use a still existing law from medieval times, and requested that the debt be settled by fighting their champion to the death. Needless to say, he didn't get his request granted.

>Needless to say, he didn't get his request granted.
Literally gay and bluepilled.

>he didn't get his request granted
Wow, gay

Reckless endangerment, you have to be sober to shoot at each other

How depressing.

This varies by state. Maybe even county. I know in some jurisdictions if the "victim" chooses not to press charges, it goes nowhere. The police might break it up but that's it.

Where I work it’s being closed, my friend who’s a property developer wanted to buy the land, but a restriction on the plot from the fucking 1700’s say he can’t use it for anything which isn’t a Christian school

>asks somebody to shoot him
>gets angry when it hurts

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>by state, maybe by county
It's Global Winnipeg. Which state do you think Winnipeg is in.

>It's Canada.
You need a PAL to even buy a pellet gun.
Fuck that country.

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wtf did they do wrong?

>article says Arkansas
There are several places reporting the same story.
People who don't read should be shot on the spot.

This sounds like a cut Three Stooges gag.


America...how far you've fallen.


But that's fucking wrong you mong.

Will this finally shut up all the noguns who claim getting shot with plates doesn't hurt?

if it was a plate it wouldnt have hurt
it must have been a soft vest

Will it finally teach you the difference between plates and a vest, retard?

>building up an immunity

>80018 [Reply]▶

the assault part is the threat, if you aren't threatened it's not assault, and you can consent to battery.

Did any of you retards actually read what happened? They made up a wild story and filed a fake police report

huh, weird. i keep a very close eye on news from the winnipeg area at all time, but i haven't read anything about what you posted.

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No harm, no foul. The State has no interest or standing in this case.

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Not entirely. Pellet guns that are too weak ("replica firearms" producing 1.25J or below) or too strong (5.7J+) are prohibited.